
It Could Be Worse — 10 Comments

  1. The degenerate DEMOCRATS in all educational systems/unions nationwide won’t stop
    until they have driven parents over the edge and the violent and inevitable happens.

    I await the day that showdown takes place, and sanity is once again restored – MAGA.

  2. “It could be worse” is an ad theme for anti-Abbott ads in Texas.

    Democrats and challenger Beto deny they are responsible for ads, Texas Media have been blasting Beto and Democrats because they may be breaking Texas Campaign Laws.

    Media is calling it ‘dark money’ but I’m thinking it’s Northern Democrat “payback”, for shipping border crossers

  3. And “It Could Be Verse” is a book by Victor Buono. So, what’s your point!

  4. Damn Cindy’s back.

    I thought she was out getting a wheel alignment on her house.

  5. drag shows for kids?

    These people are just pedophile enablers.

    It’s all about normalizing sex stuff with kids and their next step will be the map stuff.

    They are perverts, should be hanging from a tree.

    If you took your kid to some burlesque show people would send DCFS after you but you take your kids to a drag show and modern American (pervert) society thinks you’re virtuous.

    That’s because in America the Great Satan of the World everything is backwards.

    Vices are called virtues.

    That’s why you worship stupid people and criminals.

    That’s why you are full of envy.

    That’s why you are evil.

    You are not a country of God you are a country of the Devil.

    In a sane society, let alone a good society, we would not have “drag shows for children.”

    Use your brain, people.

    It’s ridiculous and evil and democrats think it’s good.

    Drag shows for kids…


    what the hell is wrong with your country?

  6. Do I see “map stuff”? Love the lost art of directional map reading.

    Once while in Germany, I discovered, Munchen is the main way to get from Wank to Fuckersburg.

  7. The modern day clown is now a drag queen.

    I don’t support the perversion the liberals and Dept of Ed is pushing.

    The question is how many of the parents protesting the books and queer agenda have bought their kids high end tracking devices aka cell phones?

    That’s where this perversion is being pushed behind their backs and they enabled it by adding little johnny and little susie to their cell phone plan.

    Whether it’s a drag show or a cell phone, the parents of these gender confused kids may want to spend more time looking at their kids cell phone surfing habits as to where their gender confused kids are getting their misguided thoughts.

    Just a thought.

    Has anyone scanned Lowitzki’s cell phone.

    He lobbies for this perversion. LOL.

    We’re all obsessed Dave.

  8. Speaking of harming children by attendance at drag shows.

    Democrats in Illinois passed and Pritzker signed SB818 into law regarding children in Illinois.

    It is called, “Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act” (SB 818).

    Most Americans upon hearing the title of the Act would think, “OH, HOW NICE”.

    Aren’t Democrats so caring and thoughtful. Something for the “Safety” and “Health” of our youth. Democrats are looking out for the safety and health of our youth.

    “Safety and Health” for our youth.

    Like the U.S. flag, apple pie, baseball and Chevrolet.

    Who would be so irresponsible and non-caring to not support safety and health for our youth?


    But, look beneath the devious title.

    Democrats and leftists often use dialogue to “Pull the wool over YOUR eyes” of ordinary Americans.

    Theirs are ongoing and insidious efforts to deceive Americans to push through various bills, acts and actions along with dialogue that are harmful to society.

    Nice sounding names of bills but harmful and some very dangerous.

    They are the ones who changed the perfectly proper term “illegal alien” to “undocumented immigrant” to completely change the perception by Americans from lawless actions by persons to MERELY not having a document.

    They are the ones who use the “Pro-Choice” term to make the act of killing a fetus or infant sound innocent rather than a more proper term of “Pro-Death” which allows a woman to kill a fetus.

    So, not surprising that Illinois Democrats would cloak their SB 818 with an “innocent” sounding name rather than the true nature of their intent.

    It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    Per SB 818, some of the content to be covered in classrooms includes:

    “Define … bisexual, lesbian, gay, queer, twospirit, asexual, pansexual.”

    3rd-5th graders, AGED 8 to 10, would need to:

    “Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex.”

    “Explain common human sexual development including … masturbation.”

    “Define and explain differences between cisgender, transgender, gender nonbinary, gender expansive, and gender identity.”


    An 8-year old boy or girl being exposed to the acts of vaginal, oral and anal sex.

    Will teachers have photos or videos of “vaginal, oral, and anal sex”?

    SB 818 is TOTALLY inappropriate material to be covered by teachers in classrooms of young children.

    Most all of the topics covered should and must be the domain of the parents of children when the parents deem the child is ready.

    Is the current generation and iteration of Democrats the people whom Russian Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev back in the 1950’s was thinking of or expecting when he said:

    “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

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