Chuck Wheeler Among Leaders of Black Republican Coalition

From Donald Trump Delegate and McHenry County Board member Chuck Wheeler:

Black Republican Leaders Announce Formation of New Coalition in Illinois

Black Republican leaders from across the state, in partnership with the Illinois Republican Party, are proud to announce the official launch of the Illinois Black Republican Coalition (ILBRC).

The ILBRC will lead state Republican’s outreach to the black community with a vision of bringing Black Americans into the conservative movement.

The ILBRC will promote the principles of free enterprise, strong families, school choice and self-reliance as well as candidates who share those ideas.

The ILBRC will provide a political home to those who have been exploited and taken for granted by the Democrat Party.

From crumbling inner-city neighborhoods in East St. Louis, to the daily reports of violence in Chicago and the falling down public housing in Cairo – the black community in Illinois deserves more than this failure of leadership.

The ILBRC believes that Republican ideas and principles provide a better way.

Goals of the ILBRC include developing a structure for recruiting candidates throughout the state beginning with the 2021 municipal elections, grassroots organizing, issues training, and young adult leadership development.

ILBRC’s webpage can be found at

Leadership Team

George Pearson, Co-Chair

George Pearson is a former United States Sailor and serves as Chairman of the Will County Republican Central Committee. He has worked as a Republican campaign manager and strategist for multiple federal, state and local races. Pearson, a recipient of both the Tim O’Shea Academic and Leadership awards, has been a contributing commentator and analyst on WGN-TV since 2018 and is the Republican view of the WGN-TV “Political Duo.”

Kevin Suggs, Co-Chair

Kevin Suggs is a Bremen Township Republican committeeman and serves as the first black member of the Tinley Park Board of Trustees. He is the former Vice-Chairman of the Cook County Republican Party. He is a Senior Account Manager for Univar Solutions, a Downers Grove-based distributor of Specialty Chemicals. Kevin received his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Pre-Medicine from the University of Notre Dame. He has also been a contributor on CLTV’s Politics Tonight.

Diante Johnson, Senior Advisor

Diante Johnson is the President of the Black Conservative Federation and serves as an advisory board member to the 2020 Donald J. Trump for President campaign. Diante has both advised and worked on several state and local campaigns. In 2016, he served as North Carolina’s Regional Field Director with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign. Diante has become a regular on Fox News, and has also appeared on OANN, Newsmax, and CNN. He has written op-eds in the Washington Examiner and the Daily Caller. Diante was recognized as one of Newsmax and Red Alert Politics’ Most Influential Republicans “30 Under 30”.

Charles “Chuck” Wheeler, Senior Advisor

The Trump Acceptance Speech Party.

A lifelong Republican, Chuck Wheeler is a small business owner of a life and health insurance agency. He is highly active in Republican politics, serving as Vice Chair of the McHenry County Republican Central Committee, Deputy State Central Committeeman for the 14th Congressional, and 2020 Delegate for President Donald Trump. Chuck is also passionate about public service. He was elected twice as a Trustee for the Village of Glendale Heights and is currently serving in his second term on the McHenry County Board.


Chuck Wheeler Among Leaders of Black Republican Coalition — 23 Comments

  1. Wasn’t Former State Representative John Anthony affiliated with thus group? 😐

  2. That’s the colors of the Black Nationalist flag.

    But Whites can’t dare do something like that. Sick of the double standards.

  3. Same question as Eddie… why did they release this with sexual harasser John Anthony on the executive board, and then remove him from the list?

  4. Some Whites only or mostly identify as White.

    Why not a White flag? 😐

  5. We should be encouraging blacks to wake up and support conservative candidates.

    Otherwise the only message they are getting is from one side and that’s what has caused the black community to have the problems they have today.

    If liberal policies haven’t helped in 60 why would anyone think they ever will.

  6. The Afro flag is disturbing.

    Identity politics ok for some races, but not others.

    Shame on Wheeler.

  7. In Chicago and Suburban Cook County, only these Republicans remain in office:

    State Representative Donald Stephens (also Rosemont Mayor),

    Cook County Commissioner Peter Silvestri and

    Cook County Commissioner Sean Morrison,

    State Representative David McSweeney (stepping down) (also McHenry County)

    and anyone else? 😐

  8. This is what what happens when you have COMMON SENSE and live in reality..

    don’t spend your life trying to pick tax payer pockets..

  9. Eddie, the lack of republican elected officials is not a reason to just ignore the black community.

    That is the very reason republicans should be trying to win some of thier vote.

    If the right can crack the black vote away from the democrats to even 20% they would have a hard time winning a national election.

