With Precinct Committeemen (opps, persons) not walking their precincts talking to voters, politicians fifty years ago started using mailmen as their precinct workers.
There’s still some of that, but with postage costs skyrocketing more and more candidates are taking to yjr internet.
One is is McHenry County Board District 3 incumbent Mike Shorten.
Below is some of his attempts to connect with voters through the internet.
Below is a Halloween ad:

Here is a text message he sent:
Hi, it’s Mike “Shorty” Shorten, your representative on the McHenry County Board.
I’m a proud husband and girl dad of three beautiful daughters. McHenry County is a special place to live and raise a family, but we have to fight to keep it that way—so our children and grandchildren will choose to raise their families here.
On the county board, I’ve devoted my service to making local government more effective & more efficient. I voted against an increase in the gas tax and fought multiple increases in property taxes. Increasing taxes is not the answer.
Many families are struggling to make ends meet because of the rising costs of groceries, gas, and everyday items. As your representative, I pledge to make county government deliver more without asking more from you.
I would be honored to have your support. Please feel free to email me with questions at Shorty@MikeShorten.org or learn more at www.mikeshorten.org
Shorten talks of his opponent in the following October 28th Facebook post:
My opponent, Brian Meyers (@Coach215), believes that a majority of police officers are racist.
McHenry County has the LOWEST CRIME RATE of all of the collar counties and is one of the SAFEST in the state of Illinois.
McHenry County Republicans support:
- Police Social Worker Programs.
- Problem Solving Courts.
- The largest Mental Health Board in the state of Illinois.
- First Offenders Programs.
And it works…
Mr. Meyers also has a hard time getting along with others… Read at your own risk
Links to Meyers tirades on X.com (please be warned, offensive language):
Below is the link to a dynamic video Shorten put on the internet:
It moves from colorful image to image and includes specific votes he took on issues like assistance to senior citizens.

Shorten does not keep the same message on Facebook. Here is a recent one: