Joe Tirio Replies to Smears by Jack Franks’ Allies

The following was submitted by McHenry County Clerk candidate Joe Tirio:

Joe Tirio Candidate for Clerk, in an early morning Facebook video, decided to challenge his opponent, who has been negatively campaigning thru robo-calling.

She is mirroring false accusations sent out in sleazy Chicago-style hit piece mailers from an anonymous political committee, from Cook County, accusing him of everything from:

  • A secret ‘slush fund? (Not a slush fund but the [official] Automation Fund, set up decades ago, used for the very purposes he’s using it for (i.e. Conference costs).
  • Taxpayer funded vacation? No, an Industry Conference in which he actually went well out of his way to SAVE on expenses,
  • Hiring 4 Cronies? (Easy enough to prove as he has a staff smaller than when he took over the Recorder’s office. He hasn’t hired 4 people, period! ) Joe co-wrote the Anti-Nepotism Resolution that Algonquin and Dorr Townships adopted and hopefully others will consider adopting too. He lives this promise and his website even promises
  • Bankrolling dangerous racists? (Brettman and Schuster, two retired Senior Citizen Conservatives who are running for County Board). Their idea of “Bankrolling” their campaigns was Joe writing a check to pay his portion of a joint Meet & Greet. “Those strudels & coffee cakes don’t pay for themselves.”
  • Sleazy Chicago style politics? All politicians should be as ‘sleazy’ as Tirio. In fact Joe ran on two things. 1) Not partaking in Nepotism/Patronage corrupting Govt.,with the pledge of, and also promised to abolish his job by merging the Recorders office back into the Clerks office getting rid of one Elected Politicians salary and the costs that go with it-forever. He fulfilled both promises and then some.
  • Trying to ruin the GOP? Really? How? He’s raising the bar of elected officials. Joe founded a citizen Watchdog Group that holds elected officials accountable- mainly for use of tax dollars. They prevented County/Municipal govt. from frivolously spending millions. Perhaps that’s why they’re so blood thirsty. He’s actually leading by example.

Joe is running for Clerk to take on the Recorder’s role and the Clerk’s role for the cost of one.

He is also refusing the Govt Pension.

It’s his Binding Referendum on the ballot that he encourages you to vote ‘YES’ on, to abolish his elected role of Recorder.

The Tribune endorsed him saying “A pol keeping his promise? Bravo”

Joe Tirio for Mchenry County Clerk
A word to my friends and a challenge to my opponent

For those who do not have a Facebook account, here is the text to the video. His ‘Republican’ Primary opponent has a FB account. THE CHALLENGE:

“Good morning people of Facebook.

‘To my friends.

‘You may have recently been assaulted by deceitful messages from my opponent.

“I apologize for the lack of decency and respect exhibited by her.

“I categorically disagree with every one of her statements.

‘Some sport a tiny bit of fact, but then is so twisted as to no longer bear any resemblance to the truth.

‘Some examples: I did hire some people, none of them are ‘Cronies by any stretch of the imagination.’

“I have access to funds (as does any elected official) but they are all controlled by statute and are completely public.

“And I have been to New Mexico… for an industry conference.

“I have no issues with that at all.

“It only cost the county $1,011 for the entire trip, roundtrip airfare and 3 nights in a hotel.

“I didn’t stay at the hotel where the conference was held, I stayed at a cheaper hotel down the block.

“And as I recall, I didn’t charge for any meals, didn’t rent a car.

“I did get the question on the ballot to eliminate my job, I was more than 12% under budget for salary costs, I didn’t take a pension, and I got us out of the risky server business (saving us thousands more).

“Funny that my opponent didn’t mention any of that.

“You can tell that the attacks are lies because you can’t trace them back to an individual.

“The phone numbers are no good and the return addresses end pat a place where no such organization exists.

“She relies on lies, because the facts don’t suit her.

“Here are some more facts that she doesn’t like discussed:

“She filed bankruptcy the same day she filed to run for office.

“Her bankruptcy cited a debt of $30,000 to her estranged husband described as ‘Withdrew money in husband’s name from husband’s annuity’ while her husband’s bankruptcy described it as ‘Wife misappropriated annuity funds’ and categorized it as a loss of $32,000.

