Tribune Quotes Steve Reick in Income Tax Hike Committee Debate

Steve Reick

Here is what State Rep Steve Reick said while the Democrats Constiuttional Amendment was being considered:

Rep. Steve Reick, a Woodstock Republican, said relying so heavily on a relatively small number of taxpayers for revenue will backfire during an economic downturn.

“Illinois gets pneumonia every time the rest of the country catches a cold,” Reick said.

“My concern is that the disproportionate amount of revenue coming from such a small number of people could result in a disproportionate decline in state revenue because of such high reliance on that income when things are good.”

You can read the entire Chicago Tribune article here.


Tribune Quotes Steve Reick in Income Tax Hike Committee Debate — 6 Comments

  1. How many drunk drivers get a free ride home from LE?

    How many times did you get that special treatment Rep. Reick?

    Well, you didn’t get such kid gloves treatment by the Ill. State Police this time Steverino!

  2. Has the man no decency?

    I mean if there was something wrong with the breathalyzer, OK, contest the charges.

    But the video is so damning.

    He is a disgrace.

    But considering our august County Board and Chairman, he’s ‘par for the course.’

  3. Why all this ganging up on Reick?

    Franks get’s away with far worse.

    He should be charged with cruelly murdering taxpayers — a real massacre.

    Reick only endangered himself and whoever was stupid enough to be driving in Springfield during the wee hrs.

    Franks harms us all!

    Reick admitted his minor wrongdoing; Franks revels in high crimes against the taxpayer and revels in it, threatening even greater taxcrime sprees.

    Oh, and Jack, does my criticism of you amount to anti-semitism?

    Quit playing your religion card.

  4. Poor Reick looks a little hungover.

    I don’t blame him, with people like handy Andy and the geriatric minutemen as the face of the party I’d feel the same way.

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