Zane Seipler Asks Questions About Sheriff Nygren’s Use of Paid Employees in Parades – Part 1

In Zane Seipler's photo of Keith Nygren in a parade, he and his wife Marge are riding in a Gary Lang Auto Group car. This one in McHenry bears the license plate H31 2484. No one in the car is wearing a Sheriff's Department uniform. Click to enlarge.

One of the differences I noticed between the McHenry Fiesta Day Parade entries of McHenry County Sheriff Keith Nygren and Democratic Party challenger Mike Mahon was that Mahon had people walking and Nygren didn’t.

One would assume that the uniformed deputies appearing in the parades with Sheriff Nygren were being paid by the taxpayers.

Maybe that’s OK.

But the driver of the convertible on loan from Gary Lang Auto Group?

I would have thought it would have been a volunteer.

Maybe it was and has been.

But Nygren’s former primary election opponent Zane Seipler has discovered overtime pay going to five employees from 2006 to present that amounts to something between “$18,920-$23,650.”

“ 473hrs of overtime at $40-$50/hr during the summer months.”

You can read about some of it on Seipler’s “McHenry County Sheriff’s Department Exposed.”

Seipler quotes from Northwest Herald articles about McHenry County State’s Attorney Lou Bianchi’s spending tax dollars to buy candy to distribute to the crowd. None of the articles mention that members of his staff were paid to show up.

Click on the image and you can see that 7 hours' pay was requested for the 2006 parade in Hebron.

Here’s a photo of a 6-17-06 requests for 7 hours of overtime pay for a deputy who participated in a Hebron parade that I found on both Seipler’s and Dave Bachmann’s blog “Dirty Keith v. Dirty Harry.”

Neither Seipler’s blog nor Bachmann’s make past article accessible, so if you want to see what’s up you probably should wait.

Seipler reprints Northwest Herald articles quoting McHenry County Auditor Pam Palmer about the use of public money at parades. Referencing specifically the $474.15 spent by Bianchi for candy, Palmer says,

“This is political in nature to be in a parade. In my judgment it should be a political expense.”

Fair enough. I always bought the candy I distributed at parade with money out of my campaign fund.

Although not a direct quote, the story relates Palmer’s saying

“no other elected county officers submit parade expenses for reimbursement.”

She then went on to express embarrassment that the parade expenses were approved for payment by her office.

In the same article, Nygren says any of his deputies in parades are paid at their regular rates (“normal wages” are the words used in the article).

He says he pays for candy out of his campaign fund.

Then there is this paragraph:

“Marching in parades gives him exposure to the community, including voters, Nygren said, but there is always a thin line between marching as an elected official and as a politician.”

I don’t know about other former elected officials or candidates, but I never was in a parade when I wasn’t one or the other.

Sheriff's Deputy entertaining the McHenry Fiesta Days Parade crowd while on the payroll, apparently an advantage of incumbency.

Nygren talks about the advantages of incumbency.

So, the question that Seipler and Bachmann seem to be asking is whether the use of Sheriff’s deputies in parades is a political expense.

More tomorrow.


Zane Seipler Asks Questions About Sheriff Nygren’s Use of Paid Employees in Parades – Part 1 — 27 Comments

  1. Cal, I have NO questions about use of Deputies. That in fact happened. My “QuestionS” are

    1) Why did McHenry County Auditor Pamela Palmer “LIE” to the NW Herald by making this statement:

    “no other elected county officers submit parade expenses for reimbursement.”

    Nygren had been submitting “OVERTIME” requests for his “Parade Deputies” for “OVERTIME PAY” for SEVERAL YEARS and Palmer had to have known about it and PAID THEM…Yet, made the statement anyway.

    “SOME” call that a “Conspiracy”

    2) WHY did NYGREN lie AGAIN to the NW Herald by stating his “Parade Deputies” were paid at the “Regular Rate?”

    We have at least 72 more documents that “PROVE” this was not the case. So, again, just like the Florida Homestead and Mortgage Loan issue, the documents DO NOT ADD UP TO WHAT NYGREN STATES to the NW HERALD both on video and in print.

