Non-participation in the democratic process in action.
From Wirepoints Mark Glennon:
So-called voter education group — League of Women Voters — says don’t attend, engage or watch State of Union speech
“Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.” League of Women Voters claims to serve those goals by educating voters.

But when it comes to one of the most important State of the Union addresses in memory on Tuesday night, just close your eyes and ears.
That’s the League’s message, as you can see in its Facebook post reproduced here.
“DO NOT ATTEND, ENGAGE, OR WATCH THE STATE OF THE UNION,” say the champions of voter education.
The League of Women Voters long ago threw away its place as a neutral arbiter of issues and elections. Today, it’s a leading voice of the far left — a shrill, intolerant part of the cancel culture.

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When the League of Women Voters finally allowed men to join, I did.
My mother and her friends had been active members.
My motivation was to make sure that the decision-making process that led the Illinois League to endorse the 1974 RTA referendum’s passage with absolutely no local chapter input would not be repeated.
The runners of the League instead based their endorsement on a decision in the past that said something about saving the environment was a good thing.
What an absolute BS argument for a proposal to force the suburbs to bail out the Chicago Transit Authority. (Expect similar support this year for bailing out the RTA.)
Then the League supporting hiking the state income tax with no input from local chapters.
If my memory is correct, the basis for the support was that some of the money would go to education, which was considered good.
Note this was the second time any consideration of the affect on taxpayers was ignored.
At that point, I allowed my membership to lapse.