Dan Proft Losses

While Capitol Fax publishes the loses of Dan Proft this year, I remember one win.

That was his backing of Allen Skillicorn for State Representative.

Here’s the rackup of fall 2022 loses:


Dan Proft Losses — 22 Comments

  1. Proft is a complete and utter joke.

    He has conned Dick Uihlein into giving him millions of dollars to run god-awful campaigns.

    He doesn’t win, and, in fact, I would argue often makes things worse.

    Oh, and John Tillman and the IPI crew?

    Their elections record isn’t any better.

    They got a bunch of Uihlein money too! đŸ€Ł

  2. Proft should have sent operatives to fund a covert proxy war, by exploiting the long-simmering tribal tensions, between entitlement Democrats and thieving Democrats.

  3. NefariousShake quit sucking off Rich Miller your wife is going to be mad at you for being gay.
    Spend more time with your wife, less time with old men. ewwww gross.

  4. Ah, Correcting, is that the best that you can do? That’s cute.

    Are y’all really trying to defend Proft here? That’s hilarious.

  5. Nefarious you are a sick puppy.

    Things can happen.

    When Jews want to exploit gentiles, they use words like “racism” and “xenophobia” and “hate.”

    The effect is the same: paralysis and the collapse of resistance to predation and parasitism.”

    An interesting description.

    Interesting because it accurately describes the ‘Jewish ideology’.

    The Marxist Jews are the ones who are the racists (ask a Palestinian), the xenophobes–except for Israel, and the hatemongers–par excellence.

    The Jewish Marxist has a deep, bitter hatred of non Jews, particularly Christians. Mere Goyim. There is a reason why Jews have been

    horsewhipped out of every Country they have lived in with an exception being the USA, although Gen. U.S. Grant saw what they were.

    Infamy? Ha!

  6. What were the ratings of those districts, Shake?

    wow 391 thousand spent across 11 races!

    So, how many people live in these districts?

    Have you thought about that?

    Cost per voter?

    Also, for context, care to tell readers how much total was spent just on Doris Turner’s race?

    Was it something like, uhm, 5 million?

    How much was spent on the gubernatorial race total?

    Rich Miller is not Jesus Christ, ok?

    He’s not that smart or cool.

    His blog is somehow even worse than Skinner’s blog, this DUMP!

  7. I too used to think like you Shake, even up until fairly recently.

    “Wow Proft is a loser and he’s bamboozling Uihlein.”

    However, after we had reports showing U giving directly to candidates, I don’t really think like that anymore.

    U knew what he was getting into.

    U gave tons to Bailey too even against the wishes of the establishment.

    U has seen enough elections to understand this state.

    I do not think it is fair to characterize U as some poor rube who is being tricked by Dan Proft.

    I think he knows what is going on but spends his money anyway hoping things will work out.

    Is Proft a good handler of that money?


    What other pacs are helping Republicans?

    Is there some alternative individual who is getting results for Republicans in Illinois???

    I just find your whole premise to be stupid.

    You, like your idol Rich Miller, are just posting this because you think it’s funny to laugh at people who lost the election.

    It’s about saying lol he lost and taunting.

    I wasn’t born yesterday.

    Is Dan that inept?

    Is Dick some rube being tricked?

    Or is it more likely that Illinois is just a really tough state for Republicans and we just got new districts which were gerrymandered by Democrats and the Dobbs decision hurt Republicans?

    I think the latter explanation makes more sense.

    Objectively yes you can say they lost, but my point is so what?

    What did you expect?

    What’s the story?

    They spent money and lost?

    What’s the implication?

    They should not spend any money??

    If you and Rich are such genius pundits then how come you even consider it newsworthy that Republicans lost seats in the IL House?

    They were projected to lose seats in the house.

    We saw what the maps looked like.

    We’re not stupid, Shake.

    You and Rich Miller are not fooling anybody and I know why you are posting what you are posting which was stated above.

