Jim Marter Thinking of Running for GOP Nomination for Congress in 14th

From Jim Marter’s Faceboo page:

James Marter speaks in Crystal Lake. while running for U.S. Senate.

What do you think?

We raised our family in beautiful Oswego, and area folks have reached out asking us to consider running for 2020.

We know the district well, and would fight for our issues and our constitutional rights now being ignored by IL14 democrat radical progressive Lauren Underwood.

Some despicable highlights:

Underwood has refused to publicly denounce her fellow radical democrat colleague Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti Semitic remarks about our ally Israel, her first vote in Congress was for Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and she supports infanticide. She clearly won’t be fighting for us. Oh, and she wants taxpayers to fund her re-election campaign. 


Jim Marter Thinking of Running for GOP Nomination for Congress in 14th — 13 Comments

  1. He’s another right wing extremist, so he and Cal will be kindred spirits.

    Lauren Underwood has an 82% approval ratinG.

    MAYBE HE SHOULD CHANGE HIS NAME TO “MARTYR” (for the white nationalist cause/NRA/anti-reproductive rights cause).

    Underwood would eat him for breakfast

  2. There is only one legitimate use for UnderwoodNow posts.

    Fart jokes.

  3. Frank, April Fool’s Day was last week, and I got my laughs elsewhere.

    Let’s be clear, the above Facebook link is to the Rotten Illinois Politicians Facebook page, while the excerpt is from Jim Marter’s Facebook page. The Facebook poll on RIP is between Marter and Jim Oberweis only, and does not include Danny Malouf, Anthony Catella or Allen SKillicorn.

    Angry Illinoisian’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/302877103493986/posts/635552726893087?sfns=mo) is also doing a 2-man poll between State Representative Allen Skillicorn and State Senator Jim Oberweis. Seems like Oberweis is the “elephant in the room” target concerning the 14th congressional district GOP primary. To be fair to Oberweis, he was in Washington recently, per the Illinois Review (https://www.illinoisreview.com/illinoisreview/2019/04/oberweis-i-support-trumps-policies-not-his-style.html). If Malouf or Catella have recent campaign news, those 2 guys better get cracking to get the word out.

    As for Jim Marter, I still shake-my-head for his carpetbagging primary challenge against Congressman Adam Kinzinger, and challenging the then-4 term congressman as a career politician inside-the-beltway insider given Kinzinger not only serves his country in Congress, but is an active duty lieutenant colonel in the United State Air Force.

    At least Marter lives in the 14th district (Oswego) and served as the Kendall County Republican Chairman from 2016-2018, and has several Psalm 128 indications of being a genuine, Godly Kingdom Man.

    But something he, and others, continue to do is insult the intelligence of voters by using epithets that Congresswoman Lauren Underwood is a radical progressive, and thinking she is Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Lauren Underwood is Lauren Underwood, and she is the woman the Republican nominee needs to convince 14th district general election voters why she needs to be replaced. Voters are not stupid, so these Republican candidates cannot be playing them for stupid.

    That is what I liked about Matt Quigley–he took the voters seriously. Where Quigley disagreed with Underwood’s developing voting record, he disagreed. But he has avoided the insulting language that Oberweis, Marter and Skillicorn have resorted to. Since both Malouf and Catella are non-factors for now, anything they’ve said about Underwood, if anything, is ignored.

    Other candidates will come forward, and may the best man, or woman, win the Republican nomination on March 17.

  4. Don’t just make things up, Frank.

    At least post some proof or tell us who you heard that from if you’re going to write something like that.

  5. “Lauren Underwood has an 82% approval ratinG.”

    You and Frank should meet up and share your fake stories.

  6. Frank, are You the guy willing to finance that because Lawrence didn’t even have money to go on a field trip a Trump Rally and was asking for her fb friends to chip in.

  7. Does Skillicorn not live in the 8th?

    Not that it makes any difference since Rahm set the precedent but I was just wondering.

  8. I believe he lives in the 6th District, but the U.S. Constitution says candidates must just live in the state.

    Either Melissa Bean or Tammy Duckworth lilved outside of the district in they served.

  9. **Not that it makes any difference since Rahm set the precedent but I was just wondering.**

    Do you not understand that’s Rahm’s residency issues are not at all related to the issue at hand?

  10. If Jim Marter, Allen Skillicorn, Danny Malouf or Anthony Catella are serious about running for Congress next year for the 14th district, they better start letting people in Washington know.

    Both State Senators Jim Oberweis AND Sue Rezin met with “honchos” from the National Republican Congressional Committee in Washington, last week concerning the 14th district, per Lynn Sweet’s column from Sunday:


    The 6th district race is mentioned briefly, too.

    The same article also tells of Congresswoman Underwood’s first congressional trip in her role as Vice Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee to the U.S.-Mexico border cities of El Paso and the McAllen area (McAllen isn’t on-the-border, but close enough to it).

    While Oberweis announced his candidacy in February, Rezin appears to be biding her time and thus far has said nothing about a congressional campaign on her social media sites.

    Neither Skillicorn nor Catella are mentioned in this article.

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