Rahm Sleeps with the Fishes, Politically Speaking

My son never liked Teletubbies, but the final scene of each episode sprung to mind when Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel annouced he was not goint to run for a third term.

McHenry County Blog gives a TeleTubby Bye-Bye to Rahm Emanuel

I interacted only once with Emmanuel.

That was the day when both Republican Jim Ryan and Democrat Rod Blagojevich were debating at WGN-TV studieos.

JimRod, the Two-Headed Chicken appears at a State Capitol press conference in 2002.

JimRod, the Two-Headed Chicken was banned from the property, so had to stand at the entrance.

Both power party candidates refused to enter the front door for their gubernatorial debate, instead driving around the big parking lot and entering by a back door.

Emmanuel was running for Blagojevich’s congressional seat.

As he walked by, I offered a pamphlet as I did to others who were destined to be in the audience.

He refused it.

The impression I got of him was that he was the coldest fish I had ever seen.

And, now he doesn’t sleep with the fishes, politically speaking.


Rahm Sleeps with the Fishes, Politically Speaking — 10 Comments

  1. The most infamous Rahmbo story of them all is the one that begins with the dinner the night after Bill Clinton was elected in 1992. Among those present at the dinner table was ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, who watched while an overwrought and clearly exhausted Emanuel began ranting at a long list of Clinton “enemies.” As he shouted each name, he stabbed the table with his steak knife: “Nat Landow! Dead! Cliff Jackson! Dead!” Apparently, others joined in.


  2. Tiny Dancer looked at the polling numbers and decided his reign of error was over.

    Axelrod said he had a ‘chance’ to pull it off, but McCarthy had to be bought off.

    But McCarthy couldn’t be bought or scared off. Too bad Tiny Dancer!

    4.2: Obama’s Homosexual Escapades in Chicago
    According to multiple reports, Barack Hussein Obama II routinely frequented Man’s Country Bathhouse, a men’s only nightclub in Chicago, Illinois which is infamously known as one of the Wind City’s “grand old bathhouses”. Obama reportedly frequented the bathhouse from 1996 until January of 2004 when he finally embarked on his political campaign for the U.S. Senate. Informed sources in Chicago’s gay community state that Obama and his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the Man’s Country Bathhouse whose computer files and pre-computer paper files reportedly include membership information for both men. Although the U.S. Secret Service has since purged the membership data on Obama and Emanuel, members are issued club identification cards for entry which both Obama and Emanuel previously possessed. Chicago gossip columnist Kevin DuJan stated that rooms at Man’s Country Bathhouse are still referred to as the “Presidential Suite” and the “Oral Office” because “the current President used to haunt the place when he was a just another Illinois State Senator that no one had ever heard of or cared about”. In other words, Obama’s homosexual escapades are so notorious that the rooms at the gay club have retained semantical references to him.


  3. The Chicago cops and firemen and EMTs, and the electricians and water people who make the creeking City work, know Rahm doesn’t represent them and sells them out constantly, so what remains of Rahm’s base? Boystown? Jewish oldsters on Lake Shore Dr.?

    In a city of increasing racial identification politics, if Rahm couldn’t count on most of the Hispanics, most of the Asians, and the rapidly declining White ethnics, he was toast!

    Good riddance!

  4. Ok, so someone will need to update Wiki’s list of legendary swamp monsters.

    I’m guessing he should go somewhere after the Bunyip and maybe before the Lizard Man.

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