From Finance Commitee minutes comes the following for Sheriff’s Deputies:
Wage and Step Tables
Year one market adjustment 5.8% and 3.5%, year two and three 3%.
WHEREAS, the increased cost of this agreement for 80 union members is
- year one $438,022.12 5.8% market adjustment, $279,654.47 3.5% annual,
- year two $366,832.02 3.0% annual,
- year three $489,515.04 3.0% annual.
From the Finance Committee comes the following for the Jail’s Correctuibak Iffucers:
WHEREAS, the increased cost of this agreement for 133 union members is
- year one $964,708.99 8.0% market adjustment, $455,825.00 3.5% annual,
- year two $470,539.63 3.0% annual,
- year three $568,207.21 3.0% annual.