Crystal Lake McCain Rally Garners Large Crowd

Illinois Republicans without a big check book have been denied the chance to see their Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate this year.

But McHenry County McCain Chairman John McCrory managed to convince a national McCain bus tour sponsored by Our Country Deserves Better PAC to stop in Crystal Lake Tuesday night before heading off the Madison. It is called the “Stop Obama Tour.”

Everyone is giving the state to Barack Obama.

But still people who came on about 24 hours notice anxiously awaited the arrival of the bus.

By the time it finally arrived, empty parking lots on all sides of the Route 14 McHenry County Republican Central Committee Headquarters were filled. People even parked in the shopping center across the street and braved rush hour traffic.

Marine Mom Deborah Johns and singer/song writer Lloyd Marcus can be seen above in from of the big bus on which they arrived.

From the pictures that my photographer took, those who attended had an exciting time.

Especially the kids.

But the kids weren’t the only ones excited.

Mike Tryon greeted Senior Strategist Sal Russo, a long-time political consultant first inspired by Barry Goldwater while in college. He must be about my age.

Here PAC Chairman Howard Kallogian addresses the crowd. He is a former California state assemblyman during his six years in Sacramento and helped recall Democratic Party Governor Gray Davis.

Here’s a shot of the crowd with the old Pauly Toyota building, newly decked out with Republican signs, in the background.

As the event proceeded, McCain enthusiasts had a beautiful night sky to view.

Where did this nonsense that red stands for Republicans come from? Red fits leftist Democrats a lot better. Probably a Left Stream media trying to dissociate Democrats from 1950’s things like the “Red Scare.” In any event, I see a lot of blue in this photograph.

The sign,


fit the mood of the crowd well, I’m told.

Among the well-know Republicans were Fred and Lynn Wickham. Fred’s holding a grandchild a bit too small to remember the rally.

And the bus headed off to swing state Wisconsin.

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