Members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus asked for a spot on house Minority Leader Tony McCombie’s team.

Basically, a seat at the table when positions on issues would be discussed.

That request was denied.

Now, the Freedom Caucus reports outright punishments:

IL Freedom Caucus: Minority Leader Tony McCombie plays silly games while ignoring important issues facing the state

Springfield, IL – The punitive measures Minority Leader Tony McCombie has taken against conservative House members are a blatant attempt to shut out conservative voices in the General Assembly, according to the Illinois Freedom Caucus members.

Because of irreconcilable differences in policy, approach and results, several House Republican members could not in good conscience support Leader McCombie in her run for Minority Leader.

Instead, they opted for a respectful low profile swearing in ceremony at the Capitol.

As a result of not receiving their votes for leader, the Minority Leader instituted childish retaliatory actions.

Specifically, she has denied the following services from

  • State Reps. Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich),
  • Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville),
  • Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro),
  • Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) and
  • Marty McLaughlin (R-Barrington Hills):
  • Spokesman positions on legislative committees
  • Access to larger offices that were consistent with their seniority in the House Republican Caucus
  • Access to their state websites, emails, and email newsletter services
  • Access to Communications staffers including access to social media sites, audio and visual services, graphic design, and press release services
  • Secretarial services at the Capitol
  • Biography services
  • All press conference assistance services
  • All outreach assistance services
  • Media tracking services
  • Access to Bill Analysis
  • Access to research assistance from House Republican staff
  • Access to House Republican staff generated media lists

The Illinois Freedom Caucus is issuing the following statement:

“Minority Leader Tony McCombie has officially declared war on conservatives.

She seems to be more interested in going after conservative members of her own caucus than she is in taking on the Democrats who control every level of government in our state and who have run our state into the ground.

Our goal is to win seats so that we can advance a conservative Republican agenda in Illinois.

While we do not believe Tony McCombie is the kind of leader we need to accomplish this goal, we nonetheless support the mission of the House Republican Caucus.

We do not care about offices, titles or other accolades that go along with being an elected official.

We are solely focused on enacting the kind of policies we need to turn our state around and voting against the bad policies.

The idea that our own leader would impede our efforts is a major disappointment, but we will not be deterred in our fight to restore Illinois.

She can put us in broom closets for all we care because it won’t change our resolve for our mission.

Our only regret is that the person who has presided over zero pickups in the last election and who is so desperate to be the minority leader is also so completely unserious about her job.

We are not the ones who are suffering because of her bad leadership – it is the millions of Republican voters who are suffering at the hands of her failures.

They deserve to have a Republican Leader who embraces conservative voices and works to unify the party, rather than a leader who attacks conservatives and demands absolute loyalty like a monarch.”

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