It was hard for me to take seriously the campaign for the Republican nomination for Governor announced by DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick two weeks ago.

When his name popped up on the front page of the Chicago Tribune in a negative way, it has become even harder.

“A Sheriff for Governor?” I thought.

One who I, as someone who follows politics had never heard of?

How does a Sheriff raise enough money to compete with Jb Pritzker.

Not much of chance, I figure.

Today, I looked for a campaign website, but couldn’t find one.

Not an auspicious beginning.

Of course, the placement of the Tribune story could just be a continuation of sabotage of Republican candidates by the Chicago Tribune.

Think U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan.

= = = = =

A website for his campaign popped up recently, found by a Friend of McHenry County Blog, who is favorably impressed with him:

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