Thanks to a bill crafted in 1973 by State Senator Jack Schaffer and myself, township parties in larger townships have the option of selecting tre;publicheir candidates in a party caucus or a party primary.
In Algonquin and Nunda Townships, the Republicans have opted for primary elections.
In McHenry Township both parties have opted for caucuses to nominate their candidates.
The paperwork is below:
Eight years ago, Republicans selected candidates via a caucus.
There was much controversy because the rules said that each Precinct Committeeman got the number of party votes cast in the last Primary Election, minus any individuals attending from his or her precinct.
The brouhaha that results from the concentration of voting power in the hands of the elected Committeeman led State Senator Pam Althoff to pass a bill requiring each person attending such caucuses in the future be limited to one vote.