McHenry County Recorder’s Candidate Joe Tirio Endorsed by Tax Accountability Group

A press release from McHenry County Recorder of Deeds candidate Joe Tirio:

Tax Accountability Group Endorses Joe Tirio for McHenry County Recorder

Joe Tirio

Joe Tirio

WOODSTOCK, IL – “I am humbled and appreciative to be supported by such a prestigious organization.”, said Joe Tirio, candidate for McHenry County Recorder.

“Thoughtless spending, nepotism and other corruption are at the core of Illinois’ financial failures.

“It will take bold, creative leadership to bring this County and State to their deserved place of prominence.

“I look forward to doing my part to make that happen.”

“The 2016 election cycle is a critical time to elect citizens at all levels of government who pledge to stand with taxpayers against uncontrolled spending and crippling tax policies,” said Jim Tobin, president of Tax Accountability and Taxpayers United of America.

Jim Tobin

Jim Tobin

“Tax Accountability is pleased to endorse Joe Tirio for McHenry County Recorder in the March 15, 2016 Illinois primary.

“Mr. Tirio has pledged to support economic freedom by working to decrease the overall tax burden of Illinois taxpayers.

“To that end, Mr. Tirio is focused on consolidating the functions of the County Clerk and Recorder’s offices by the end of his first term, simultaneously reducing government and saving tax dollars.

“Mr. Tirio has expressed an exceptional desire to fight taxes and support economic growth in Illinois, so I urge voters to support Mr. Tirio’s candidacy and help elect a true tax fighter to the office of McHenry County Recorder.”

About Joe Tirio

Born in Chicago and raised primarily in the western suburbs, Joe lives with his Wife, Karen in Woodstock where he has lived for 12 of the 15 years he has Lived in McHenry County. He and his wife own Monarch Senior Care, located in Woodstock just off the city’s historic square. Joe is also the co-founder of Voters In Action (, a citizen activist group focused on increasing public involvement in government with an eye toward reducing taxes and corruption and increasing transparency.

About Tax Accountability and Taxpayers United of America

Tax Accountability is the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
TUA is the largest taxpayer protection organization in Illinois with over 33,000 members and supporters. TUA was founded in 1976 and since that time we have helped Illinois citizens save over $200 billion in taxes.


McHenry County Recorder’s Candidate Joe Tirio Endorsed by Tax Accountability Group — 21 Comments

  1. Lotsa signs for the other Recorder candidates but Joe Tirio is the only candidate I will vote for.

    This office must be eliminated to save taxpayer dollars.

  2. He is endorsed by a group he is affiliated with that is a polictical action group.

    That is meaningless and without merit.

    This guy does not have any experience to run the recorders office he is just using political hot buttons.

  3. This is unusual, a candidate with a specific, well-founded plan to cut County spending.

    Other candidates for other office should follow suit.

  4. How can they endorse a guy that has no knowledge of the office or it’s employees or how it runs?

    Pick one of the other 2 candidates who both have tons of experience.

  5. Karma,

    So Cook Co is one of the worst, and McHenry Co one of the best.

    How does that apply to Tirio’s endorsement?

  6. Fred, your ignorance will cost you in two ways.

    Money and principles.

    Your ignorance will cost all of us $ if Tirio doesn’t get in.

    Your comments tell us you’re in the can for one of the other candidates and you have no interest in Tirio’s resume that shows he’s run much bigger more complicated things than a recorder’s office.

    And what makes you think he didn’t research these things before deciding to run??

    Come out of the can, Fred!!

    Karma, we in McHenry County need all the help we can get.

    Ethics, money-saving policies etc.

    Are you HAPPY with your over-inflated tax bill?

    Tirio is the only Candidate saying HOW he will save the taxpayers and is willing to work for the taxpayers to put himself out of a job!


  7. The sad thing is the number of people supporting Joni Smith.

    Smith’s family is tied to Local 150.

    Joe did his homework and found that there are in excess of 23 people working for the Recorder, many with the title supervisor.

    If we examine what the recorder does, (scan in and preserve documents) there is no need for this large office.

    Any small business owner would look at what people do (aside from collecting a check) and eliminate a majority of the positions in the recorder’s office.

    Joe took it a step further and sees a real way to reduce the government waste by eliminating the office all together.

    Don’t think for a minute that Joni would do anything to eliminate jobs in that office.

    It will be about unionizing the office and giving away more government pay.

    Lets all vote for Joe Tirio.

  8. First Joni cannot unionize the office that is up to the employees.

    Second Tirio just wants the paycheck.

    Third it is not just scanning documents obviously you are either Karen Tirio or another family member trying to justify a cock eyed scheme to get votes.