    3) Why doesn’t the NW Herald ever check Nygren’s statements PRIOR to feeding his “LIES” to the Tax payers?

    This is getting VERY DEEP Cal……I suggest ALL voters start to get the word out….”If it’s in print, you must Omit!” (Re:Nygrens statements)

    Appears we have Ms. Palmer involved as well. WHEN will the McHenry County Board stop pandering to the “Boss” and start “DEMANDING” explainations of ALL the documents we have worked so hard to present to the public.

    This is no longer about Politics Cal. The documents certainly have the foul smell of “Criminal” activity by some McHenry County elected officials. Some might call it “RICO!”

    I wonder how past Under Sheriff Eugene Lowery is enjoying his new position as the Assistant Police Chief of the Crystal Lake, Police Department? (Big Gene was the “EEL” that ‘initialed’ the ‘approval’ of the overtime, Eugene E. Lowery.) He got out of “Dodge” real fast since we began opening up the books!

    I wonder how Ms. Donna Mayberry is enjoying her sudden retirement from the McHenry County Tax Assessors office? You know, the woman who supplied Keith and Marge Nygren with the “Letter” saying the Nygrens never asked her for any “Tax Exemptions” on one of their homes. The one in Hebron. All the while, knowing it was illegal, the Nygrens took two (2) “Homestead Exemptions” in two (2) states, Florida and Illinois.

    The Nygrens did’nt ask for it, but they TOOK IT ANYWAY!!! Whe Nygrens were “Busted Out” for their tax fraud, THEN, the letter from Ms. Mayberry suddenly appeared. AFTER we found Mayberry’s letter, her retirement party was soon held.

    For more PROOF, visit

  2. Cal, how about the Gary Lang parade cars that “YEAR AFTER YEAR” Nygren “Parades” around in. We have photos of YEARS worth of Nygren’s Parading in a “Gary Lang” of McHenry, automobile.

    Here is my problem: Although I have searched and searched to make sure I give Nygren the benefit of the doubt, I “CANNOT” find “ANY” documentation of “ANY” “Contribution in Kind” on Nygren’s D-2 Campaign documents.

    So, we have a problem there as well………Obvious to me and should be to everybody, a “Campaign Parade Car” is a Campaign contribution. So, where are the documents. Maybe Pam Palmer knows?

    But then again, I’m insane, so I’m sure I’m wrong again just like ALL the documents DO NOT PROVE to be the case! Look at the documents people, look at the documents!!! Then, “Don’t believe your lying eyes!”

    Have a nice week everybody! Don’t forget to read the News Paper articles zane Seipler has posted over at

  3. Questions? Ok, since we’re asking, I have a few;
    1) A Gary Lang Auto Group Dealer Plate would start with a “DL” Could it be
    that the guy driving the car Nygren was in was the owner and happened
    to have bought it at Gary Lang, who, like all Auto Dealerships, put the
    business name on all cars they sell? That’s called a volunteer.
    2) 473 hours of overtime, over a four year period, to five employees-that
    comes out to roughly 23 hours per employee per Summer. No “Click It or
    Ticket” details, DUI enforcement details, etc., during this time? Does
    Zane claim it’s ALL parade work?
    3) About Parades?
    a) Who does Zane think should drive County Equipment during a parade?
    The deputies COULD be working their normal shifts-could be
    volunteers, could be ———–?
    b) Does ANYONE have a photo of Sheriff Nygren riding in a parade,
    where the vehicle he’s riding in has a sign saying “Re-Elect Sheriff
    c) How do you reconcile that Sheriff Nygren has been in parades, just like
    this year’s parades, in a non-election year?
    4) June 17, 2006 was a Saturday-what parade was in Hebron on a
    Saturday in June that took 7 hours? You can walk the length or width
    of Hebron (what, maybe 2 miles total either way) in 1 1/2 hours. That
    form looks fishy to me………
    5) Zane, weren’t you still on the street in June, 2006 prior to your
    unfortunate citation lapse in judgement? If the 7 hours so concerns you
    now, didn’t it concern you then? Please provide the “To-From” you
    generated then to the higher-ups complaining, and their response
    to your question.
    6) Finally, I think you should lay off of Pam Palmer. She pays the County
    bills and payrolls submitted to her by the Department Heads. If she had
    to question and verify every payroll check amounts and overtime, she
    wouldn’t have time to pay the other County Bills-Payroll is checked by
    the various Department Heads-if they aren’t doing their job, get rid of
    them, i.e. Circuit Clerks, Coroner, Highway Department, Corrections,
    Court Security, Sheriff, Treasurer, etc.

