I chose not to use the vernacular that came to mind for a headline when I discovered an additional $100,,000 that was provided by the McHenry County Conservation Foundation to increase the operating rate of the McHenry County Conservation District by one-third. […]
From a Friend of McHenry County Blog who voted at the Eastgate Library: We went to vote at 6:15, small line of about 15 people. One person acting the ass, wearing a Trump shirt and hat, told to go out and remove […]
From John Lopez: Here are the candidate filings for the Republican nominations for the following Dundee Township offices (given over 28% of the village of Algonquin population is in Dundee Township, this should be relevant for blog readers): Supervisor: Clerk: Highway Commissioner: […]
From the Marengo Fire & Rescue Districts: Freight Train Versus Vehicle Near Union On Monday, November 4, 2024, at 5:13 p.m., the Marengo Fire & Rescue Districts, Union Fire Protection District, and McHenry County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported train-versus-vehicle collision […]
From Unleash Prosperity Hotline #1139:
I noticed that former McHenry County College Board President Scott Summers is running a write-in campaign for Congress against Republican Darn LaHood. I asked him for more information and he sent the following: Only small portions of the 16th Congressional district are […]
From Finance Commitee minutes comes the following for Sheriff’s Deputies: Wage and Step Tables Year one market adjustment 5.8% and 3.5%, year two and three 3%. WHEREAS, the increased cost of this agreement for 80 union members is From the Finance Committee […]
At the Meet and Greet at the Cottage last week McHenry County Board member Mke Shorten was handing out coozies with his name on them.
In the October Finance Committee minutes from the McHenry County Board’s Finance Committee, the motion to hike property taxes was made by the Democrats’ pick to replace Republican Mike Buehler as County Board Chairman. The motion was seconded by District 1 Board […]
From the Village of Algonquin: Algonquin Secures $100,000 for Local Infrastructure Improvements, Roads, Water, and Sewer Systems to Benefit from State-Backed Funding ALGONQUIN, IL – The Village of Algonquin is pleased to announce the receipt of $100,000 in state funding, awarded with […]
With Precinct Committeemen (opps, persons) not walking their precincts talking to voters, politicians fifty years ago started using mailmen as their precinct workers. There’s still some of that, but with postage costs skyrocketing more and more candidates are taking to yjr internet. […]
From Richard Rostron: Kamala’s WordSalad Explained By RICH ROSTRON The Response We’ve all heard Kamala’s campaign babbling. Even Leftists who will vote for her if she’s a live grenade in their hands, have to have bit their lips in embarrassment while she […]
Reick uses internet ads to advance campaign.
Found on Facebook:
From McHenry County Circuit Clerk Kathy Keefe: Pay off your overdue court fines without penalty during Amnesty Week November 8-15 Amnesty Week is fast approaching for people who would like to be able to settle their overdue McHenry County court fees without […]
From the Woodstock Fire/Rescue Department: Man Trapped Under Tractor In Creek On Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 3:01 p.m., the Woodstock Fire/Rescue District responded to a reported water rescue in the 3200 block of N. Route 47 in unincorporated Woodstock. While responding, […]
This year several local governments have been accused of spending tax dollars to promote tax hike referendums. Below is the law that I think the McHenry County Conservation District violated (10 ILCS 5/9-25.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 9-25.1; formerly Ch. 46, pars. […]
From the Woodstock Police:
The John Kass website had a perceptive piece by David Bittinger. Without using the word picture of United States citizens being like the frog in the pot of water being boiled, he advances analogies of how socialism leads to communism. Think Venezuela, […]
The McHenry County Board has voted to cut legal speed limits on three county roads:
From Illinois Polilcy cartoonest Eric Allie:
According to the L2 early voting page, Republicans are now out voting Democrats 39% to 35%. Casting one-quarter of the early and mailed in votes are those labeled as Independents. That means they did not vote in either the GOP or Democratic […]
In Lee County, Florida, where my wife and I spend the winter, there is a real incentive for restaurants and food trucks to maintain a clean place. Inspection results are made public in a very public way: Not so much in McHenry […]
From Richard Rostron: Latest Leftist media/Kamala vile lie seeks to portray Trump with violent intention towards Liz Cheney When Johnny asks dad if he can have some ice cream, dad says, “Ask your mother.” So, Johnny goes and asks mom. She says, […]
Frm the Woodtock Police:
We’re not talking a slight misstatement. We’re talking of a statement that Kelli Wegener knows is completely false. She charges that Repblican opponent Mike Buehler “Raised his own pay.” Kelli Wegener Wegener has been on the McHenry County Board long nough to […]
As John Kass keeps pointing out, the website CWB is the only decent source for information about crime., Yesterday, writer Tim Hecke told of how Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth decided four months ago not to talk about crime in her newsletters because it […]
Watching the campaign in my District 2 County Board seat between incumbent Republican John Reinert and Democratic Party challenger John Collins, I see three contrats The Collins campaign is composed of three postcards, two of which are negative concerning Reinert. The Reinert […]
From the Lake in the Hills Police:
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