Jack Franks Files Freedom of Information Requests with School Districts Asking for Seven Years’ Data

Jack Franks

McHenry County Board Chairman Jack Franks, having met with some school district officials privately June 6th, has sent our Freedom of Information requests seeking the following information from each school district for 2010 through 2017:

  • The total number of district employees
  • The total number of administrators employed by the district
  • All salary ranges for administrative staff
  • The total compensation for administrative staff paid in each fiscal year
  • All salary ranges for teachers
  • The total compensation for teacher staff paid in each fiscal year
  • The number of teachers at each school in your district.

One would hope that he would develop the same information for County government and share it with school district officials throughout the county, as well as the public.


Jack Franks Files Freedom of Information Requests with School Districts Asking for Seven Years’ Data — 29 Comments

  1. Jack be nimble,
    Jack be sick,
    Don’t fall prey
    to his ‘Taxfighter” schtick!

  2. Let’s hope he gets all that info, shares it with the public and then determines how much redundancy and waste there might be in administration expense and other expenses.

  3. All this data is available online already, on CAFRs.

    There are tax watchdogs, including me, ready and able to assist County efforrs to lower school district expenditures by 10%

  4. Franks vs Schools, would be like watching two hobos, fighting over a stolen wallet.

  5. It’s amazing that Jacko still gets away with this sort of grandstanding after shamelessly padding his own payroll with two unnecessary assistants.

  6. I love it 4 comments bemoaning the effects of saving you money. It’s really just sad.

  7. Outrageous! Nobody FOIA’s like my sunshine blogger. Listen Mr. Franks, until you get a vintage camera around your neck and grow an immense fat-filled belly, you can’t consider yourself a bona fide FOIA requester. Sunshine blogger, did you find out how many stray cats and unclaimed political campaign signs are there around McHenry County? Please get to the bottom of it. Stay tuned…tic, tock, tic, tock, tic, tock, meow, meow, meeeeeoooooowwwwwwwww…

  8. He’s not saving us any money.

    The County Board has no authority over the schools, and all parties involved know it.

    This is yet another meaningless publicity stunt perpetrated by a man who has built his career on them.

  9. Are you dull, Billy Bob? Have you ever heard of political pressure?

  10. Jack doesn’t have the gravitas to put pressure on anyone.

    This isn’t about taxes; it’s about fatso getting publicity for opposing them.

  11. Yea Spotlight. Who better to look at the books of School Districts, than a guy that for 20 years in Springfield, legislated the bankruptcy of an entire State?

  12. Do you want to save money or not? If Cal posts the salaries of all teachers, do you even read them? Better yet. Do you even do anything with that information?

    Of course you don’t!!

    It’s the responsibility of elected officials to put pressure one taxing districts to decrease their liability. Franks is doing that with this FOIA and analyzing data.

    Get in line in decreasing the largest line item on our taxes.

  13. Just amazed that no one spoke to it until Billy Bob. RIght on Billy Bob. He has NO authority to do anything! Some people in here are just too gullible.

  14. **Just amazed that no one spoke to it until Billy Bob. RIght on Billy Bob. He has NO authority to do anything! Some people in here are just too gullible.**

    Neither does Cal – should Cal stop writing about things, and putting a spotlight (and spin) on things?

  15. Cal, how many FOIA inquiries have you filed? Hundreds? Thousands? And what authority do YOU have?
    Is there anything Jack Franks could do that you wouldn’t attack him for?

  16. My sunshine blogger is the FOIA requester-in-chief. He has the authority of a solid 2% libertarian support backing him. What else do you need? 102 days…tic, tock, tic, tock, tic, tock, meow, meow, meeeeeoooooowwwwwwwww…

  17. Totally amazed that the really stupid people in here do not understand by what authority we are speaking. You are complete simpletons in that you do not need any authority to file FOIA requests. You stupidly insist that is what we speak of. You are the dumbest liberals. You have managed to dumb down this blog to the point of oblivion with your whining and moaning over things you make up. He HAS no authority over the schools! How stupid do you have to be to get that part screwed up!!! Talking to these idiots is like trying to nail jello to a tree. I’m done!

  18. Really Cindy? You are done? As in your won’t ever comment here again?!

    Ding dong!

  19. Dear Satan: I refuse to believe such an entertaining cell mass like you could be even contemplating the possibility of stepping away from this beacon of political commentary known as the McHenry County sunshine blog. Before making this terrible mistake, please reconsider this thought and keep in mind millions of people rely on your seasoned analysis of politics, education, journalism, race relations, and international affairs, among others. Do it for our idyllic county, our beautiful state, our great country, our flat planet, and our disk-shaped, spiral galaxy (according to fake scientists). Most importantly, do it for today’s youth. Stay tuned…tic, tock, tic, tock, tic, tock, meow, meow, meeeeeoooooowwwwwwwww…

  20. Maybe the left wing extremists, Trump haters, will also leave this blog when the GDP numbers come out Friday AM.

  21. Maybe I’ll see some consistency from either side when the… well I don’t know, but it would be nice.

  22. Franks? No Thanks.

    There was a crooked pol, and he walked a crooked mile.
    He seized a crooked pension —- a gigantic crooked pile.
    He bought a crooked board, with Gottemoler, a crooked louse,
    And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

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