    That should be enough for right now- as soon as more assumptions and conspiracy problems arise, I may have more question too.

  4. AZ – If you saw the campaign disclosure forms and other info., you might not be asking stupid questions.

  5. AZ- P.S.
    – Zane has educated himself and learned a lot about what is allowed in a campaign and what is not since 2006.

  6. AZ: Respectfully, please read the evidenced news papers articles as presented at THEN, come back and re-read your comment. Lay off Pam Palmer??? Pam Palmer herself “LIED” when she intimated to the NW Herald that Bianchi was the only county official who has submitted… well here AZ.. here is YOUR SPOON

    “no other elected county officers submit parade expenses for reimbursement.”

    Palmer via her lies has put herself into this position….so that dog won’t hunt buddy!

    We have 72 documents for overtime…If you like that and feel that its okay, then just answer us this… WHY did Nygren LIE and say the “Parade Employees” were paid at “Regular Rate!” Can you read AZ.. what does this one document show… OVERTIME!!!

    See AZ, you MISSED the story point.. Out of all the parade photos I have seen over the years of Nygren riding in a non registered black PONTIAC Solace convertable, with a Gary Lang promotional front license plate, I have yet, UNTIL THIS LAST PHOTO, seen a valid registration upon his parade vehicle. Cal obviously posted the wrong car

    The car in this photo, is a SAAB…. with a license plate… Obviously, Nygren got our message loud and clear and made a move for this last parade. But its to late…

    Oh AZ, can you please present us with a copy of the “Contribution in Kind” forms from Nygrens D-2 campaign disclosure sheets listing Gary Lang as a “Donor” Im sorry, I just cant find please help me out Im kind of stupid you know.

    These people by using the NW Herald as their ‘safety net’ are now finding, their safety net has come back to bite them!

    7 hours for a Hebron Parade… at OVERTIME PAY…. come on AZ, need we say more…. It appears we do… so we will! Its not about parades of even campaigning for me… Its about the LIES and the DOCUMENTS that don’t add up to what the TAX PAYERS are being led to believe.

    BUt as usual, there are those who just can’t see the forest for the trees…. but NOW there are OTHERS looking.. FINALLY!

  7. AZ. I just had lunch with Jimmy last week. He is in W. Bloomfield, Michigan. Now, Im sorry I have to run and can’t comment any further. I’m due back in South Elgin.

    Have a great week everybody!

  8. How do we know the seven hours was not for the required set up getting the vehicles ready for the parade. Don’t they usually have a trailer with snowmobiles and other parade vehicles? 3 .5 to get them ready and 3.5 to put stuff back. Plus this is from 2006. What about 2007, 08 and 09.

    Interesting I might suggest but I don’t see a smok’n gun here.

  9. I really don’t want to vote for a Democrat, but Nygren is painting me into a corner on this.

  10. Paul,
    Speak to the man. He impresses me as a moderate and decent man. The Sheriff does not have any vote on anything.

  11. P.S., Paul, Nygren came to this county as a Dem. Was a Dem precinct committeeman from what I can remember. Switched to Rep party because this was a Rep. county and he had a better chance that way.

  12. Earth Mom: The only Democrat I ever regret not voting for was Glenn Poshard. Maybe I’ll write in Zane. I think if I were to put a Democrat sign in my front yard, my lawn would die.

