Illinois Leaks Dissection of Anna May Millers’ Time Sheets Continues

Reprinted from Illinois Leaks with permission:

Algonquin Township Road District – Anna May Miller – time for no time recorded..and then some


Illinois Leaks Dissection of Anna May Millers’ Time Sheets Continues — 6 Comments

  1. Another question for Kenneally:

    What is the statute of limitations on fraud?

    It would appear that if a grand jury was seated there is plenty of evidence unearther by Kirk to warrant a trial.

    Maybe we can get CNN to televise the FBI arresting Anna May similar to how they treated Roger Stone and all he did it appears is forget to use the Madigan defense:

    “I don’t remember” as a response to every question posed in Congress.

  2. Kenneally will not prosecute the Millers.

    I like Pat but his Comey-like attitude toward the Millers was very disappointing.

  3. Again, Anna Mae used to routinely leave her PHHS meetings between 10 AM and 10:30 AM regardless of whether or not the meeting was still going on, claiming she had to babysit her grandchildren.

    Did she do that or did she clock in at the township?

    Leaving the meetings often either changed the outcome of votes, as the committee was evenly divided and Sandra Salgado, who was the swing vote, rarely showed up.

    In some cases a quorum was lost and the meeting had to be adjourned without completing its business.

    Following one of those instances, Miller complained after the fact that committee had violated the OPA by continuing to listen to a presentation by staff that was very time sensitive but which did not call for any voting.

    Another time the remaining 4 committee members voted 3 to 2 to disapprove the budget of the Mental Health Board, resulting in quite a tither at MHB and subsequent joint meetings with MHB finance committee.

  4. If time records have been falsified by Miller, it is not only fraud, but forgery.

    There is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on forgery.

    Like murder, it’s one of those gifts that keeps on giving!

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