    Whatever bro… all i can say is get tested for STD if you are doing all that gay stuff.

  8. No idea why you’re obsessed with me and Rich Miller. I said nothing about him here.

    But, please feel free to support Proft and have him spend more money.

    It only helps my side.

    And I’m not only talking about his spending on leg races.

    His “strategy” on the governor’s race was a disjointed disaster.

    Also, I know you’re just trying to fit in here with all all the other cool kids on here, but calling someone gay isn’t an insult.

    It just makes you look ignorant af.

  9. But, I guess I do agree with you on one thing.

    Uihlein ALSO deserves blame here too. đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

  10. He backed a lot of the Best People.

    The Dems know how to make the most of the mail-in ballot.

    I’d still back these people that he did!

  11. Thank God for Proft’s PAC!

    Where would IL candidates be without it!

    He chose the best candidates.

    The Republican voters failed them.

  12. ** Where would IL candidates be without it**

    They still would have lost?

  13. But how does he “deserve blame” Shake ???

    Was there some candidate who could have won?

    Was there some strategy that could have gotten them more votes?

    I just don’t buy your narrative that there was a misstep here, Shake.

    This is simply a bad state for Republicans.

    You’re not exactly being up front about what errors you believe they made.

    You and Cap Fax are just saying Republicans spent money or Proft spent money on republicans and they lost elections.


    How is it a story?

    Why is it important?

    Who should have managed the money then??

    Which PAC did a good job for Republicans?

    But I suppose you and Rich Miller are not journalists, let alone good journalists, so it makes sense your observations lead to nowhere…

    just say there is no point it’s just a flex to point this stuff out.

    Rich Miller is a grown man who acts like a zoomer female on twitter dot com.

    His blog has gotten much crappier in the past few years since Pritzker came around.

    It’s unreadable.

    Why you look up to him is just sad.

    Find a better role model dude.

  14. LOL. Dave Lowitzki Consulting cons people out of their money to lobby for crap that does nothing to improve this state. Look in the mirror Dave. How’s your next ex wife grazing underneath the apple tree going Dave. What a dbag.

  15. Ah, JT, your obsession with me and my personal life continues. 😘

    Correcting, I have no idea what you’re talking about with Rich Miller.

    What an odd little thing you’re obsessed with me about.

    You and Cal are the only folks to being him up here.

    Not me.

    But yea – it’s true I’m not a journalist.

    You got me there!

    As for Proft, I wouldn’t hire him to manage a student council election.

    He doesn’t know how to win elections.

    He doesn’t know how to read the electorate.

    He doesn’t have any message discipline.

    He has zero understanding that politics is a game of addition, not subtraction, ESPECIALLY when you’re the minority party.

  16. Oh Dave Lowitzki. You are so stupid you advertise your life on the internet. I’m not obsessed. I laugh at you for living your life there and advertising it on social media with your kids and next ex wife as you pander for money for your LLC funding. That sir makes you a fool. The cherry on top is you are a liberal.

  17. Looks like what the majority who voted in Illinois are happy with and want more of is crime, release of more thugs on our streets, schools starting in K grade teaching sex and sexual deviancy, companies/corporations fleeing the State, higher taxes, ongoing public pension crisis, more unions’ control, etc.

    Those who are able to per job or otherwise are leaving this terribly run State and numerous cities.

  18. I don’t understand how anyone could be so proud of the party in charge of the shit hole Illinois has become
.but that’s me đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž

  19. Because Jeff, the party not in charge can’t get their collective heads out of their ass.

    They have no plan other than pointing fingers and assessing blame.

  20. Because Jeff, you are an enabler of a corrupt system of election fraud YOU YOURSELF HAVE BEEN VICTIMIZED BY!

    On Proft, didn’t he cut Fatty’s aggregate total by over 400,000 votes in Chicago/Cook from ’18?

    Ans: Yes, he did.

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