Found in the Chicago Tribune is a woman being killed by the man against which she had obtained an Order of Protection:
That’s that the Wall Street Journal and the New Yok Post are reporting. That’s what Tom Homan promised in his December Chicago appearance “If your mayor doesn’t want to help, he can step aside. But if he impedes us, if he knowingly […]
Block Club published a story on 1910 urinals at an old brewery at a Chicago bar. Our family visited Washington about 1950, which I can date to the time President Truman was living in Blair House while the White House was being […]
McHenry County publishes salary and fringe benefit estimates for those over 1200 employees. Marchese, Anna Veterans Service Officer I $87,334.76Marek, Maria Senior Asst State’s Attorney 2nd Chair $112,908.66Marin, Anthony Assistant State’s Attorney $94,827.54Markison, Edward Maint Superintendent $150,414.68Markowski, Ryan Probation Supervisor $88,221.08Maron, Taylor […]
Earlier this week Scott Stantis, the Editorial cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune drew images of Joe Biden as a doddering old man: Today, Stantis returned to his ridicule of Donald Trump, whom he cauterizes as a skunk:
From District 300: False Lockdown Alarm at Jacobs High School – No Threat to Students Dear Jacobs Families, This morning, at approximately 7:21 a.m., a lockdown alarm was activated at Jacobs High School. We immediately implemented our lockdown procedures and worked closely […]
The Chicago Tribune has an article about how the “Women’s March” is going to change its name: After walking from the bottom to the top of the State of Illinois in his quest to beat the Lieutenant Governor Paul Simon, a reformer […]
The two U.S. Members of Congress who currently and previously representing Algonquin Township are skipping the Inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump: Those who have represented other parts of McHenry County say they will attend the ceremony:
During the last three months of 2024, prime time to support candidates, the McHenry County Democratic Women spent less than $2,100 and none was identified as supporting women. $350 was transferred to the McHenry County Democratic Central Committee, but most was spent […]
From CongrrsmanDarin LaHood: LaHood, Moolenaar, Golden, and Senator Rick Scott Reintroduce the NO GOTION Act to Stop Federal Taxpayer Funding of CCP Companies January 16, 2025 Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-16) – a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and […]
These are the top ten entries picked by the Illinois Flag Commission to replace the current one. A designer who is a Woodstock native was interviewed by the Chicago Sun-Times for its article: “Designers I talked to believe it’s important an Illinois […]
McHenry County publishes salary and fringe benefit estimates for those over 1200 employees. Leake, Katherine Clerk III $42,646.50Ledford, Michaela Laundry Worker $31,517.85Lee, Sarah Correctional Officer – Union $113,694.88Legare, Norrie Professional Nurse $95,323.54Lenzen, Derek Correctional Officer – Union $128,375.52Leonard, Djuana Procurement Specialist II […]
From McHenry County Sheriff Robb Tadelman: Sheriff’s Statement on Aiding Federal Agencies The McHenry County Sheriff’s Office remains steadfast in its commitment to the rule of law and the safety of all residents in our community. However, the Illinois Trust Act, which […]
From the U.S. Attorney: CHICAGO MAN CONVICTED IN FEDERAL COURT OF KIDNAPPING, CARJACKING, AND FIREARM OFFENSES CHICAGO — A federal jury has convicted a Chicago man on multiple criminal charges for kidnapping two drivers and sexually assaulting one of them at gunpoint. […]
From the side of current Nunda Township Supervisor Leda Drain: From challenger Mike Shorten, a former Nunda Township Trustee: To both candidates and those running in other township, municipal or school board elections, any submissions will be publilshed.
With the Consumer Price Index having been announced by the Federal government, the Illinois Department of Revenue has announced that non-Home Rule local governments (including schools) are limited to a 2.9% increase in the tax levies they pass this year. The limit […]
State Rep. Jeff Keicher did the heavy lifting on the bill to conform the driver’s license requirements for those over 75 to those in other states. But the Senate President, a Democrat, decided for some reason he did not like the bill […]
McHenry Mayor Wayne Jett has one of the largest Political Action Committee funds in McHenry County.l It totaled $53,500 on New Year’s Day. He owes himself and his firm $63,272. The latest infusion of money is $10,000, put in the last week […]
& PM is the time to hear President Joe Biden give his foging away speech. Those of us in the audience can give him a TelleTubby Bye-Bye:
The Chicago Sun-Times asks the questions: Email
McHenry County publishes salary and fringe benefit estimates for those over 1200 employees. Leake, Katherine Clerk III $42,646.50Ledford, Michaela Laundry Worker $31,517.85Lee, Sarah Correctional Officer – Union $113,694.88Legare, Norrie Professional Nurse $95,323.54Lenzen, Derek Correctional Officer – Union $128,375.52Leonard, Djuana Procurement Specialist II […]
From the Land Conservancy of McHenry County: The Land Conservancy of McHenry County Earns National Recognition Demonstrates Strong Commitment to Public Trust and Conservation Excellence Woodstock, IL – One thing that unites us as a nation is land: Americans strongly support saving […]
Back when Saul Alinsky was being promoted, I read his book “Rules for Radicals” and even attended a daylong session in the heart of the beast put on by his acolytes. Undoubtedly, some of my strategies in advancing policy positions were assisted […]
From the McHenry Township Fire Protection District:Your Attractive Heading Fox Lake Road Fire On Tuesday, January 14th, at approximately 8:40 p.m., the McHenry Township Fire Protection District (MTFPD) was dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 5900 block of Fox Lake […]
From State Rep. Jeff Keicher: Rep. Keicher, Illinois Secretary of State team up to reduce barriers to driver’s license renewal for older adults CHICAGO, Ill. – State Representative Jeff Keicher (R-Sycamore) joined Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias and other lawmakers at a […]
From Wirepoints: Asian students rank best.
From the Marengo Fire & Rescue Districts: Vehicle Strikes House in Marengo On January 14, 2025, at 3:20 p.m., the Marengo Fire & Rescue Districts and Marengo Police Department were dispatched to the 900 block of Partridge Circle in Marengo following an […]
McHenry County publishes salary and fringe benefit estimates for those over 1200 employees. Koplin, Michael Correctional Officer – Union $135,033.60Kopp, Jenna Certified Nursing Assistant I $25,848.42Korpalski, Joseph County Engineer $233,067.38Korpan, Katie Court/Courtroom Spec I $65,205.47Kosin, Robert ZBA Mbr $5,720.00Kotomski, William DOT Seasonal […]
From the State’s Attorney: JERAMEE BROWN SENTENCED TO SIX YEARS IN THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS FOR THE OFFENSE OF DRUG INDUCED HOMICIDE The McHenry County State’s Attorney’s Office announces that Jeramee Brown, 22, of Crystal Lake, Illinois, was sentenced to six […]
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