Woodstock’s Big Brother Mayor Cracks Down on Bars Serving Liquor after 10 AM…Oops, PM

No matter that the State says alcohol until 11 at night.

Mayor Brian Sager, no longer inhibited by a candidacy for State Representative, has decided Pritzker Purgatory is not good enough.

Shut down the bar by ten or you’re in trouble.

Niko’s before the 10 PM alcohol sale curfew.

No problem with eating indoors though since McHenry County State’s Attorney says his office won’t prosecute such violations of Prizker’s order.

The story is fleshed out in this Northwest Herald article.


Woodstock’s Big Brother Mayor Cracks Down on Bars Serving Liquor after 10 AM…Oops, PM — 35 Comments

  1. So if you want to get your drink on in Woodstock you’ve got to
    get do it done BEFORE 10am ?

    I think a certain editor has been hitting the hooch.

  2. Before the election, “moderate” Democrats like Jack Franks and Brian Sager were doing publicity stunts about finding “balance” and helping businesses.

    A month after the election, Sager is cracking down.

  3. NWH has it at “10 p.m.”, must be Cal hitting the hooch or doing a legal blunt.

  4. I heard Sager and the liquor commission met way back in May to sanction Red Mill back in May or June.

    So, only now?

    If it didn’t meet regulation back then, why now, when everyone’s skeptical and it really means nothing anymore?


  5. Are they rebating a portion of the liquor license fee back to the license holders?

  6. That’s funny, orange bag tax mayor is now the caped crusader.

    Batman’s powers and abilities:

    Indomitable Will.

    Although he has no superhuman powers, Batman’s unstoppable determination and strength of will make him an extremely formidable opponent. …

    Intimidation. …

    Interrogation. …

    Peak Human Conditioning. …

    Martial Arts Master. …

    Weapons Master. …

    Genius-Level Intellect. …

    Peak Human Strength…

    Does the cape fit?


  7. So that pic features Judge David Gervais wearing a mask and what looks like Joe Tirio and somebody else not wearing any.

    ALso no one else in the bar is wearing a mask.

    That’s why they are being closed.

  8. That’s why they’re being closed 7 months after the fact?

    Must be political, as it’s obviously not based on any evidence of immediate necessity.


  9. Adding to what “BecauseScience” said, Tirio should have had an O’Douls or a cheeseburger in his hand.

    Then the “science” would have been okay with him having his mask off, but if he puts the beer down on the table and walks away from it he he has to put the mask back on right away or else the government shuts down that business!

    That is how science works, stupid little Drumpsters…

    Don’t you idiots even listen to science?

  10. @ Correcting The restaurants and bars are being closed precisely because in order to eat or drink you have to take your mask off.

    @ Mellow Mark

    They are being closed 7 months after the fact because, due to the irresponsible behavior of some people, the infection numbers have gone up.

    The criteria for this were set up at the beginning which called for certain things to happen when certain benchmarkds were met.

    We have met those benchmarks.

    If people want us to return to normal, they can start being more responsible.

    If everyone complies and doesn’t consider mask wearing to still be some sort of political statement, we can do the things we want to do and business can be back in business.

    It’s up to all of you.

  11. Concerning the f** that leads the parade in Woodstock what is it that that a****** from the swap used to say something like tick tock tick tock tick tock

  12. Actually they are being closed for staying open past 10pm according to the article.

    So what does that have to do with science?? Have we now discovered that covid is nocturnal?

    We already knew that it was woke but that would be ground breaking.

    Science can say whatever it wants but people are going to do what people do.

    If you want to live in a country where everyone just does as they are told I would suggest China.

    Supposedly they followed the science so well that covid doesn’t exist there anymore.

  13. @ Neal I agree. I don’t think the 10PM thing makes any sense and is just a political sop thrown in to placate the businesses.

    Bars are real petri dishes as the point of going to a bar is to mingle.

    What should really happen is for all of the bars to be closed for the duration of this thing BUT for the state to also give the bar owners adequate financial recompense to make up for their losses.

    Sit down restuarants are less problematic so long as the people at the table all live in the same household, but how do you enforce that?

    So again, closing them but providing financial assistance is the way we should have gone.

    I realize the state is broke (thanks to MJM) but it will be even more broke the longer this goes on.

    What really got us into the present pickle is Trump’s politicization of the issue and the denigration of mask wearing.

    I am informed that Chuck Wheeler may no longer with us for this reason.

    So now that we are having 3000+ deaths per day, this is the time to take stock and dedicate ourselve to being responsible citizens and WEAR YOUR F$%#ing MASKS!

  14. No ‘Bullshit Science’, that’s not why they are being harassed by the Mayor.

    The reason is because they stayed open longer than 10pm.

    Try reading the article BEFORE spewing your ignorance.

    Next thing you know, you and Sager and his sidekick Franks will be telling people the virus can tell time and attacks at 10:01 sharp!

  15. Does the 10 o’clock shut down apply to homo bars?

    What about Sager’s young men transients in and out of his mansion.

    Will they get a curfew?

  16. …So then why did they allow indoor dining for several months?

    None of you science geniuses realized that one has to take a mask off in order to eat?

    You somehow missed that one?

    This is why nobody trusts you.

  17. Ft. Drum, don’t you dare draw attention to Sanger’s degenerate lifestyle!

    He may sue you.

