The Saturday Woodstock Pro-Life Prayer Vigil

People were bundled up in the cold on the Woodstock Square last Saturday night.

One of the orgnaizers who is a Friend of McHenry County Blog sent the following commentary:

It was cold Saturday night.

January 22nd the McHenry Right to Life Vigil is an event to pray and have reverence for the lives that were lost to abortion and is held every year

Beautifully done, reverence always given. 

The youth group walked to the vigil carrying candles slowly, silently arrived.

Teens walked from St. Mary’s Catholic Church.

About 200 people in attendance.

However I was saddened to see it politicized by the Tony Colatorti and Joe Tirio campaigns

This event has never had this happen in all the years I have attended.

Colatorti campaign wearing clothing with his name on in large letters.

Vechicles parked with his name largely visable

He himself with Colatorti Sheriff on the back of his jacket. 

Colatorti people passing his petitions.

Tiro and his group wearing his name tags on clothing carrying petitions for signatures. 

Is there any respect?   

Robb Tadelman at Pro-Life Prayer Vigil.

I then came across Robb Tadelman with his wife and daughters. 

Nothing with his name any where on him or anyone else. 

No people passing petitions for him. 

I watched as he and his family bowed during prayer, silent. Listening respectfully to speakers.

When the bell was tolled  62  times for every one million abortions, the Tadelmans were silent with heads bowed. 

His children were about 9 or 10 and they were silent and heads bowed holding their pro life magnets with the baby feet on it.   

At the end it was announced that elected officials or candidates can raise their hands. 

Tony did. 

Robb did not. 

Someone near him told Robb to raise his hand. 

Robb said “No, this is not my event”.

What a contrast. 

People would not even know who he was. 


= = = = =

It’s not that policitians did not attend the event.

These had their photos taken:

Kelly Tadelman, Michael Rein, Robb Tadelman and Craig Wilcox.


The Saturday Woodstock Pro-Life Prayer Vigil — 23 Comments

  1. “However I was saddened to see it politicized by the Tony Colatorti and Joe Tirio campaigns.”

    Stupid comment by a shill. These things must be politicized!

    BLM worshipper Tadelman pro life? Yeah, right!

    He worked against Ives, labeling her an ‘extremist.’

    Wilcox can go f himself!

  2. I agree that it is a “stupid” write-up and was likely written by a Tadelman “shill.”

  3. At the end it was announced that elected officials or candidates can raise their hands.

    Tony did.

    Robb did not.

    It’s probably because Rob never wanted the job in the first place. Words from his own mouth!

  4. Shalom Ya’All —

    Here we go again, metaphorically digging through the compost pile behind Planned Parenthood. You aren’t changing any minds or votes. Can’t you come up with a new argument or persuasive issue to discuss.

    métis skinwalker — we known you don’t like Tadelman, him being Jewish is enough for you to vote for the other candidate. Go ahead and tell us who you like as a candidate and why.

    Stay Ignorant My Friends

    The Most Interesting Jew in the World

  5. Rein, Buehler, Wilcox: cuckservatives all.

    Anybody who supports the gun control/Black Lives Matter Taddelman needs tar and feathering!

  6. I can’t say that flying your flag and passing petitions at any gathering where many conservatives are likely to be gathered as being unexpected.

    On the other hand, as Friend asserts, this would appear to be a departure from previous years.

    Or else previously it was less overt?

    To my way of thinking, this particular event is a solemn memorial, a prayerful vigil for lives lost.

    Tadelman showed class and respect.


  7. Well, I’m saddened this blog would give some miscreant like the article’s commentor any credence.

    I was there at this event with the former Respect Life Chairwoman of St. Mary’s

    No one was gathering signatures before the event!

    It was mostly speakers.

    A battle axe went up to the organizer’s lawyer husband and tried to order him around by saying “you have to get rid of all these politicians and take their petitions away!” to which he replied (to Eileen Marhoeffer) “NO!”

    Nice circular firing squad Marhoeffer’s set up for fellow Republicans.

    No one else.

    You would’ve thought she learned her lesson defaming Colatorti to constituents.

    This is exactly why people don’t run for public office.

