From Victory Research:
New Poll Shows Joe Salvi as the Strongest Replacement for Senator McConchie
Attorney Salvi Leads Republican and Democratic Party Potential Candidates
In late January Republican State Senator Dan McConchie (26th District) announced his resignation from the State Senate. Per Illinois law, his replacement is to be chosen by party leaders in the district.
According to a newly released poll of likely 26th Senate District likely voters, the strongest candidate to replace Senator McConchie on the ballot is Attorney Joe Salvi.
The results are part of the latest Illinois Poll, It is a semi-monthly statewide survey conducted since 2001 by Victory Research, an independent polling company based in Chicago.
The Illinois Poll often conducts polls in individual districts as a subset of the larger poll.
The poll of 504 likely voters in the 26th Senate District was conducted Feb 1-4, and has a margin of error of 4.3%. It was conducted by live callers. Respondents answered using land lines (141) and cell phones (363). @ILpollster.
The poll tested five potential, rumored candidates for the 26th Senate District, three Republicans
- State Representative Martin McLaughlin,
- Palatine GOP Committeeman Aaron Del Mar-who has also been mentioned as a potential candidate for Governor of Illinois, and
- Attorney Joe Salvi),
and two Democrats
- (State Representative Nabeela Syed and
- former State Senate and State Representative candidate Maria Peterson).
In the poll, Salvi tops Representative Syed in a general election (39.5%-35.1%), and Maria Peterson (40.3%-34.9%).
In potential head-to-head matchups in a general election, Syed defeats both McLaughlin (35.9%-30.6%) and Del Mar (39.5%-26.0%).
Salvi also tops both potential Republican opponents in head-to-head matchups, according to the poll.
Salvi bests McLaughlin (39.6%-31.1%) and Del Mar by more than a two-to-one margin (49.4%-17.7%).
McLaughlin similarly defeats Del Mar in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup by more than a two-to one margin (45.1%-18.9%), according to the poll.
If all three Republicans ran in a primary for the Senate sear, the poll shows Salvi leading that three-way race (38.4% for Salvi (25.0% for McLaughlin, and 11.6% for Del Mar).
The poll also tested the favorability of President Donald Trump and Governor JB Pritzker in the district as well as several issues currently in the news.
President Trump won nearly 44% of the vote in the 26th Senate District and according to poll currently has a 51.6% favorable rating and 44.7% unfavorable.
Governor Pritzker stands at 51.1% favorable, and 39.3% unfavorable.
Attorney Joe Salvi has the advantage of his family’s long political history in the 26th Senate District and, more specifically, the 52nd House District.
Salvi’s father, Al Salvi represented the 52nd House District for two terms. In 1992, the elder Salvi ran his initial campaign for State Representative with three opponents in the Republican primary. Salvi coasted to victory, winning 57.1% in the four-person contest.
In 2022, thirty years after the first Salvi election in the 52nd House District, Joe Salvi’s mother, Kathy Salvi, the current Illinois Republican Chairwoman, ran for the US Senate.
In the Republican primary, Chairwoman Salvi won 54.3% in the 26th State Senate District portion of the state in a seven-candidate race.
Joe Salvi’s aunt, Barbara Wheeler, represented a portion of the townships in the 52nd District, handily winning three elections.
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Joe Salvi has withdrawn his application for the appointment.