From a Friend of McHenry County Blog:
Tony McCombie losing the plot?
Illinois House Minority Leader Tony McCombie is fighting with an egg roll merchant on the internet. (Tom Devore, who is no longer running for office but is focused on egg rolls.)
She is spending lots of time and effort fighting the egg roll guy — it’s time NOT spent focusing on wacky things Democrats are proposing and, in some cases, passing.

I always found it funny how McCombie did stuff like praised Awake Illinois and supported Illinois splitting into two states (at least temporarily, she later withdrew her support) yet she never caught crap from the usual suspects who if it were anyone else doing that they’d be shrieking about the “eastern bloc.”
Not with Tony doing it.
She gets a pass.
Democrats and the various cheerleaders in the media don’t put the heat on Tony McCombie because they’re content with her.
They want her where she’s at because she’s not a threat to them.
She will spend her time fighting with egg roll man, becoming gradually more shook by it.
She will spend her time fighting with people from the Freedom Caucus, fighting with other Republicans and taking away their resources.
Democrats love Tony McCombie.
They brag about going to parties and drinking cocktails with her.