DNR Identifies Wonder Lake Man Who Killed 12-Point Deer Out of Season

Strangely, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources did not release the name of the Wonder Lake man who shot a large buck with an arrow.

Devin Deckman of Wonder Lake.

While most police departments release such information when the details of a crime is revealed, it took seven says to respond to a Freedom of Information request to pry out the name of Devin Deckman.


DNR Identifies Wonder Lake Man Who Killed 12-Point Deer Out of Season — 10 Comments

  1. Why is this such a big deal?

    Why aren’t the drug gangsters preying on young teens in Woodstock and McHenry prosecuted?

  2. The arresting officer, in another publication said the “guy is a Trophy Hunter, doesnt hunt for the meat”…Makes it bad. Kills to kill,and kills not following the rules.

    Makes it bad for others..

    thats the real crime here.

    If it isnt bad, then why have hunting laws?

    Just Kill whatever you want, whenever and wherever you want.

    This guy has been caught 4 times now–meaning he’s probably done it 40 times.

  3. Right, Child sex trafficking is being ignored. Drugs, crooked politicians !

    Plus, during the illegal unConstitutional shut downs by Democrat Governors leads to poverty, job loss, evictions, foreclosures and bankruptcies.

    Unless that fat bastard is paying my mortgage and feeding my family, I should be able to turn to the wild and hunt and/or raise chickens even if in-town etc.

  4. You guys realize that the DNR did ask of the investigating right?

    Finding people who do this is literally their job.

    Unless it involves wildlife, they don’t look at it.

    So no, they aren’t looking for gangs in schools, or dinner cold trafficking ring.

  5. Make no mistake, calling conservatives “insurgents” and “white supremists” is not an accident.

    They are setting the stage to try to incarcerate and dispossess all conservatives!

    Hence the use of the Soldiers at the “inauguration” as a show of force.

    Hence Speaker of the House Pelosi giving her security force the kiII order to open fire on unarmed conservative protesters.

    Hence the sham “impeachment” of a civilian for a ridiculously name “insurgency”.

    Hence Witch Pelosi calling conservative Republicans in Congress the “enemy within”.

    Hence, democraps in congress like our Wiccan type Underwood claiming it’s a “crime” for conservative Senators like Cruz and Hawley to use their Constitutional right to “petition the government for readdress of grievances.”

    Hence Demento Emperor Joe Xiden already assuming “martial law” by ruling the country through executive orders.

    Get ammo now.

  6. You put up with the tyranny. You put up with the Communists. You put up with the dictatorship. Now the genocide. I have only been preaching this for a year now. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

  7. Deer me, isn’t this a bit of an overkill on the ‘conservation’ keystone Kops’ parts?

    It’s not like he killed the last Himalayan snow leopard.

    There are 8x more deer in N America now than when nonperson Christopher Columbus first set foot in the Bahamas.

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