Boy does this remind me of complaints I received as State Representative from Clausen Pickles in Woodstock.

I was told the company would not hire people who could not speak Spanish.

Now comes the revelation that Amazon is hiring people who do not speak English.

Consider this press release from McHenry County:

McHenry County College delivers ESL classes to Amazon employees

McHenry County College recently partnered with Amazon to offer English as a Second Language courses to employees at the Amazon Fulfillment Center, in Huntley.

The college offered two evening ESL classes at the facility for the fall semester that ended in December, and about 60 employees enrolled.

The college, by providing on-site education, helps employees overcome scheduling and travel challenges to ensure they have opportunities to grow and learn.

You can read more about the Amazon classes by clicking here, and you can click here to learn more about MCC’s ESL and other adult education programs.

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