I think it was 1993, right before the new Illinois General Assembly was sworn in, that Democrats passed legislation to saddle the Downstate Teachers Pension Fund with local school districts’ health insurance costs.
The union agenda this week, according to the Labor Tribune, reports,
On Monday, Jan. 6, the Illinois Education Association, Illinois AFL-CIO and others are pushing for a one-day lobbying session, setting up a number for constituents and Labor activists to call their legislators and ask them to fix the Tier 2 problem...
[2010] changes removed the Tier 1 annual cost of living adjustment, raised the age of retirement from 62 to 67 and changed eligibility from five years of service to 10 years.
It also capped the maximum salary on which a pension could be based, and altered the calculation to discourage “pension spiking” with a big raise just before retirement to ensure a bigger pension.
This was passed over the stringent opposition of the Illinois Education Association ,AFSCME and other labor unions.