From State Senator Don DeWitte:

DeWitte Fights for Taxpayer Transparency on Non-Citizen Spending

With Illinois facing a $3.2 billion budget deficit, this year I am a co-sponsor of legislation that demands greater transparency regarding taxpayer dollars spent on programs for illegal immigrants. Senate Bill 1699 would require detailed annual reports on migrant/illegal immigrant spending to ensure accountability and protect taxpayers.

Since taking office, Governor Pritzker has increased spending on programs for non-citizens—from a few million to over $1 billion annually—offering free

  • healthcare,
  • legal services,
  • free drivers licenses,

and housing to fulfill his goal of making Illinois “the most welcoming state in the nation.”

Over the past 2 ½ years, he has issued 30 monthly emergency declarations, using executive authority to redirect taxpayer dollars without legislative oversight.

This unchecked spending comes as families struggle with high taxes and rising living costs, while the administration continues to withhold basic cost details despite Senate Republican inquiries.

SB 1699 would specifically require the Illinois Department of Human Services, in coordination with other relevant state agencies, to submit an annual report to the General Assembly on state spending for non-citizens.

The report would include details on the total amount spent, specific appropriations, the number of families impacted, funding sources, and contracts awarded for services such as healthcare, housing, and legal support.

The report would also be publicly available online for taxpayer transparency.

The bill also requires the Governor to include a detailed accounting of all proposed spending on non-citizen populations in future state budgets.

New Lawsuit Seeks to End Governor Pritzker’s Harmful Sanctuary Policies

Last Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit against the State of Illinois, claiming its sanctuary laws, primarily the TRUST Act, impede with the Trump Administration’s efforts to deport illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes in this country. Click here to read the law suit.

The DOJ’s lawsuit accuses Illinois leaders, including Governor JB Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, of actively hindering federal immigration enforcement by limiting local law enforcement’s ability to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.

Under the Trust Act, Illinois law enforcement is prohibited from:

  • Transferring violent criminals to ICE except under very limited conditions.
  • Sharing critical information about violent criminals with ICE
  • Participating in federal immigration enforcement, even when dealing with dangerous individuals

Governor Pritzker’s obstruction of justice has created legal obstacles that shield violent and other offenders from deportation, leaving Illinois communities vulnerable.

This lawsuit seeks to hold the Governor accountable for these dangerous decisions and restore law enforcement’s ability to work with ICE to keep our communities safe.

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