  13. Believe me Paul. You do not want Nygren. He is even worse than you think. Everything may not come out until after the election. If Mahon does not pan out – well, if we can get rid of Nygren, we can get rid of Mahon. Nygren has had years to create his “kingdom”. Mahon could not do much damage in 4 years and I do not think he is that kind of man. Promised not to take donations from employees (a huge problem now. If you and or your family donate, promotions are yours for the taking), or from people that do business with the county. We can hold Mahon’s feet to the fire.

  14. Look at the picture of Nygren in the black convertible. The front license plate is coverd by a tinted piece of plastic. Isn’t that illegal? A deputy could follow Nygren around for a month and easily make the 20 ticket list.

    Someone explain to me how the black Saab is a department vehicle and this is somehow a represtentative of the department.

  15. Having checked out the website link, I have to say I’m confused at what specifically the accusation is. Is Seipler saying that the employees should not have been paid for this time at all? Or is he claiming to have proof that they are lying about how much time they spent doing it?

  16. Political activity is not supposed to be paid for with our tax money. If Nygren says he is representing the SO office and it it not political, then he should be in a county car in uniform. There is an “official squad” that is his that is supposed to be used for that purpose. There is a 7 point star (Nygren’s POLITICAL emblem) being used on the parade car, the car is not a county vehicle and is driven by a county employee being paid by the tax payer. The official badge is 5 points. Also, the time seems fudged. 7 hrs for Hebron ( a 15 minute parade route) seems like a lot. This has been done numerous times. The one sheet says “comp time” and the other says “overtime” 2 different thing for the same type of activity. One for 7 hours time and a half and the same activity 3 hrs. comp time. Are you catching on???

  17. So you are saying:

    1) That a Sheriff must be in uniform to conduct Sheriffs department business? That just doesn’t make much sense.

    2) Just to be clear, you are directly accusing the maintainence supervisor of falsifying his time sheets? Do you have some evidence he did not perform longer duty then those who only drove those days? Would he not most likely be the one with prepping vehicles/trailers/bikes/armored unit as well as ensuring they are properly maintained and stored after the community event?

    I guess all I am saying is either make a real direct accusation or just come out and say you are just mud slinging innuendo at a person you don’t like.

  18. Parades are political and must not be paid with our tax money? I mean with a little basic research you could easily find out that the Democratic challenger in this race is actually a supervisor in a Sheriffs Department that has a paid department specifically tasked with participating and coordinating Cook County Sheriff’s Office representation at charitable events and local parades. You think all the employees in that department work for free?

  19. let me see…I partiipate in Crystal Lakes July parade. Usually the pomp starts at about 10 am (parade STARTS at 1 pm) We are the first phase of the parade. We reach the end around 1:45. Then we pay due respect and watch the parade to its end. That usually takes a while. Then we pack up and go home….I am just sayin….. that 7 hours does not seem to me to be unreasonable….seems about right to me.

  20. Jeff – we are talking about HEBRON. One guy was paid for 7 hrs and another for 3.
    3 is reasonable – 7 NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Not sure why Hebron should be held to a different standard.

    They probably have the similar requirement of all vehicles being present well before the parade started. Oftentimes there are post parade events that it is proper for participants stick around for.

    If the same number of county vehicles were in the parade the same setup time before and parade pack and storage after would be required. It’s not like that time would diminish because of the the number of people who stood next to the road watching the vehicles was fewer.

  22. The parade route down the main street is 15MINUTES!!!
    Give it up Kid.

  23. How many people watch the parade or how long the route is would have nothing to do with the pre and post parade workload of prepping vehicles and trailers. There would be the same amount of pre and post parade work based on the number of vehicles regardless of the parade route, to suggest otherwise seems a bit silly.

    It would be kind of like saying washing and waxing 8 vehicles would take much less time if they were only going to be driven 10 miles after they were cleaned instead of 30 miles after they were cleaned. My experience is with Fire equipment, the tanker takes just as much time to wash and polish no matter how long you plan on driving it after you are done. Now mind you I’m not saying all the prep work and after work on these vehicles is just keeping them clean, just using that one task as an example.

  24. Off course now I’ve done it. Some one with an axe to grind is going to say firefighters should have to volunteer their time for any extra work cleaning an maintaining their equipment on the day of parades.

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