McHenry County Blog wrote earlier of Crystal Lake’s intention to impose a sales tax on self-storage units.

The staff memo said $150,000 would be raised.

Self-storage unit owners got together and sent a detailed letter of opposition signed by James Keelan and former State Senator Jack Schaffer.

Pushed by Mayor Haig Haleblian, that tax imposition was on the Council agenda, but was pulled the night of the meeting.

Loss number one.

A request for a new self-storage facility west of the old Flowerwood parcel was rejected by the Haleblian-appointed Planning and Zoning Commission, even though it would mean property tax dollars to the city.

Because the property is not currently within the city boundaries, the petitioner sought county zoning permission.

Since its right next to Crystal Lake’s boundary line, the city has a say, recommending the County Board deny the request.

That had the effect of requiring an extraordinary majority vote for approval.

The vote was 14-3 with one abstention. 

Democrats Carolyn Campbell and Gloria Van Hof voted in opposition, as did former Woodstock Mayor Brian Sagr, elected as a Republican. 

Joe Gottemoller abstained. 

Loss number two.

Meanwhile, the Mayor has part ownership in a newly-zoned high-end automobile condo storage unit facility on Teckler Boulevard.

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