  8. John Reinert chairman of Algonquin Township and Tyler Wilke, chairman of the party should have a serious sit down with this destructive person, Eileen Marhoefer. Republicans are great at one thing and that’s circular firing squads.

  9. I too was there with my family and this is just a cheap attempt at a political hit piece. I was glad to see PRO-LIFE candidates PROUDLY in attendance and not hiding in the shadows only waiting for a last minute photo op.

    Btw- Wilcox, Rein, Colatorti, Nicolosi, and Tirio proudly raised their hands when asked to do so because they are all PROUD TO BE PRO-LIFE and PROUD TO SHOW IT! No need for them to hide away and be embarrassed to publicly respond that they’re pro-life.

    Before the event, I did see some old fat lady awkwardly going around yelling at people who had petitions, and then she took Tattleman around. Who was she? Clearly she was associated with him, so I assumed that since she was trying to stop people’s 1st amendment right to petition in a public square before an event Tattleman approved of her silencing others 1st amendment rights. An experienced leader would’ve stopped that, he didn’t.

    After watching the sheriff forum, reading social media posts (pro BLM holiday celebrations and Mexican Independence Day over US Constitution Day, etc), being successfully sued for violating someone’s 4th amendment rights, and now appearing with his people as they attempt to quash other’s 1st amendment rights; it appears to me that Tattleman is a RINO, young and inexperienced, not proud to be pro-life, and in his own words-is not ready to be sheriff.

  10. I am the Secretary of the county Republican Party and Chairwoman of McHenry County GOPac which has been promoting ALL Republican Candidates in this upcoming 2022 election.

    I was at this event and upon entering the Square of my own hometown, I was verbally accosted by Marhoffer with insults such as ‘there is no place for you here with petitions’ and ‘this is not a political event’ and the accusation such as ‘not having any class’ was just the cherry on top!

    Marhoffer has literally flown her finger in the faces of many Republicans who don’t see things exactly her way, like she’s some kind of Political Dictator.

    She bullies and bosses yet has no standing to do so.

    She’s counter-active and destructive to the candidates she supports (and to the Republican Party).

    She is a precinct committeeman, who needs to re-examine her role.

  11. How dare you try to shame Tony for believing in something his whole life. I’m sorry, are you new to politics, at any event you go to, you FLAUNT your name – no matter what. This wasn’t a FUNERAL. The topic of pro-life is super important to Tony and always has been. THIS TOPIC BEEN POLITICIZED BY EVERY POLITICIAN ON THE PLANET FOR DECADES. I find it funny how all of a sudden Robb is now pro-life and funnily enough he actually JUST SAID he was for the 2nd amendment at the debate on Wednesday 1/26 all only AFTER TONY has been saying since the beginning of time!!! LOL gimmie a break, Robb’s family “acting” bowing heads, training their kids on this “just for pics” is ALL FOR SHOW AND TELL AKA POLITICS. This article that was written must have been written by the most ignorant, naive libtard woman in McHenry County(apparently the culprit of the article is Eileen Marhoeffer as seen as in the above multiple comments). Naturally someone as FAKE as this would be a supporter of ROBB cause he’s as FAKE as they come. Undercover Liberal, will bow down to BLM run programs/politics etc. He’s not strong or confident enough to run his household let alone a whole COUNTY.

    Just so you know, Tony’s political gear is worn EVERYWHERE by all his supporters because the thousands of us believe in him and his words and actions. He has friends and family and loved ones all over Illinois and we ALLLLLLL know that he is the man for the job, this is why he’s supported and flaunted all over the place. We ALLLLLL know, that degrading, the rumors, the made up stories are all Bullshit and hearsay because ROBB IS LOSING and his supporters feel like the Hillary Clinton supporters in 2020. Go put your pussy hats on because that’s what you all are. Undercover liberals hiding behind a screen and defacing Tony’s property and making up frivolous lies just like the DEMOCRATS aka DEMONRATS you are. No clue how you call yourselves Republicans and acting like you’re all pro-life. You’re all a JOKE and it’s pathetic that Robb’s camp has to do this to make themselves feel better about their candidate.