    Local 150 is not a public Union and just because she has a family member working in a union job (non public) does not mean she supports government unions.

    do your homework before you spout half truths.

    Tirio says he going to save 10 million dollars he does not even know what he is talking about.

  9. Tirio is a breath of fresh air and ideas.

    The others are nothing more than the same ole same ole!

    These past two election cycles have been about cleaning house and reorganizing county government.

  10. More like a rotten fish, anything but what the McHenry County people deserve

  11. Tirio is nothing but a hot wind bag.

    Maybe he needs to go back to diaper delivery service / dog walker.

    He described not one once of experience to bring to the recorder.

    Rather, he talked about how he laid 1000’s of employees off during a merger and that is what he wants to do with the recorders office.

    He has not even done the checks and balances of a good leader yet spews how he is going to save 10 millions dollars.

    Realty check is common sense danger Will Robinson danger.

  12. Yea patriot you got it right

    This guy is using this as a political pandering.

    First he has no experience or qualifications for this office.

    He just wants the paycheck of 105,000 a year.

    Second he cannot just eliminate the recorders office it will take the county board to do this.

    Than oh I tried so sorry.

    I am the best guy for the job keep me.

    This is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for the voters to be hood winked

  13. Tirio is nothing but a hot wind bag.

    Maybe he needs to go back to diaper delivery service / dog walker.

    He described not one once of experience to bring to the recorder.

    Rather, he talked about how he laid 1000’s of employees off during a merger and that is what he wants to do with the recorders office.

    He has not even done the checks and balances of a good leader yet spews how he is going to save 10 millions dollars.

    Realty check is common sense danger Will Robinson danger.

  14. HAHAH, the comments dogging Tirio are by cowards and leeches afraid to have to come off the govt teet!

    Tirio Will bring this to the county board, and with their vote to consolidate, he’ll Get It Done.

    No political pandering-quite the opposite.

    He’ll be working at bringing the duties into the Clerks office like MOST other counties in IL have done to save money!

    A vote for either of the other schlubbs is a vote for more nepotism, waste and a lifetime of salary, benefits, pension at the taxpayers peril.

  15. Re: “Local 150 is not a public Union”


    Since when did we start to have “private” unions?

    Does that mean that SEIU is NOT a public union either?

    Why does the County check register show payments to Local 150?

  16. Cautious, the ignorant statements (or lies) are staggering, aren’t they?

    You sure can tell who the illiterates are rooting for.

    They are very afraid of Tirio as they know he’s the only one that isn’t taking union money.

    He has the resume to back up his plan and has run a stellar campaign.

    There’s actual substance.

    Not just signs littering the county.

    We know better.

    Local 150 most certainly is a public Union.

    Another factoid worth mentioning to the Taxpayer and Developers is: if Union 150 strikes, the unionized offices in the courthouse will also seize working and strike.

    This would bringi the admin. building to a halt giving the Union 150 more power to get their demands.

    That’s the LAST thing this county needs!

  17. You are right Herb Willis Treeo took money from a 90 year old woman and Sage products CEO who also supports Nick Provezano and Michael Walkup.

    What resume do you speak of laying off 1000 of workers from ATT and Ameritech merger and taking the working class and putting them in the unemployment line just like he promised to do with all of the supervisors in the Recorders office.

    He is encouraging the workers in the recorders office to union up if he wins the primary therefore they are protected from him in December.

    You do not understand how to even formulate actual substance because he spews nonsense that sounds good but has nothing to do with realty.

    As far as 150 in the admin you do not even know what you are talking about that is the operating engineers back hoe and big equipment operators what are you an idiot.

    No one is afraid of Treeo they are afraid that the voter will vote with out being informed other than a sound bite from a person who has not thought out the process by which he is running his so called stellar campaign.

  18. He received private citizen’s donations only.


    He’s not talking about abolishing the office workers.

    He’s talking about abolishing the elected position of Recorder.

    That would be his job only. (and possibly getting rid of redundancies once the Recorder’s workers and functions are merged with the Clerks.)



    He could care less about the Union.

    And he’s term limited himself.

    Another thing his opponents are NOT interested in.

    He has a plan to save the county money.

    His opponents have no plan.

    The Union (including operators Union 150) promote unionizing the county admin bldg.

    If they go on strike at the county bldg, the union office workers cannot cross the picket line.

    It gives the Union more power.

    Something Tirio is not interested in and not intimidated by.

    He’s negotiated with plenty of unions in his work history.

    TIRIO’s opponents are very afraid.

    He’s the only one that has offered a plan.

    Get informed yourself at

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