From the U.S. Marshal:
U.S. Marshals working in collaboration with Chicago Police Department successfully recover several missing and endangered children since January 2025
CHICAGO — The U.S. Marshals Service in the Northern District of Illinois – Chicago Division Missing Child Unit, working with the Chicago Police Department have recovered seven critically missing and endangered children. Three of which were also missing and located.
The joint investigation conducted by the USMS, CPD Special Investigations Unit (SIU) and the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) unit, resulted in the recovery of the following children: Endangered Child
Endangered Child #1 (Mother Had Taken 1-Year Old from State Custody)
A 1-year-old child who was a ward of the State of Illinois and was unlawfully taken by her biological mother, was reported missing on July 30, 2024. The mother also had an outstanding Cook County Sheriff’s Department warrant for resisting arrest and contempt of court. On Jan. 13, deputy U.S. marshals and investigators with CPD ICAC and SIU conducted surveillance at an address in Chicago. After positively identifying the mother with the child, investigators conducted an open-air arrest. The mother was immediately taken into custody, while the child was safely recovered and subsequently reunited with her foster parents.
Endangered Child # 2 and 3 (Adult Male Fathered Baby with Guatemala Girl Who Went Missing at Age 14 Three Years Ago)
A 14-year-old girl from Guatemala was reported missing on May 23, 2022. The teenager spoke a native dialect from Guatemala and some Spanish but did not know any English. On Jan. 16, at approximately 5 p.m., Deputy U.S. Marshals and investigators with CPD ICAC and SIU located the juvenile at an address in Chicago. ICAC and SIU investigators conducted a post-recovery interview which revealed the teenager had been in a relationship with an adult male. Investigators also learned the juvenile had recently given birth to a baby boy, who was later determined to also be endangered. Deputy U.S. marshals, CPD ICAC investigators and SIU immediately traveled to the location and recovered the newborn, reuniting him with his mother. A Department of Children and Family Services case worker arrived on scene to evaluate the
baby and the juvenile, both of whom were turned over to legal guardians.
Endangered Child # 4 (15-Year Old Who Went Missing 1 1/2 Years Ago Found with Adult Male in Madison)
A 15-year-old girl from Chicago was reported missing by her grandmother on Nov. 27, 2023. An investigation by the USMS and CPD SIU and the ICAC unit revealed that the teen was possibly staying with an unknown adult male in Madison, Wisconsin, and requested the assistance of USMS in the Western District of Wisconsin in locating and recovering the missing child. On Jan. 30, the juvenile was recovered by Deputy U.S. Marshals in Wisconsin, working with Madison Police Department. Family members of the juvenile were contacted, as well as the Illinois Department of Family and Children Services and the Wisconsin Department of Family Services, and a plan was then put into place to have the juvenile cared for until a family member could take custody of her.
Endangered Child # 5 (15-Year Old Boy Found in Chicago Basement Hiding Behind Water Heater)
A 15- year-old had been reported in September of 2024. Initial information provided to officers suggested that the child was possibly staying with an older male in Indiana. Further investigation revealed that the 15-year-old may be residing in the southside of Chicago. On January 2, 2025, Deputy U.S. Marshals and investigators with CPD ICAC and SIU located the missing juvenile hiding in the basement unit behind a water heater. The juvenile had been staying a poor condition apartment with another male juvenile.
Endangered Child # 6 (16-Year Old Girl Missing for Two Years Found Leaving an Abandoned Apartment, Thanks Agents for Dedication in Finding Her, Stating That She Believed This Would Allow Her the Best Chance to Succeed in Life
A 16-year-old was reported missing in September 2023, when she was 14 at the time. Although
there was no new lead, DUSMs and Officers conducted several days of surveillance at a possible
location and were able to see the missing juvenile leaving an abandoned apartment where she was staying. DUSMs and Officers were able to recover the missing juvenile and set her with a non-for-profit organization who took in the juvenile until her custody affairs were taken care of. The juvenile thanked the officers and DUSMs for their dedication in finding her and stated that she believed this would allow her the best chance to succeed in life.
Endangered Child # 7 (15-Year Old Girl Raped by Stepfather Found in Ohio with Stepfather)
On February 9, 2025, a 14-year-old was reported missing by the Department of Children and Family services (DCFS) after it discovered that she had been sexually assaulted by her stepdaughter (?) and given birth to his child. A safety plan was put in place that prevented the child to be near the presence of the stepfather, however, when the stepfather was arrested on Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault charges, the mother of the child and the newborn were traveling together with him. With assistance of the Northern District of Ohio, the USMS where able to coordinate the recover of the juvenile and placed her into the care of a close relative.
Endangered Child # 8 (13-Year Old Girl Found “Couch-Surfing” with 15-Year Old Boyfriend
On December 12, 2024, a 13-year-old girl was reported missing, with the last known contact being November 28, 2024. During the investigation it was learned that the 13-year-old was more than likely homeless and “couch-surfing” with her 15-year-old boyfriend. On February 24, 2025, Deputy U.S. Marshals and investigators with CPD ICAC and SIU located the missing 13-year-old in a house in the Southside of Chicago. She was placed in a shelter and was provided with an array of assistance services from a non-for profit until her custody affairs were taken care of.
Three Cases Closed Upon Discovery They Had Returned Home
Additionally, 3 other missing child cases where close and removed from the National Crime Notification Center (NCIC) as missing after they were found to have return home but was never report back to the original agency.
An adult female who was reported missing back on June 7, 2019, when she was a juvenile was located safely living at her residence. Officers were able to contact the female and confirm she was safe and not in danger.
A juvenile that was reported missing in June 2024, was located safely by USMS in Dolton, IL. The juvenile, who only spoke Spanish, had been reported missing by her mother back in June 2024. Further investigation by the USMS indicated that the juvenile had returned home. On January 2025, USMS and Dolton Police Detective spoke with the juvenile and confirmed she was living back with her mother and enrolled in school.
An 18-year-old female who was reported missing from Harvey, IL, on May 29, 2024, when she was 17 years old, was located during an arrest operation in the Chicago. The female refused any medical attention and did not want any further assistance. Harvey Police and Chicago Police were contacted and arrangements were made to remove her from NCIC.
Statement from U.S. Marshal LaDon Reynolds:
“The safe recoveries of these missing children are great examples of what can be accomplished when law enforcement agencies work together,” said LaDon Reynolds, U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois.
“The U.S. Marshals Service is fully committed to assisting local agencies with locating and recovering endangered missing children, in addition to our primary fugitive apprehension mission. Our message to missing children and their families is that we will never stop looking for you.”
The U.S. Marshals Service supports the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s mission to protect children from victimization by aiding federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.
The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 enhanced the U.S. Marshal Service’s discretionary authority to assist other law enforcement agencies with the recovery of missing, endangered or abducted children, regardless of whether a fugitive or sex offender was involved.
Since 2015, when the Marshals received enhanced authority under the act, the agency has located or recovered more than 3,967 missing children.
Nationwide, more than 50 local USMS task forces are dedicated to violent crime reduction by locating and apprehending wanted criminals. These task forces also serve as investigation hubs for missing and exploited juveniles throughout the country.