IL-14: Jim Oberweis Statement to Determine Legal Votes in Election Outcome

Jim Oberweis

From the Jim Oberweis Congressional Campaign:

Jim Oberweis campaign statement on recent vote totals change in IL-14 Congressional race

Sugar Grove, IL – The Jim Oberweis campaign is issuing the following statement in the change in vote totals in the race for Congress in the 14th District.

“We have said all along the vote totals would change but we believe the Election Day outcome will remain the same.

“This election is far from over.

“Illinois Election law provides mechanisms to ensure that every legally cast ballot is counted.

“While there certainly have been many disagreements in this election – we all can agree that every legally cast ballot should be counted.”

Jim Oberweis congressional campaign Spox, 11/10/20



McHenry County Blog Note: Currently, the Associated Press (AP) has not called the IL-14 congressional race.

The deadline for the county clerks to issue the Official Canvass for the respective county is November 24.


IL-14: Jim Oberweis Statement to Determine Legal Votes in Election Outcome — 9 Comments

  1. Wait, but he said it was over when he had a 1,000 vote lead?

    Now he wants to keep counting? lol.


    Also, this campaign statement says nothing.

    We know it’s not over.

    Congresswoman Underwood never declared victory, like you tried to do.

    We want to keep counting and running it up.

    I don’t get the point of this statement.

    What’s the takeaway here?

  2. There is a two-part process courts employ in resolving election challenges on the basis of fraud.

    First, is there evidence of election fraud ?

    If there isn’t, challenge dismissed.

    If there is, then second, does the evidence indicate that the election fraud affected the outcome of the election ?

    To succeed in an election challenge based on fraud, a petitioner has to prevail on both prongs.

    In short, if a petitioner can’t produce evidence that the fraud affected the outcome of the election, the challenge won’t be successful.

  3. Milk Dud cannot fight these commies properly.

    I want to know why Joe Tirio did not have proper election judges and software independent testing. Didn’t he have the funds?

    My neighbor got 2 Vote by mail forms (Not applications) AND THOSE WERE NOT APPLIED FOR.

    Her dead husband only got one VBM, but he never of course applied either. Been dead 18 mos. Doesn’t the clerk check out the obituaries? Why can people who have no ID vote??? This is totally disgusting.

    Why do illegal aliens get registered to vote when they get their driver’s license? More Corruption!!!!

  4. I have evidence “innocent primate” while a monkey, is not so ‘innocent’ as claimed. He’s kind of a peeping Tom with a prehensile tail who covets shiny objects and uses trees to gain entry into ordinary taxpayers’ homes.

    He also leaves foul smelling messes as his ‘calling card’. One fellow in Hebron says his pit bull got a piece of fur from him during an evening burglary. The fur really smelled and was given to the Sheriff for forensic processing. The droppings left in Hebron matched droppings left in Huntley and Marengo.

    Franks was supposedly questioned about it and laughed it off, yet he said something quite revealing about ‘maybe he’ll use the monkey in an organ grinding second career Franks was contemplating after his political car comes to an abrupt end November 30th.

    Perhaps then ‘innocent primate’ might just be reigned in, although it’s hard to end a life of crime, especially for a thieving monkey — even more so if Franks needs a new way to fleece people apart from feeding at the gov’t pension trough!

  5. Oberweis has sought elective office seven times.

    His record of unsuccessful election campaigns earned him the nickname of “the Milk Dud”.

  6. Milk man continues to disappoint.

    C’mon Jim.

    Get outa your swoon and take action besides carping at the TV and radio.

    And thank all the GOP county clerk’s who snatched your defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Look, I’ll bring the smelling salts to awaken Jim O, but I’ll need help trying to stand him up.

  7. Ask Blago, he has been all over the place telling everyone how the Dems skew the Pols, pun intended.

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