Looking for Books at the Fox River Grove School District Banned in Other School Districts

After reading the Chicago Tribune’s op-ed piece by Clarence Page on banned books, I wondered what the situation is in McHenry County.

The image for the column is a man reading something called “Gender Queer.”

So, I sent out a Freedom of Information request to school Districts. I lot bounced back because of being tied to individuals’ email addresses.

I picked these three books:

  • “Gender Queer: A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe
  •  “Out of Darkness” by Ashley Hope Pérez
  • “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas

and asked if the district had them and, if so, when were they purchased, plus whether had been withdrawn from circulation.

Fox River Grove Grade School District 3 map.

Fox River Grove Elementary School District 3 Superintendent Sandy Ozimek replied,

“District 3 has in their library ‘The Hate U Give’.

This was acquired on October 25, 2019 and remains in the library.”


Looking for Books at the Fox River Grove School District Banned in Other School Districts — 8 Comments

  1. “Dan Aylward, county clerk, is getting a sex change operation at taxpayer expense.” Is what I’m hearing.

    This is simply incredible!

  2. I’m guessing the “incredible “, is Geal finding out his insurance, wouldn’t cover his transition.

  3. Dan Aylward is the McHenry Township Clerk.

    Joe Tirio is the McHenry County Clerk.

  4. Aylward’s estranged relatives who live in front of his dilapidated riverfront home off of Riverside drive in McHenry posted a hilarious video about Dan dumping his Harley while wearing high heels and some kind of weird gown in their shared driveway.

    A real hoot.

  5. Monk, cal is very easily lead by the conspiracy folks who believe public schools are “grooming’ people.

    cal, thinks he has influence.

    Never did; never will.

    Even his own party drove him out because he was a nut ball who couldn’t get anything done.

  6. So I’m guessing Tom’s name will soon appear on a ballot?

    Even though there are much better qualified and prepared people for Public Office?

    Much, Much better qualified.

    Hundreds, easily, if not thousands and without the troubling ties to his idiotic commentary’s on this Blog.

  7. dj is the most clever commenter in the history of this here blog. God I want to him.

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