Declaring the position of Algonquin Township Supervisor to be a part-time job, the three-woman majority on the Township Board cut the salary of the Supervisor to be elected next spring from $56,000 now to $31,000.

They also eliminated employee and family health benefits for the office, a coveted fringe benefit, if opposition to the move by current Supervisor Randy Funk and newly-appointed Trustee Nicole Kunkle is any indication.

Trustees Millie Medendorp, Theresa Sharp Decker and Teresa Fronczak stood firm against strident arguments from the two and passed the compensation resolution for the next terms of office.
The relationship of the three ruling Trustees and Supervisor Randy Funk–all elected on an unopposed Republican Party ticket in 2021–has been contentious, to say the least.

The women have passed resolutions consoring Funk for authorizing contracts without Board approval, hiring a patronage employee whose services they deemed unnecessary, plus made various other complaints about Funk’s acting on his own.

In other action, the Clerk’s salary was cut to $8,800, down from $18,492.88.

The Highway Commissioner will earn $99,000, plus be allowed to take a truck home, but used only for official purposes. That’s an ioncreae from $93,204.08 now.

The Assessor will be paid $98,000. Currently, the salary is .$90,841.16.

Township Trustee will be paid $6,000 annually, an increase form $2,466.01.

Besides cutting the Supervisor’s salary in half, the compensation resolution declares that the position is part-time and strips it of health coverage.

Board members pointed out that there are now two full-time employees in the office, the Office Manager and a Caseworker.

In McHenry Township, the compensation went in the opposition direction.

The next Supervisor will be paid $103,500,98, substantially higher than the current $45,100.

The next Clerk will earn $17,500, up from $10,000.,

The Highway Commissioner will take home $113,778.32. Currently, the salary is $45,000.

$101,134.47 was set for the Assessor, more than double the current $5,000 per year.

As in Algonquin Township this term, McHenry Henry Township had three Trustees who voted to lower elected offricials’ salaries from the 2021-2025 term.

They were Bob Anderson, Mike Rakestraw and Steve Verr.

Petitions can now be passed for all seventeen townships in McHenry County.

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