Bishop Warns of “Irreparrable Harm” of New Sex Educational Standards, Catholic Priest Urges Parishioners to Run for School Board

Catholics throughout the Rockford (McHenry County and points west to the Mississippi River) Archdiocese received a letter from the Bisphop about the new sex education law passed by Illinois Democrats.

In his homily, the Priest at Crystal Lake’s St. Thomas Catholic Church urged people to run for school board.

The letter follows:

Also distributed was the following:


Bishop Warns of “Irreparrable Harm” of New Sex Educational Standards, Catholic Priest Urges Parishioners to Run for School Board — 31 Comments

  1. Thank you Bishop for saying the words that so few others in the Church or elsewhere are now afraid to say…”Run for you local School Board”—running against SEICUS…

    And this time, start widespread; community, newspaper, local blogs, signs that signify those people running with their positions and Political leanings.

    Can only speak for Dist26 in Cary area, and none of that happened the last election–

    I searched on my own to find positions or even party affiliations, maybe I’m a poor researcher, I found nothing.

    Pretty much assured average voter had no idea either…

    change it next election so we all know who and what is running so this SEICUS supported nonsense can be stopped dead in its tracks.

  2. Just what we need more church intervention.

    Rally the troops Bishop the catholic church is dying a slow death.

  3. says a guy who works in the most widespread child molestation business in the world.

    Perhaps when a “priest” starts running his mouth about politics and how to vote, the taxman should visit.

  4. The Catholic Church is one of the biggest criminal enterprises ever to exist,
    unbelievably wealthy and virtually untouchable.

    They should be cleaning their own house before advising anybody on anything,
    as we all know because of their own reputation, that will never happen.

  5. Brilliant. Let Catholic kids learn about sex the old-fashioned way…from a parish priest.

  6. The branding of the church as a bunch of pedos by the MSM has obviously worked. There are more pedos in schools across America yet they are not branded and pumped into the minds of the psy op’d masses repeatedly by the MSM.

    There are other reasons you should learn why The Vatican is corrupt but the media will never tell you about that as they read their teleprompter.

    And look at our resident pervert pusher from Dave Lowitzki Cosulting aka Nefarious Snopes chiming in on the topic. Now Dave, you push murdering the unborn and deviant behavior of the queers which results in grooming. As they say you don’t have a pot to pass in on this topic pervert. Go pick some apples up.

  7. LOL at JT defending the Catholic Church for its many, many sex scandals.

  8. I mean, when HonestAbe and LTResident agree with tom, Pokorny and me, and JT is out on an island…

  9. Based on comments, the church is going to have to call back Father Merrin again, from his dig in Iran.


    Good info here.

    More than my church is doing, which is NOTHING!!!


    Good info here.

    More than what my church is doing, which is NOTHING!

  12. LOL Dave Lowitzki Consulting. I’m on an island? Project Mockinbird really has taught you how to think about the world. Go look at Frazzeldrip since you are obviously unemployed with 2 children and a new wife. I’m pretty sure Snopes will debunk it. LOL.

    The brainwashed are so fun to toy with especially those that support deviant behavior. Lowitzki would work for the Posdestas for a paycheck.creepy liberal as usual.

    PS my island has no people like you on it.

  13. ** I’m on an island? **

    Yes, yes you are. Hope you have sunscreen.

  14. You think it would be asking too much from Ole Lankester, after he’s done with the church of course?

    To swing by that bakery and library and fling a few of those “Power of Christ Compels” at those pedophiles?

    Yea, I think I’ll ask.

  15. Not Catholic, but appreciate the heads up.

    The GOP “leadership” in the county sits with its thumbs up their arses.

    Where are our GOP state reps, senators, candy dates?

    Shame on Mary Nader, a local judge, for contributing to the tranny mess in our schools by her support of the child grooming bakery.

  16. LOL CornPop. Dave Lowitzki Consulting lobbied to enable grooming via his queer agenda push but seems unable to connect dots.

    And Dave I’m in a thong drinking a Mai Tai. My 1st wife is next to me unlike yours. LOL

    Better stock up on apples and carrots Einstein.

  17. Look at what an 8-year old 2nd grader is supposed to learn and know. Such as “how gender role stereotypes may limit behavior”. Will class discussion also include brainstorming by the 8-year olds on what they might want to try out, how to dress, how to UNLIMIT their assigned gender behavior, etc? Of course children whose parents took them to drag shows will have a leg up on the brainstorming.