  10. Neal lives in dreamland.

    The unproductive want bigger and bigger welfare grab bags from the productive

    Children are too expensive for you, but you have to provide for every black female who has 9 kids out of wedlock by 6 different men.

    It’s a great program designed to phase you out.

  11. Neal, replying to your first paragraph, I’d never suggest that. 😐

    When Republicans lose an area, they retreat.

    They have almost no presence in Cook County. 😐

    In Chicago’s 19th Ward (Mount Greenwood, Beverly & Morgan Park), GOP Committeeperson Steve Graves fought to be reinstated as Committeeperson and later won a subsequent re-election.

    Like most other GOP Committeepeople, he has no office, little or no social media and a barebones website.

    In 2018, Graves battled Incumbent Cook County Commissioner John Daley.

    In a Chicago Sun-Times’ questionairre, Graves gave one sentence and yes/no replies.

    Who’d vote for him? ☹️

  12. I think this is a very good idea.

    It might be a template that could be used in other states.

    Most of the Black folks I’ve known either at work, as neighbors, or in my own family (stated political affiliations aside) are more practically and philosophically conservative in practice than they probably think themselves to be.

    My next door neighbor came from Englewood.

    He had quite a checkered past, but knew he had to GTFO.

    A friend of his had left, and persuaded him to come out this way too.

    Like his friend, he’s now married, has a daughter, and he and his wife have decent jobs.

    Like any Chicagoan of any background, he’s trying to get his mom to GTFO too (she’s still in Roseland).

    We’ve had many conversations on politics, and he listens and I listen.

    He acknowledges that now as a married man with a wife and child, with a new world of possibilities, his perceptions and attitudes have changed over time.

    He’s now part of the Black middle class. 😁

    Regardless what reporting you see, there is a huge cohort of middle class Black folks.

    From my conversations with him, I would think he is persuadable on politics.

    He knows the Dems talk a good game, but do little or nothing in the way of actual practical help.

    And now he doesn’t need that help.

    He’s seen both “models”, and their outcomes.


  13. “are more practically and philosophically conservative in practice than they probably think themselves to be.”

    This is soooo true at least in my experience.

    I have taught plenty of black men from the south side how to drive a truck.

    Only one out of dozens fit the stereotype of lazy and wanting a free ride.

    Most black people are not poor leaches that just want to take handouts.

    I’m sure many are, but I can also think of quite a few white people I know who are probably taking advantage of disability benefits so it’s not a race thing, it’s a lazy person thing.

  14. In Cook County (Chicago Wards & Suburban Townships), several vacancies for committeepeople exists, which equates to no Republican presence in those wards and townships. ☹️

    Some (or most) of the current committeepeople are unreachable by office, phone or email. Some (or most) have no social media, nor a website. ☹️

    The various GOP Chairs can’t or won’t assist candidates, but will constantly talk about membership dinners & parties, Trump, Lightfoot, Preckwinkle, crime and Conservatism. I can read about the last 5 minutes anywhere. ☹️

    The GOP candidates that could use assistance (, but never return contact me) are:

    Mark Curran
    US Senator
    (versus Duck Durbin & others),

    Philanise White,
    Congressperson, 1st District
    (versus Bobby Rush),

    Mark Fricilone,
    Congressperson, 3rd District
    (versus Marie Newman) &

    Pat O’Brien
    Cook County State’s Attorney
    (versus Kim Foxx).

    The GOP Chairs that could assist the candidates (, but probably aren’t) are:

    Tim Schneider,

    Cook County:
    Sean Morrison

    Sean is also a Cook County Commissioner (R-17), Worth Township Committeeperson and State Central Committeeperson, 3rd Congressional District.

    Chicago Northwest,
    Matt Podgorski


    Steve Boulton
    32nd Ward Committeeperson


  15. My point is that blacks are generally more conservative in personal life than they vote.

    If the republicans actually wanted to, they could cut into the 90% the democrats have gotten historically.

    Instead they ignore all the people you mentioned and pretty much concede every major city in the process.

  16. The Illinois House and Senate Remaps are worse each decade, via Madigan. ☹️

  17. Chuck is an example of a staunch defender of liberty for people of any color.

    God bless him and others like him.

  18. I never really identified Chuck Wheeler as a black man, just a man on the McHenry County Board until now.

  19. Chuck why don’t u ask this group of black Republicans to change the color of it?

  20. @ Eddie, I notice you mentioned Philanise White as a GOP candidate that you reached out to but did not get a response back.

    Team Philanise answers ALL the communications from everyone that contacts the team.

    When did you reach out to us?

    Team Philanise

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