Message of the Day – A Tee Shirt

From a Friend of McHenry County Blog comes this tee shirt given to Huntley teachers by its union, the Huntley Education Association.

Despite how the national media has colored conservatives, worldwide, red connotes leftwingers.
The new Huntley Education Association tee shirt.
Teachers picketed in 2011 while on strike at the Harmony Road Campus.

Expect to see them the next time the teachers strike.


Message of the Day – A Tee Shirt — 6 Comments

  1. The Left often tells you what they are up to, here’s the undeniable proof.

    Teacher’s unions are Commie unions.

    Get your kids out of public indoctrination centers NOW.

  2. I’m so sick of the underpaid bull shit.

    Work 9 1/2 months.

    Extended vacations throughout the year.

    Blue ribbon retirement with compounded 3% yearly increases.

    End of career salary bumps to increase pension payout.

    They want 16 year olds to be able to vote so their liberal indoctrination gets more and more referendums passed.

    Public employees All including police fire city do not bd allowed to strike for wages.

    I think police and fire are prohibited now.

  3. Hey ole abe and uninformed cal the crack reporter, Huntley’s color and name are the Red Raiders.

    You all are so wound up in your paranoid thought process you allow a stupid old loser government employee to tighten your fear.

    He steals over 120,000 per-year from you all and you just letting him squeeze your N..ts Fools.

  4. :

    The EU leaders soon will feel the wrath of their citizens. The backlash will be big.

  5. Tom, it doesn’t matter what color the shirts are.

    The raised fist is they symbol for socialism/commie crapola.

    You can’t deny they’re teaching socialism in schools.

    It’s sickening.

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