    Democrats in Illinois passed and Pritzker signed SB818 into law regarding children in Illinois. It is called, “Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act” (SB 818).

    Most Americans upon hearing the title of the Act would think, “OH, HOW NICE”. Aren’t Democrats so caring and thoughtful. Something for the “Safety” and “Health” of our youth. Democrats are looking out for the safety and health of our youth. “Safety and Health” for our youth. Like the U.S. flag, apple pie, baseball and Chevrolet. Who would be so irresponsible and non-caring to not support safety and health for our youth? Who? But, look beneath the devious title.

    Democrats and leftists often use dialogue to “Pull the wool over YOUR eyes” of ordinary Americans. Theirs are ongoing and insidious efforts to deceive Americans to push through various bills, acts and actions along with dialogue that are harmful to society. Nice sounding names of bills but harmful.

    They are the ones who changed the perfectly proper term “illegal alien” to “undocumented immigrant” to completely change the perception by Americans from lawless actions by persons to MERELY not having a document. They are the ones who use the “Pro-Choice” term to make the act of killing a fetus or infant sound innocent rather than a more proper term of “Pro-Death” which allows a woman to kill a fetus.

    So, not surprising that Illinois Democrats would cloak their SB 818 with an “innocent” sounding name rather than the true nature of their intent. It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    Per SB 818, some of the content to be covered in classrooms includes:

    “Define … bisexual, lesbian, gay, queer, twospirit, asexual, pansexual.”

    3rd-5th graders, AGED 8 to 10, would need to:

    “Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex.”
    “Explain common human sexual development including … masturbation.”
    “Define and explain differences between cisgender, transgender, gender nonbinary, gender expansive, and gender identity.”

    Imagine. An 8-year old boy or girl being exposed to the acts of vaginal, oral and anal sex.

  18. Cmon bred, Dave Lowitzki Consulting lobbies for this crap for adults and can’t connect the dots how the teachers unions and school boards would exploit it. But hey what do I know. I live on an island just not the island owner Dave Lowitzki dreams about. He’s a big fan of Jeffery Epstein.

  19. LOL your arrogance is so fun to trigger liberal creep. Narcissist much?

    Pointing out what you do as a human to ruin this state will never end Dave so get used to it.

  20. Excellent and necessary letter by Bishop David Malloy.

    Unfortunately, it is 40 years too late.

  21. Why is #pedohitler trending today Dave Lowitzki Consulting? I can’t wait for a liberal to explain it. LOL

  22. Last comment did not post so will try this again:

    The comments on here pointing out the “hypocrisy” of the Catholic Church are predictable, unoriginal, and not funny. Plus you’re not making an argument.

    I did not interpret JT’s comments to be a defense of the church’s prior abuses but am not surprised that someone called “NefariousShake” would have gotten that out of the original comment.

    The “Nefarious” title fits him well since he so often deploys sophistry!

    Agree with JamesK and CornPop about there being a vacuum of leadership in religious institutions and the Republican Party and how that is bad/sad.

  23. Correcting, one of the Einsteins on this site brought up phallic symbolism yet couldn’t explain the commonality of them in 3 places on this planet. Obviously, they only use Google to search for their truth

    I never read that sophistry word before so looking it up shows this – the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving. Thanks for teaching me a new one and it definitely represents our resident lobbying pervert and baby killer.

    Lowitzki Consulting lives in that cesspool of uneducated politicians.

  24. LOL – you just keep going. Keep letting me live in your head – the free rent is lovely.

    Have a lovely night and sweet dreams! 😘

  25. Don Lowitzki is indeed a loser, a Marxist shill.

    But look what he offers: a total Orwellian dystopia of psychopaths running the country with secret police and ‘re-education’ camps for the recalictrant and schools pitching homosexuality and pedophilia to youngsters. And bakery and library fronts for pedophile groomers.

    And a jew county sheriff who says he’ll decide who has 2nd Amendment rights, compiling lists of peopleto round up and surveil

    He is a serious danger to my Family.

    And to you.

  26. Republican leadership, locally and statewide, is complicit in our dispossession and enslavement.

    They sicken me. McConchie is one if the worst grifters. Kenneally another. Althoff another. Reick another.

  27. GOP leadership in IL is like a munchkin convention of mental midgets.

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