Orders of Protection can be obtained easliy.

One person can go into court, allege fear of another and obtain one.

The person whose activities are to be restrained gets no day in court.

Not even close to what one learns about the judicial system in school.

None of that innocent until proven guilty stuff.

Now comes Channel Two with a story about how only about twenty-five percent of Orders of Protection are even served in Cook County:

Chicago area domestic violence victims left vulnerable as protective orders often go unserved – CBS2 (Chicago)

The Cook County Sheriff’s office data showed that between 2021 and 2023, the Sheriff’s Office received about 77,000 orders of protection for both men and women victims, but only served about 19,000 of them – 25 percent.

And as WGLT, the Public Radio station in Bloomington-Normal reports, it’s “just a piece of paper”

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