McHenry Township Republicans Slate Candidates

Here are the results from last night’s GOP caucus at the McHenry Township Hall at which GOP Party Chairman Erik Sivertsen says ninety people attended:

Supervisor – Craig Adams

Clerk – Dan Aylward

Highway Commissioner – Jim Condon


  • John Macrito
  • Mark Jaeger
  • Gary Barla
  • Neal Schepler


McHenry Township Republicans Slate Candidates — 14 Comments

  1. McHenry Township Function Room not VFW.

    April can’t come soon enough!

  2. Commenter JP Matthews said in an article about Township Primary v. Caucus last month on 11/16 in the AM:

    “Watch how the GOP will not field anyone against Mahady, the tax ASSessor (whose own dwelling is way under taxed) and the Democrats won’t field a Road District Commissioner.

    Another secret deal!”

    Looks like the Republican portion of their prediction came true, with the Republicans leaving the assessor position blank for the April 6 ballot.

    Are any qualified assessor candidates (CIAO) filing as independents in a couple of weeks apart from Mahady?

  3. Why the last minute change in venue, what was the scam this time?

    Going from smaller to larger facilities makes sense, but not larger to smaller like this.

  4. Since the Assessor doesn’t take office until Jan. 1, 2022, can’t the person get credentialed between now and 13 mos from now?

  5. Corn Pop, good question given the protracted length between assessor election and taking office.

    Will defer to Cal or another commenter who knows the answer.

  6. Assessor candidates must include a Certificate of Educational Qualification from the IDOR with their filing papers.

  7. Mr. Zielinski, thank you for the clarification.

    Under the Dundee Township article, I pointed out the incumbent assessor from Algonquin is a CAE, or Certified Assessment Evaluator.

    Maybe you can tell us the difference between a CAE and a CIAO.

    I’ve heard a CAE is like a “Masters” vs. a CIAO is like a “Bachelor” as far as degree of certification.

    Think both certifications qualify for a Certificate of Educational Qualification per your comment.

  8. Bye Bye Bob Anderson, Anti-Senior Activist and Barber of Wonder Lake!

    Now the legendary “reformer” can go right back to his School Board position, and rubber-stamp every increase to “Education’s” SEVENTY-THREE PERCENT of the property tax bill…

  9. A Certified Assessment Evaluator (CAE) designation is granted by the International Association of Assessing Officers.

    A Certified Illinois Assessing Officer (CIAO) designation is granted by the Illinois Property Assessment Institute. Beyond the basic CIAO, there are three levels of increasing study/competence: CIAO-I
    (Intermediate), CIAO-S (SPECIALIST) and CIAO-M (MASTER).

    The Property Tax Code correlates required assessor designations based on equalized assessed value. 35 ILCS 200/2-45 states the following.

    – A Certified Illinois Assessing Officer certificate from the Illinois Property Assessment Institute
    – A Certified Assessment Evaluator designation from the International Association of Assessing Officers
    – Certification as a Member of the Appraisal Institute, Senior Real Estate Analyst, or Senior Real
    Property Appraiser from the Appraisal Institute
    – A professional designation by any other appraisal or assessing association approved by the Department.

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