  18. I feel so much better now that I know coronavirus is not
    active before 10PM.

    I am also glad to know that all restaurant and liquor license
    fees, and property taxes, insurance cost, etc. are to be reduced
    by the same prorated amount that hours of operation are reduced and now allowed.


    Say it isn’t so.

    Nice to know the “experts” are in command of this whole issue.

    Well, I need to be off now for an enjoyable Friday Fish Fry.

  19. @ Truth What we have is science advice modified by politics.

    I agree that all food and drink estblishments should be closed down.

    However, to be fair in doing that, you have to send money to the people who are being forced to close.

    That is not being done because the state has been bankrupted even before the pandemic by the policies of the General Assembly, primarily those of Mike Madigan, but with GOP help along the way.

    Time to break out the mirrors.

  20. ‘The final nail in the coffin for NYC restaurants’: Indoor dining will STOP on Monday despite it causing less than 1.34% of new COVID cases
    Cuomo on Friday said indoor dining would close in NYC because hospitalizations continue to increase
    NYC has a city-wide test positivity rate of 4% and it varies greatly by borough
    Manhattan’s test positivity rate is just 2.3% whereas in Staten Island, it is 4.7%
    Of all the new COVID cases across the entire state, restaurants and bars are causing only 1.34% of them
    The overwhelming majority – more than 73% – are coming from private indoor gatherings
    The restaurant industry in NYC is already hanging by a thread after months of closure earlier in the year
    Now, their only option is to offer outdoor heating but with temperatures plunging to below zero, it’s a death warrant for many small operations
    Restaurant owners told DailyMail.com on Friday Cuomo’s decision was ‘the nail in the coffin’ for many
    They expect unemployment claims to skyrocket on Friday as restaurant owners all over the city lay off staff

  21. Some New York City restaurants have been invaded by rats.

    On New York City subways, rats crawl up people’s legs. ☹️☠️

  22. I, for one, would have a lot more faith in the pronouncements our governmental workers and elected officials if they actually had skin in the game – other than loss of votes by being dicks.

    How many secretary of state employees do you know who are sitting home without being paid?

    County employees, IDOT (Idiot/Illinois Department of Transgression), and so on?

    Police, firefighters, health department, etc. are all critical.

    Bureaucrats who are staying home guarding a couch and watching television to ensure we aren’t invaded by bad reruns do not count.

  23. @Science you are a moron!

    Can you show me your facts of where people have contracted COVID?

    Please break it down for us in the general public in the state of illinois.

    Start with categories such as nursing homes, restaurant, grocery stores, gyms, retail stores etc.

    As for your ignorance in trying to use Chuck Wheeler as some type of martyr is inappropriate and shows you as an a**!

    Science is not all encapsulated with one source.

    For every science that says masks are the best recourse others say it is not.

    The WHO says kids should be in school then why are they not?

    Florida is open why isn’t Illinois?

    Science has already proved closing down is worse than staying open!

  24. @Whynot https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-research-confirms-critical-role-of-masks-in-preventing-covid-19-infection/

    As to source of infections, this is admittedly hard to pin down but just prior to ordering the closure of restaurants for indoor dining, the Governor cited a study that the state had conducted in which people who had tested positive were asked where they thought they were most likely to have been exposed and restaurants topped the list.

    Now that restaurants are closed, they are falling way down on the list.

    Obviously we can’t prove this conclusively this is the best we can do.

    If everyone is wearing a mask, there are fewer potential particles in the air so the mask you are wearing will offer more protection from getting enough particles to cause an infection even it leaves something to be desired in terms of self protection.

    Many studies assume that whatever the local restrictions are are being followed but that is not necessarily the case.

    Also being in cold climate vs a warm climate makes an difference.

    Right now most infections are being caused by small private gatherings where people feel safe because they know everyone so they don’t wear masks.

    As to Chuck, I was informed very early in the morning after he died from a reliable source and nothing has been said by anyone to contradict it.

    If anyone has better information, I would like to hear it and I will stand corrected.

    However he was generally healthy, not suffering from any long term conditions of which anyone was aware, so that pretty much leaves heart attacks or the virus for the cause of such a sudden death.

  25. @ Cal There are usually underlying conditions.

    That’s what the virus does.

    It exploits certain underlying conditions.

    If there are variations in the studies on the efficacy of mask wearing, that is all the more reason for people to wear masks to err on the side of safety.

    Mask wearing should never have become a political issue.

    By making it one, we have lost tens of thousands of people who otherwise might still be alive and tens of thousands more who will have long lasting, and possibly disabling and lifelong, sequelae.

    Now that the election is true and finally over why don’t we put down the cudgels and pick up the masks? It’s only a few more months of this.

    Hermain Cain doesn’t need any more company.

  26. BecauseScience. Why don’t you educate yourself as to what is in the vaccine and the side effects thus far?

    Covid is NOT a death sentence.

    It’s treatable.

    It would be more appropriate to focus on the positive.

    Like how many, many, many more people fully recovered.

    It has been emphasized over and over again how the long term effects are unknown.

    But yet, we will rush to a vaccine with more crap in it that you can imagine.

    I’m more concerned about the side effects of the vaccine than the disease itself.

    It should be our own individual choice what risks we are willing to take.

    There is no evidence that restaurants spread the virus more than anywhere else.

    As a matter of fact, evidence puts them close to the bottom of the list.

    I personally salute Red Mill and the other establishments who have chosen to remain open.

    Time to put big brother back in their place.

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