Email sent from Crystal Lake Elementary District 47 Superintendent Kathy Hinz to her employees:

Thursday, February 6th, Email to Employees

Each year we carefully evaluate the district’s short- and long-term financial sustainability.

While there is uncertainty around federal and state funding moving forward, there are key factors we know will have an impact on the future of our organization.

One of these factors is the impact that salary increases in contractual agreements have on our budget.

These increases have been growing at a rate that exceeds the percentage of tax revenue the district receives, which is tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) with a ceiling of 5% Illinois Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL).

This chart provides a detailed breakdown.

We’ve reviewed all aspects of the district to identify where we can streamline, including resources and supply lines; however, as a service organization, staffing constitutes the largest portion of our budget.

This process is never easy and weighs heavily on all of us.

Our goal is to preserve the district’s financial stability while honoring the dedication of our team and minimizing the impact on our students.

What will change:

● Resources:
○ Starting next school year, several apps not directly aligned with our curriculum will be discontinued. This will reduce costs and ensure that we are implementing a guaranteed and viable Tier I curriculum.
■ Alternate platforms are available—click here for details. We will continue to explore replacement platforms and provide updates and training. If you wish to retain the information, please start archiving and downloading your content from these platforms.
○ We are actively reviewing other services to identify opportunities for streamlining and cost savings.

● Staffing:
○ Some open positions will not be filled due to attrition. Other roles will be reduced or transitioned into new positions. Our goal is to help those impacted find new roles within the district where they can continue to grow and remain a valued part of our team.

These changes will impact around 30 positions at this time, and those individuals have already been informed by the Human Resources department. If you did not receive a communication from Human Resources, your position is not currently impacted by these changes.

Our focus is on retaining quality staff members by reassigning these individuals to different roles in the district for which they are qualified.

This process is fluid and unique to each employee, and it will take time.

Although a general communication is not our preferred method to share this information, we are
prioritizing relationships and respect for individual face-to-face conversations while trying to balance the minimizing of rumors and/or miscommunication.

We also recognize that details will inevitably be shared as discussions begin and our goal is to be as transparent as possible.

Once all individuals are spoken to, we will share more information about the changes.

To learn more about district financial information, visit the Business Department webpage, the Financial Snapshot of the District Dashboard, and the Input & Insights page, which includes an FAQ section addressing common questions on financial topics.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this process.

We are grateful for the incredible staff we have in District 47 and the impact you make on our students every day.

Dr. Kathy J. Hinz

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