In a couple of minutes YouTube, Kat Abughazaleh announced her candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination for Congress in the gerrymandered 9th District, which includes all of Algonquin Township and extends into the northside of Chicago.
She had this advice for the Democratic Party:

According to Axios, “…a former staffer for progressive watchdog group Media Matters, launched her campaign with a video arguing that Democrats need to ‘grow a f*cking spine.'”
The whole quote, according to the Chicago Sun-Times follows: “So many Democrats seem content to just sit back and let them. So I say it’s time to drop the excuses and grow a f- – – ing spine.”
Schakowsky has been to demonstration after demonstration against Federal cuts by DOGE:

Her reaction to opposition is “I have always encouraged more participation in the democratic process, and I’m glad to see new faces getting involved as we stand up against the Trump Administration.”
Abughazaleh has lived in Illinois for less than a year after being “laid off last year from Media Matters for America, a progressive nonprofit news outlet,” according to Rolling Stone.
The story also says she has narcolepsy. “I take a medication every single morning to keep myself awake…”
“…I don’t have health insurance, I have no income coming in, and am using GoodRx like my life depends on it — because it kind of does.”
She comes from a family that as active in Texas Republican politics. Her father immigrated from Palestine.
She is holding a launch party in Evanston this Saturday.

“We will have free food and drinks but the “price” of admission is to show up with a box (or more than one!) of period products (pads, tampons, or liners only please!) which we will donate to The Period Collective, a Chicago-based nonprofit that provides menstrual products to shelters, schools, community centers, and food banks. Forget to bring some? No worries, we’ll have QR codes to direct you on how to donate directly to The Period Collective.”