From Johnsburg’s Kirk Donald.:

What the hell are we doing here?

Speak up!

Not only are we tasked with saving our country, but also our county.

So many people are unaware that McHenry County has been named one of the best “communities” to live in nationwide.

You knew that, I knew that!

The only thing wrong with McHenry County is the damn property taxes!

Guess who wants to raise them again?

The Democrats.

They have an agenda, to create “workforce” housing, to expand mental health care to anyone who has the slightest problem, including migrants who need to learn English, and “expand” broadband internet and county wide busing, even though those programs are “in the works” right now by the County Board.

They want to borrow money to finance these programs to have them NOW!

They can’t wait to plan for the development, they want to show everyone how great socialism is.

Think I’m full of hot air?

Visit the county Democrat website, right there they have a big banner of Barrack Obama speaking at a rally with the phrase “Think globally, act locally”.

Kelli Wegener, candidate for McHenry County Board Chairman uses the phrase “Community, not conflict” on her Facebook Page.

You know what that means?

It means if she gains control of the County Board (along with picking up some County Board seats) if you dare to defy the “Community” of Leftists, she and her minions will make sure that you comply through a pilifera of regulations, (see “no conflict” who in the hell can afford it?).

I have been at a Planning and Development Meeting where Kelli Wegener said ‘to have housing for those who can’t afford to live here’.


I worked my buttocks off to afford to live here, and I’m not going to finance someone who could care less about the beauty and value of this county!

If you want this county to turn into Cook County, if you think being “woke” is the height of academia, if you want to see your property taxes increase, vote Democratic.

If you agree with me that they’re the problem, vote straight Republican!

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