My wife was a sophomore at Maria Catholic High School when Mike Madigan first ran for office.
Madigan’s office was across the street from the high school.
.The high school girls were encouraged to help with his campaign.
“Mikie” was a good guy they were told.
Considering how I had criticized Madigan on the House floor during the 1970’s when he was Speaker, you can image his surprise when I introduced my wife to him shortly after I e-entered the Illinois House in 1993.
I remember one day in the 1970’s when I had excoriated Madigan.
After the session I was sitting in my seat in the second row center when his wife Shirley walked down the aisle and told me, “I really like listening to you when you speak.”
Shocked, I thought, “What was that about?”

Well, with Madigan’s conviction, it’s time for my wife to open that bottle of champagne
The score is 11-6-6.

Guilty on eleven counts, including bribery.
Six not guilty.
Six no decision rendered.