Governor JB Pritzker gave his budget address today under this backdrop from the bipartisan finance oversight commission:
“Illinois will underperform the region and the U.S. in 2025, with gross state product, employment, and income increasing less than elsewhere.”
The Chicago Tribune has this headline on the event:

From State Rep. Jeff Keicher:
Rep. Keicher statement on Governor’s State of the State Address
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Representative Jeff Keicher (R-Sycamore) issued the following statement in response to Governor JB Pritzker’s State of the State and Budget Address delivered to a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly today:
“Illinois residents need to see some accountability for the mistakes of overspending and overtaxing that have driven residents and businesses out of Illinois.
“We need to hear an admission that we can’t tax our way into prosperity.
“It’s been tried, and it has failed.
“We need to hear a plan that shrinks the size of government, lowers taxes and the cost of living for our residents, and encourages families to stay in Illinois rather than leave for more business and tax-friendly states.
“As Conference Chairman for House Republicans, we have three main priorities for the state budget:
1) Economic growth through reform and good policy,
2) Reducing costs through identifying state agency efficiencies and implementing structural reforms, and
3) NO tax increases. I will advocate strongly for these principles as we debate the Governor’s budget proposal and ultimately pass a new state budget in May.
“I am disappointed at a time where Illinois’ most vulnerable are left without that our Governor is choosing to double down on a campaign to gain a seat in Washington DC instead of solving our problems right here.
“Apparently underfunding
- Meals on Wheels,
- domestic violence shelters,
- adults with disability programs
coupled with an unemployment rate that is significantly higher than the national average aren’t enough ‘in need ideas’ to warrant Democrat attention in this state.
“Remember folks, Illinois government doesn’t have money of its own, what it spends it takes from you. Let’s demand better from our next budget.”
Representative Keicher serves the 70th District which includes portions of DeKalb and Kane Counties, plus the part of McHenry County Sue Ness didn’t want because Carolyn Schofield lived there.
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From State Rep. Joe Sosnowski:
Rep. Sosnowski statement on Governor’s State of the State Address
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Representative Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford, issued the following statement in response to Governor JB Pritzker’s State of the State Address delivered to a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly today:
“The Governor spends a great deal of time
- posting on social media criticizing President Trump,
- pontificating about national issues, fueling ridiculous Nazi accusations, and l
- aying the groundwork for his own presidential ambitions in 2028
instead of keeping his focus where it needs to be; on Illinois and the challenges we face as a state.
“Specifically, we should have heard from the Governor today on policies to grow Illinois, lower property taxes, and ending the wasteful taxpayer-funded health benefits for all non-citizens.
“Instead, the Governor proposed $590 million in new taxes, transfers and other budget gimmicks in an attempt to sustain the uncontrollable spending we have seen over the past six years under his failed leadership.”
Representative Sosnowski serves the 69th District which includes portions of Winnebago, Boone, and McHenry Counties.
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From State Rep. Tom Weber:
Rep. Weber’s Statement on Governor’s State of State & Budget Address
FOX LAKE, IL…. Following today’s State of the State and Budget Address, State Representative Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) gave the following statement:
“After listening to the Governor’s Address today, it has become crystal clear that the supermajority party has become completely out-of-touch with the priorities and needs of Illinois residents.
“Last year, we enacted the largest budget in our state’s history and today, we were pitched a budget that is $2 billion more expensive.
“No matter how Democratic legislators spin it or try to ease worries, taxpayers are going to foot the bill to cover this unaffordable budget.
“Our residents are already struggling enough after years of high inflation and our state’s sky-high taxes, and the budget in its proposed state will only make things worse.
“Our goals as a caucus as they relate to the FY26 Budget are economic growth, reduced costs, and no tax increases, which is what hardworking Illinoisans need and deserve.
“Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, today’s budget proposal fell short on all three fronts.
“What it did manage to do was allocate more money to send to the Sanctuary City of Chicago for undocumented migrants and tack on $590 million in new taxes, transfers, and other budget gimmicks so that the majority party can continue its yearly tradition of spending recklessly and misplacing priorities.
