Republican Precinct Letter 5

From Orville Brettman:

Republican Neighbors:

Once again election time is almost upon us, in fact this year the earliest date to vote is October 24th.

There are several critical races which will shape the future of the State of Illinois for years to come.

First among these is the amendment 1 issue which is the first thing on your ballot.

It is estimated that should this amendment pass (God forbid) that the average home owners property taxes will increase well in excess of $2000 per year.

If you are a renter your rent can be expected to increase proportionately.

Please vote NO on Amendment 1.

The second critical vote on the ballot is for Illinois Supreme Court. If we are successful and elect a epublican to the Supreme Court we will see an end to the absolute ‘one party rule’ and rule by fiat, and a return of Constitutional liberties long suppressed by radical liberal Democrats drunk with power.

Please vote for Mark Curran for Illinois Supreme Court.

As your precinct committeeman, I recommend you vote for all the Republicans on the ballot, but I call your attention to the following races:


Republican Precinct Letter 5 — 3 Comments

  1. It’s Trussell not Trussel. It’s Diana not Danna. It’s comptroller not controller.

  2. Finally a decent precinct letter.

    My GOP pct cpt opted to send nothing.


    He only has a Tadelman sign up on his unkept house.

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