Aaron Schock Comes Out: “I am gay”

Aaron Schock

Long suspected particularly in the past year, the man once known as the future of the Republican Party admits he’s gay

Many of us remember former Congressman Aaron Schock’s quick rise, the young man from Peoria who:

  • At age 19, ousted an incumbent as a write-in candidate to the Peoria District #150 school board
  • At age 23, winning the first of two terms to the Illinois House of Representatives
  • At age 26 running for congress, winning the Republican primary in February for the open seat, shellacking two established men with 71% of the primary vote
  • At age 27 after winning election in November, being sworn into Congress as one of the youngest members ever elected

And many remember all of the cover page photo shoots of Schock showing off his washer board abs wearing an opened business suit on multiple covers of Men’s Health.

This tweet had the information from this morning:

The man, now 38, must be kept in prayers so the distortion he’s succumbed to can be crushed. The link to his lengthy post, which is not graphic, can be seen below which simply starts with the words, “I am gay”:


Aaron Schock Comes Out: “I am gay” — 25 Comments

  1. *The man, now 38, must be kept in prayers so the distortion he’s succumbed to can be crushed.**

    You know, I was going to laugh at this, but it’s actually quite sad and dangerous.

    It’s pathetic that this is coming from an actual writer on this blog.

    I expect the bigotry in the comments, but not as much in the actual posts.

  2. Mr. AlabamaShake, there is no bigotry to it or homophobia.

    Just the wisdom of God from His word applied in genuine agape love toward my fellow man.

    It’s living out “love the sinner, hate the sin”, and whether it is Aaron Schock, Katie Hill, or the too many men whose wives ran off with another woman, or too many women, whose husbands run off with another man, I lift them to God so He gets through to them.

    I will not compromise here, and anyone suffering from a sexual sin, including the lies, distortions, abuse or whatever drove them to this lifestyle, is not beyond redemption.

    No more lies, no compromise especially of God’s word, which is very clear on this topic.

  3. “In 2008, as a Republican running in a conservative district, I took the same position on gay marriage held by my party’s nominee, John McCain.

    That position against marriage equality, though, was also then held by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as well.”



  4. Pretty sad that John is way more worried about who Schock sleeps with than the extensive list of felonies he committed.

  5. LOL – I like how John pushes out his homophobia but ignores Trump’s numerous infidelities.

    Despite the fact that the Bible says a whole lot more about infidelity than being gay.


  6. big·ot

    noun –
    a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions

    John Lopez you are a bigot.

    No need to defend your bigotry.

    You are intolerant of this man and you think your God should be the law of the land.

  7. Mr. Jeff, God is the law of the land, & all of us will face him some day.

    I pray you can face Him with Christ on your side.

    Scriptures are clear what happens.


  8. Mr. AlabamaShake, President Trump humbled himself before God, and is forgiven.

    God put President Trump where he is, because he is penitent before Him.

  9. Wow, there are some really twisted people that exalt and believe in themselves as their own god. Sin is sin. You people really need to get a grip on yourselves castigating others for the enormousness of what you want to classify. Sin is sin! Did you not hear what your Lord said???????????????????? Alabama exemplifies this moronic attitude. I”d expect nothing less from them. Breaking the first of the commandments is probably something that should rate right up there with you. If you can’t get His first rule, what makes you think you have anything right?

  10. ** President Trump humbled himself before God, and is forgiven.**


    ** God put President Trump where he is, because he is penitent before Him.**


  11. Really? Who cares if he’s gay?

    If you are opposed to homosexuality, don’t become one.

    If you are opposed to abortion, don’t have one.

    If you are opposed to liars, don’t lie.

    Etc, etc.

    It’s ok to honor and live by your beliefs, but don’t force them on others.

    If your a good person, and don’t lie, cheat, steal, or cause harm to others, then be who you are.

    Life is way to short to be anything but happy.

    Be loving and accepting of others and their differences.

    Praise be to God.

  12. Not a big deal. What about the Mayor of Chicago who is exalted? All of the media think that sexual preference is private. Thus, this is a non-issue.

    Also, what about the CEO of Apple? A huge, huge company. Nobody disses Apple or their CEO.

  13. Sickoid.

    He outed himself long ago with those queer photos.

    Did anybody bother to think that the lavender mafia fixed those elections? They did.

  14. At least he didn’t turn his apartment into a gay whorehouse like Barney Franks.

  15. Cecil.

    “Don’t force your belief on others”.

    Right after. If you are opposed to abortion…don’t have one”.

    An infant is violently dismembered as the mother forces her beliefs on others.

  16. Onward christian soldiers, Marching as to war.

    More bigotry and hatred is professed in the name of god and jesus in this country than for any other reason.

    John Lopez you are a hypocrite.

    Judge not lest ye be judged. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. Jesus said there are only two commandments,

    Love god with all your your heart, and love your neighbor as you would yourself.

    It is not for you to judge anyone for their morality.

    God is not the law of the land, that resides in the constitution and the rights it affords the individual and the states.

    Don’t pray for me, if there is a god I will make my own case.

    You will need to defend your hatred and bigotry.

  17. I do not count myself as very religious at all, Baron Pokorny.

    My (different sex) wife would call me anti-religious.

    But I have read a lot about how civilizations rot and self destruct.

    Homosexuality is part of the civilizational decay.

    And I’m not just talking about Rome.

    There’s whole nests of them now in our alphabet agencies.

    And they do have an agenda.

    And it’s not healthy for society.

    Putin just cleaned out a big nest in the equivalent of Russia’s State Dept.

    They promote and protect they’re own perverted kind.

    220 are now fired and blacklisted.

    Too bad.

    Boo boo.

  18. Wow so the terminator is having a homophobic identity crisis.

    Hang in there you’ll figure it out.

  19. He’s just another former darling of the party, once thought to be the future of the party, tossed to the curb with Joe Walsh.

  20. Mr. Pokorny, are you having a senility moment?

    What did “Terminator” write that you could possibly label as ‘homophobic identity crisis’?

    You just attack with weird ad hominems that have no basis.

    As far as swish Shock is concerned, elements of the Deep State running both parties court his kind.

    Remember Denny Hastert?

    He was fished outa nowhere and became the Speaker.

    There are many, many others, far worse than him, NOW SITTING IN CONGRESS!

    This is very old news about Schock, hardly shocking!


  21. Deputy, what about this, from way back in 2016?: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/aaron-schock-outed_n_4542133

    Why the surprise now?

    “here’s a hypothetical: what if you know a certain GOP congressman, let’s just say from Illinois, is gay… and you know this because one of your friends, a journalist for a reputable network, told you in no uncertain terms that he caught that GOP congressman and his male roommate in the shower… together. now they could have been good friends just trying to conserve water. but there’s more. what if this congressman has also been caught by tmz cameras trolling gay bars. now what if you know that this very same guy, the darling of the gop, has also voted against repeal of don’t ask don’t tell, opposed the repeal of doma, is against gay marriage; and for the federal marriage amendment, which would add language to the us constitution banning gay marriage and would likely strike down every gay rights law and ordinance in the country?”

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