“Instead of acknowledging previous shortcomings and admitting that our state is facing a massive budget deficit, the Governor used his time today to go after our President, call names, and deflect the blame that he rightfully deserves for continued overspending and overtaxing.
“We heard no mention of DCFS reforms, improved ethics in arguably the most corrupt state in the Union, or anything that even remotely indicates Governor Pritzker’s promise to pass a balanced budget will be upheld. Our state is in desperate need of change. That starts with accountability.”
State Representative Tom Weber represents the 64th District which includes portions of Lake and McHenry Counties.
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IL Freedom Caucus: Governor Pritzker underwhelms (again) in another State of the State Address
Springfield, IL – Governor JB Pritzker is once again employing Springfield math to create the illusion of a “Balanced” budget in another mediocre address to the State, according to the Illinois Freedom Caucus.
“To borrow a phrase popularized in the 1980s, ‘Where’s the Beef?’” said State Representative Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) and Chairman of the Illinois Freedom Caucus.
“It is the same thing we hear every year.
“Orange man bad.
“Spending money and growing government is good.
“The Governor claims we have passed balanced budgets every year he has been in office.
“If that were true – why is there a gaping hole in the state budget?
“There is no substance.
“There is no leadership.
“If this were his audition for running for President, I doubt even his own party would give him the role.”
Miller said instead of focusing his attention on Donald Trump, he should solve the very real problems in Illinois.
A recent poll from Illinois Policy showed 52% of voters say high taxes are the most important issue facing the state.
Illinois also had the second highest number of outbound moves in 2024 due to the high taxes and poor state leadership.
“This Governor is giving us a budget proposal that maxes out ‘projected revenue,’ wastes money on Illegal Immigrants and increases payouts for a broken and failed evidence-based funding formula for public schools where our kids can’t read,” Miller said.
“This Governor is giving us a budget proposal that not only continues to kick the can down the road on our massive pension debt crisis which is four to five times the total of our budget, but it also basically ignores the fact that this Democrat Majority in the General Assembly plans to alter Tier 2 benefits, likely sending our pension bill even higher.”
State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) noted the Governor did not address the issue of illegal immigration and the amount of money being spent on programs and services for people not even legally supposed to be here.
A recent Pew Research poll showed 59 percent of Americans approve of President Trump’s immigration policies.
“The vast majority of Americans support President Trump’s efforts to secure our borders and deport criminals here illegally,” Niemerg said.
“The Governor and the Democratic majority in the House are out of touch with the majority of American people. Instead of prioritizing the needs of our own citizens, they are continuing to pour money into programs for illegal immigrants.
“We have a responsibility to address the concerns of our own citizens. It is not the job of the state of Illinois to solve the immigration crisis.
“Maybe if we had leaders in this state who focused on the needs of Illinois citizens, we would no longer be a state people are anxious to leave.”
The Governor’s only real ideas for Illinois’ future revolved around spending more money.
State Representative Jed Davis (R-Newark) said Illinois could do more to help people in need if our state leaders would simply implement accountability measures such as an Illinois version of the Department of Government Efficiency to stop waste and fraud.
“For years, Republicans nationally and at the state level have proposed ideas like forensic audits and now DOGE to get a better handle on government spending,” Davis said.
“We would love to see an Illinois version of DOGE.
“The people the Democrats are hurting the most are the very ones they claim to care about.
“If we went through the Illinois budget the way DOGE is combing through the federal budget think of all of the kids in low-income homes who could benefit from increased funding for healthcare and other state services?
The reason the Democrats refuse to support accountability measures is because they want to continue to use government funds for the cause nearest and dearest to their hearts – their own re-election.”
The Illinois Freedom Caucus is comprised of State Representatives Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro), chairman; Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City), vice-chairman; Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich); Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville); Jed Davis (R-Newark); David Friess (R-Red Bud) and State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport). The members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus are members of the Illinois General Assembly who are advocating for limited government, lower taxes and accountability, and integrity in government.