IL-14: Jim Oberweis Super Bowl Meme Reminds Everyone of His Big Weakness

Jim Oberweis

Oberweis’ supporters should cringe when he posts about the Super Bowl given where The Big Game is being played and Oberweis’ wife’s primary residence in same state

For as long as 14th congressional district Republican frontrunner Jim Oberweis is running for Congress, he should stay away from anything to do with the state of Florida, and that includes Super Bowl LIV.

This campaign Facebook page post was posted at 6AM CST Saturday morning:

The Big Game is being played in Miami. While the Oberweis Florida residence in Bonita Springs is on the Gulf coast side of the state, any reminder/hint of the Sunshine State, including the Great American tradition of Super Bowl Sunday and the site of the game is south Florida, is something his supporters and hopefuls wanting to flip the 14th district in November wish Oberweis would stay away from in every form.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) last year already pulled up information about Oberweis and his Bonita Springs, FL, residency, which Oberweis’ wife calls her primary residency as she has for eight years.

DCCC Press Release 10/21/19

That includes innocuous Facebook post appealing to football fans to comment on whom they think will win the Vince Lombardi Trophy, the team that hasn’t won it in 25 years, or the team that hasn’t won it in 50 years.

At the Batavia debate Thursday, the whispers was Oberweis returned to Florida after the state senate was recessed on Wednesday, and that was why he was not at the debate.

And like football, Oberweis has 44 days to literally run out the clock and avoid debates with his opponents. Whether he’ll be at Thursday’s congressional debate at MCC or the Will County debate the following Monday remains to be seen.

Basically, as the frontrunner, Oberweis can sit back and let his name ID and money do the talking in TV commercial ad buys while he enjoys his time away from Springfield with his wife at their Florida home during winter.

That’s why reminders of Florida in the context of Oberweis, including a post about the Super Bowl, would be a reminder of a liability he doesn’t need to remind Republican primary voters, otherwise one of the two candidates who can afford to buy local TV ad time may need to remind voters of south beach and the Florida Gulf coast and Oberweis’ Sunshine State roots between now and March 17.

Now what would happen if Jim Oberweis and his wife, tweet where they are watching the game on TV and it’s not his Sugar Grove primary residency, or even tweet from the Big Game itself?


IL-14: Jim Oberweis Super Bowl Meme Reminds Everyone of His Big Weakness — 10 Comments

  1. LOL – there are like 5 people B total who see the Super Bowl meme and Oberweis and think about him living in Florida.

  2. Dumbest dumbest post by McHenry county blog ever.

    Just dumb.

  3. Illinois morons: “Like, what’s the big deal?

    Me: “Hey stupid, nobody likes opportunistic Pols purposely dodging taxes”.

  4. Alabama is just showing off his contemptability and stupidity.

    It’s a daily occurrence.

    At least he exposes himself here on this blog, and not on some elementary schoolyard.

    So, we’re saving society in an indirect way by getting him preoccupied with the delusion that people take his lunacy seriously.

    Alabama, weren’t you invited to the Franks’ Strategy breakfast this am to go over how to ride out this ‘bump’ in the Jackalope’s career?

    Franks has been telling people this is just like the black face Virginia governor scandal, he won’t have to resign and ‘it’ll all blow over.’

    But it won’t!

  5. I was staring at the meme trying to figure out why it was so damming.

    Lopez COMMENTARY has been bad for the last three months.

    This meme is not cringe worthy.

    No one is going to look at this and then think he’s promoting his home state or flaunting his ties to the state of Florida.

    Give me a break with this.

    Lopez has been negative on the Oberweis since day 1.

    He’s going to win the primary then lose to Underwood.

    It’s God’s will.

  6. I don’t know if this alleged Illinois resident pays Illinois state taxes

    I do know that high- earning Illinois residents declare residency in Florida to evade Illinois income taxes.

    The law requires they spend 6 months plus 1 day in the State of declared residency.

    To my knowledge there is no mechanism, no office tasked with policing their compliance, nor any office actively enforcing appropriate taxation reparations to injured taxpayers who were forced to pay more as a result of such fraud.

    The same can be said for property tax exemptions taken based upon primary residency, and non-uniform property assessments or certificates of error granted to some but not all appellants, in violation of Statutory law.

    I don’t have reason to believe these particular individuals are engaging in such tax evasions, but pointing out that taxpayers should form our own task forces to discover and civilly litigate tax fraud.

    Because nobody else is doing that to protect us.

  7. Non-Uniform property assessments get my goat, too, Susan.

    But that’s the problem when we have moron townships assessors doing the assessing, and not a county assessor as my folks have in Menard County, IL.

  8. Whether township or county, assessments are subjective.

    And many school districts straddle several townships; which can result in fairly-assessed townships’s properties forced subsidization of under-assessed township properties.

    The process used to determine Equalization Factors is vulnerable to manipulation.

    And as we know, improper assessment reductions such as obtained by Pritzker and Ricketts are not available to every taxpayer on a uniform basis.

  9. Illinois political industry does not seem motivated by fair treatment of taxpayers, as evidenced by our tax rates.

    Illinois political industry hss mo incentive to change its practices, which enrich its members.

    There are no agencies policing or enforcing taxing bodies’ compliance with Illinois law.

    Watchdogs try but face high personal expenses and risks for their efforts.

    IMO, Unless individual citizens find a way to introduce negative consequences to political industry actors who violate civil law, we have no hope of surviving here.

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