    Tony has more than enough to keep him focused on winning this election and has never had to stoop as low as Robb and his people have to get votes. Tony is as real as they come. He’s a man of his word, an amazing father to all his kids, phenomenal husband, family man and friend. He is most of all one of the BEST police officer’s I know. I’m so glad Tony was able to be in many diverse communities to get all the necessary experience needed to run the county. All this experience combined with all his business ingenuity MAKES Tony the BEST MAN for SHERIFF.

  12. What about you Karen? Will you examine your role of advancing cuckservatives like Reinert,Rein, Buehler and Wilcox?

    Sure, Marhoefer is weird. She’s a Reinert groupie.

    The reason Twaddelman didn’t raise his hand is because he (and his synagogue) are NOT prolife.
    I appreciate Twaddelman’s honesty….. or maybe he thought ahead and didn’t want trouble with his actual position (proabortion) being pointed out later.

    Twaddleman only went there bc somebody told him the GOP will be there and he has to be seen.

    But he and his liberal synagogue are staunchly pro Pritzker and transgender! If you don’t believe ask the female rabbi there who always tried to cover for Franks!

    Ask why Twaddleman called Ives an ‘antiabortion extremist’.

    Ask Twaddleman why he called Rittenhouse a ‘vigilante’?

    Go ahead ask him!!!

  13. Then according to Marhoffers complaint, she’s saying that the Right to Life organizers were inappropriate for asking

    Elected Officials and Candidates to raise their hands!

    No place for politics? Even Jesus was involved in politics with the Pharisees and Sadducees.

    Tirio’s are Pro-Life as can be and are friends with the organizers.

    No wonder the organizer’s husband told her to fly a kite!

    For Marhoffee, this event wasn’t about Pro-Life, it was about pushing HER political agenda!

  14. Is Tadelman trying to Buffalo people he’s prolife like his pro-abortion patron, Canadian fishing buddy and fellow Jew, Jack Franks tried to masquerade as a Catholic at Marian bingo events and as a Lutheran at the the Bethany Lutheran summer picnic?

    Pretty piss poor.

    I guess Wilkie and Wilcox got chumped posing for that pix. Wilcox just lost a hundred votes.

  15. Ok Marhoffee, you’re an insane person who should NOT be apart of the Republican Party.

    I’m surprised they have kept you around.

    You harass and disrupt people’s lives if they do not have the same views as you.

    It’s time for you to find something better and more productive to do with pathetic life.

    If I were Tadelman, I’d be embarrassed to have you in my corner with your outrageous, disgusting behavior.

    You’re a disgrace and embarrassment to the all Republicans out there.

    If this is how Tadelman wanted to go to this event, great.

    If Colatorti wanted to promote his name, great. It’s called America, where people have freedom to live their life the way they choose.

    Not everyone has to be like your insane self.

  16. That’s not Wilke, that’s Michael Rein.

    No matter, they can be decent to each other and not the poisonous snake that Marhoefer is.

  17. Wow. All of these disgusting comments about a solemn yearly event to mourn the murders of 62 million babies in the last 49 years.

    RTL only asked for 30 minutes for respect — McHenry County Respect Life —- and it not be political.

    But y’all made it that way.

    Grow up.

  18. Let’s deal with the first lie in this anonymous statement.

    No way there were 200 people there.

    Secondly why would Cal post a hearsay account of what someone claims who’s not willing to put their name to it?

    And the picture painted of Tadelmann has rainbow beaming out his ass and him wearing a halo!

    Fact: Tadelman didn’t raise his hand because he’s not Pro-life.

    Fact: Tadelman’s family was NOT with him during the ceremony. The wife and kids were at Starbucks.

    Fact: this is bullshit Democrat styled propaganda at its best.

  19. Aint it a Marhoffer when your shit backfires on ya!?!

  20. Jessica, yes Eileen Marheffer Made it political by yelling at politicos who showed up to the event because they were invited! No politicians or candidates showed any disrespect at all. They are grown ups, now it’s your turn.

  21. I don’t know ‘SheWasLikeAGreatGreat’ but it sure is now! LOL

  22. the person that Cal gives no identity as to who made these assumptions gets the Asininity of the Week award!

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