Challenger Jeff Iden Defeating Former Lakewood Village President Julie Richardson for Trustee

Former Lakewood Village President Julie Richardson is being defeated for election to the Trustee post to which she was appointed.  With one precinct and early and absentee votes outstanding, challenger Jeff Iden is ahead by 91 votes.

Richardson’s campaign seemed to consist of yard signs, which Iden matched, at least outside of Country Club Additions.

Iden upped the ante on the Saturday before the election, however.

In the morning, a post card appeared in mailboxes:

Jeff Iden started as a vitural unknown outside of Turnberry. This post card helped create name identification.

The post card talks about being fiscally responsible, more communication, talks about development at the intersection of Routes 176 and 47 without mentioning the SportsPlex, promotes open space and water conservation & quality. Nothing negative is mentioned about his opponent.

By afternoon, there were plastic bags with a yellow pamphlet from Iden on mailboxes.

Take a look:

the front of the tri-fold pamphlet gives Jeff Iden name identification and stakes out his position against Home Rule.


The big guns are unloaded on the back of the brouchure. A hit at Richardson's support of the failed Home Rule referendum, a hit at misspending of a special tax on Turnberry, criticism for charge the Red Tail Golf Course for architectural fees, and a charge that his opponent "supports a new tax to help pay for a clubhouse!"

Open up the pamphlet and there's another hit against Home, a hint that something different will be done to keep Turnberry lakes clean, plus the assertion that "Redtail Golf Club should be financially independent with no additional tas burden on any residents."

Richardson was the only one on the village board that supported the McHenry County SportsPlex who had opposition. At least one person I talked with about the election was aware of that.

The inside of the piece is a letter from the canddiate giving his background and goals, which are pretty much what was on the postcard. Click to enlarg.

Since this was delivered on Saturday, Richardson had time for a rebuttal piece, but, for whatever reason, chose to take the blows without response.

= = = = =
Midnight results with all precincts reporting:

Final split was 60-40.

And the drop off was significant for those running for the four-year terms unopposed:

There's a drop-off of over 200 votes in the uncontested race for four-year terms.

To give some perspective, Crystal Lake Mayor Aaron Shepley received 1,449 vote in his uncontested race for re-election.  So Crystal Lakers cast about three times more votes than Lakewood residents, even though Crystal Lake has 40,743 to Lakewood’s  3.811.



Challenger Jeff Iden Defeating Former Lakewood Village President Julie Richardson for Trustee — 5 Comments

  1. It is good to finally see somebody “elected” into the spot that Julie Richardson basically was always “betrothed”.

    Nice to see a good man and fiscally responsible person help running Lakewood.

    Trustee Sexson

  2. You ran against yourself. Some people just love a title. Go to bed Gary.

  3. Good to see that Iden won over an incumbent appointed by President Smith.

  4. Was the snide remark after the fact really necessary? As an “elected” trustee, that I voted for, show some class.

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