From the Woodstock Police:
From The Center Square: State’s attorney says end of cash bail an ‘abject failure’ in his Illinois county (The Center Square) – A full year into the state’s end of cash bail, a suburban county state’s attorney says the law has been […]
If you take your property tax bill and divide it by the value of your home, you get was is called an “effective tax rate.” The Civic Federation puts out a report every year telling what the average effective tax rate is […]
Declaring the position of Algonquin Township Supervisor to be a part-time job, the three-woman majority on the Township Board cut the salary of the Supervisor to be elected next spring from $56,000 now to $31,000. They also eliminated employee and family health […]
From the Woodstock Police:
From the Circuit Court: 22nd Judicial Circuit of McHenry County Awarded $1.6 Million for Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program WOODSTOCK, IL — The 22nd Judicial Circuit of McHenry County is proud to announce the receipt of a significant grant totaling $1,640,615 from the […]
Fro McHery County: McHenry County Wins Distinguished Budget Award WOODSTOCK, Ill. – Once again, McHenry County has won top honors for budget reporting from an international organization of its finance professional peers. McHenry County received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the […]
From the McHenry Township Fire Poteciton District: Water Rescue The McHenry Township Fire Protection District (MTFPD) was dispatched to the 1400 block ofN. River Rd in the City of McHenry for a water rescue. It was reported that two individuals were in […]
From the Woodstock Police:
From Tim Beck: When is a tax decrease not a decrease? Last March, the county’s voters approved property tax relief by passing a referendum to fund the Mental Health Board with a new .25% sales tax. The levy for […]
Yesterday, $6,000 showed up as a contribution to Kelli Wegener, the Democratic Party candidate opposing Republican Mike Buehler for McHenry County Board Chairman. That raises the question of Personal PAC’s motivation. It’s the third reason in Wegener’s mailing: One of the three […]
From the Woodstock Police: From the Village of Johnsburg: Open Burning of Landscape Waste Landscape waste may be burned on Saturdays and Sundays from dawn through dusk during Fall months of October and November. The burning of landscape waste is permitted only when […]
From McHenry County Board member Mike Shorten: Facebook: Join me, McHenry County Board Member Mike, “Shorty” Shorten for a Virtual Town Hall. With just over two weeks left in the election cycle, I’ve knocked on a lot of doors and spoken to […]
“Ill-begotten” is defined as “illicit or improper.” Something that should have been illegal, but was not, to put it in my words. There is a “Vote Yes for the Conservation District Proposition PAC” financed with $50,000 from $1 million of principal that should have gone to […]
I was shocked to see on ABC News last night that 49% of Americans think Donald Trump is a fascist. Yesterday Richard Rostron wrote of his perception that leading Democrats are seeking Trump’s assasination with their rhetoric. Trying to wake up this […]
From last month’s minutes of the Law and Justice Committee of the McHenry County Board: Sandra Salgado, Sheriff’s Business Manager, joined the committee to discuss the resolution. Ms. Salgado noted that 25 officers are currently eligible for retirement, having served for at […]
When I was twenty-three and running for the Republican nomination for McHenry County Treasurer the precursor of Facebook was logal gossip. After being examined by military doctos at Great Lakes and Glenview, I was classified as 1-Y. In the first exam a […]
McHenry County “paper of record,” the Northwest Herald, has been reporting on the man who beat Democrat Jack Franks for County Board Chairman for more than four years. The NWH, of course, was a fervent supporter of all things Franks. Yesterday, the […]
I don’t subscribe to Crain’s Chicago Business, but I do receive its come-on emails. This week I have been noticing that its “Chicago Ten” no longer has links to ten stories. Wednesday it had only six.
From the Lake in the Hills Police:
In answer to the question “Why shouldn’t voters choose your opponent?” incumbent Republican McHenry County Board Chairman replied, “Voters should be deeply concerned about my opponent’s activist track record on the county board,which has consistently supported initatves that are not in the […]
From State Rep. Dan Ugaste: September unemployment rate remains at 5.3%. The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced last week that nonfarm payrolls were up +7,100 while the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.3 percent in September, based on preliminary data provided by the […]
Illinois Policy has an article in which State Rep. Carol Ammons, a local Democrat, criticizes her County Board for spending tax dollars to promote a quarter of one percent sales tax. The Conservation District has sent out a six by eight and […]
By RICH ROSTRON The Response Donald Trump has already undergone two assassination attempts during the 2024 campaign for president, one where he was actually shot in the ear. It’s not surprising, really. After all, when 330-million Americans, and 30- or 40-million illegals […]
Above is a photo of twent-one of the twenty-two poast cards sent to a mid-twenties man. Another one arrived yesterday. Thirteen were designed to put Republican opponent Laurie Parman in a bad light. Why the big effort to paint Parman so negatively […]
From the Nunda Rural Fire Protection District: Two-Vehicle Crash on Route 176 On Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 7:06 a.m., the Nunda Rural Fire Protection District responded to a report of a head-on crash with entrapment near Route 176 and Nish Road. […]
From the Coroner: McHenry County Coroner, Dr. Michael Rein, announced that his office was contacted on October 20, 2024 at around 3pm to investigate the death of Jonathan Warner, age 33 of McHenry. Mr. Warner was traveling southbound on a jet ski […]
Look what a reader found on people who have voted early and by mail: This comes from a web site called “L2.”
Democratic Party candidate Kelli Wegener, set on defeating Republican McHenry County Board Chairman Mike Buehler, has hit a stumbling block. She failed to report a $1,000 or larger contribution within the five days required by law. In fact, she was forty-nine days […]
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