“She also included ‘$10,000 cash loss due to video gambling.’

“You may argue that those are personal issues and not related to the job.

“Well let’s look at things more related to the job of Clerk.

“We could start with the fact that she notarized 13 pages from her own petition.

“The law clearly states, ‘A notary public shall not acknowledge any instrument in which the notary’s name appears as a party to the transaction.’

“And finally, she claims greater qualification than I because she had been Clerk of the city of McHenry for 16 years.

“From what I can see, she did a fairly poor job.

“As Clerk, one of her primary jobs is to record meeting minutes and file them for public consumption.

“We collected her last 15 months of meeting minutes to see if she met the statutory filing requirements.

“In 33 opportunities, she failed 24 times.

“That’s a 73% failure rate.

“I will publish all the documents on my website in the next few days.

“I can do that because these are facts… not innuendo or double entendre, or simple lies… facts!

“To my opponent: First, apologize to my team for calling them cronies.

“They work hard and deserve your respect, not your name-calling.

“Second, you’ve made sure to avoid any public discourse, you’ve not attended the forums nor the endorsement interviews so far.

“So here’s my challenge to you.

“Pick three dates and times at a public place here in the County and I will make one of them work.

“Then we meet in public, cameras rolling, and ask each other three questions.

“You have until the 13th to respond.

“Finally, know this, every lie you tell, every deceit you perpetrate on the people of this county doesn’t slow me down.

“To the contrary, it is the wind at my back that makes me run faster, the crack of the whip by my ear that makes me work harder, it steels my resolve all the more to be sure that you do not deceive your way into this office, and compromise our county, or our liberties.

“Competition is good. It clearly has shown the county what each of us is made of.”


Joe Tirio Replies to Smears by Jack Franks’ Allies — 24 Comments

  1. Joe is an honorable, qualified, and good public servant. We NEED him in the Clerk’s Office.

  2. Guess who just hired his wife for a job in the department he runs?

    Joe ‘I Won’t Hire My Wife” Tirio

  3. There you go. Well done.

    Now, get together with the other smeared candidates, file a suit against this pop up group for having zero integrity and send out press releases regarding the suit.

    File criminal charges for mail fraud and election tampering with the police and send out press releases regarding this groups lack of integrity.

    Get with a competent political operative to unmask who is behind this fund and what these individuals have supported in the past.

    This should crush these idiots in the public eye.

    This is all about messaging to the masses.

    The informed don’t need this.

    They know the folks behind this want a Socialist agenda and will lie lie lie to get it done.

    The masses need to see legal action to convince them these are lies.

    The days of Republicans being “above the fray” and unwilling to step right into a fight should be over.

    If you are a political player and you do not know you are in a fight for the soul of our communities, State and Country then please stay home.

    We need folks willing to gut up and fight!

    We are certain Orv, Ersel, Joe, Craig, Chuck, Paul, Rein, Walkup and so many in the trenches know they’re in a fight.

    Now get to the getting!

  4. Looks like whoever is behind this campaign has now launched a Google AdWords advertising campaign. I ran across an online ad this morning on a political site linking to this site:

    The site indicates that it was paid for by the Illinois Integrity Fund.

    Some quick research indicates that the site was created on 3/5/18 with private registration (i.e. anonymously).

    As an aside, this same political site also has an AdWords campaign running for Democrat Sharon Fairley.

  5. Whoever got their hands on that travel reimbursement form did so using a FOIA request.

    That’s the way the county works, right?

    You don’t get any transparency without jumping through their hoops.

    Okay, fine, that’s the law.

    So now somebody needs to go and submit a FOIA request for the REQUESTS made for such documents.

    If they don’t have one, you can draw your own conclusions as to how that leaked out.

    How difficult would it be for the County Board Chairman to walk into an office and request (same thing as demand in this case) the document.

    If there IS a request for the form, you can bet it will lead right back to double chin’s (or is it triple chin with all the time he’s spent gorging himself at the public trough?).

    Also, notice to anyone getting their garden ready for planting.

    If you need any fertilizer, be sure and contact Spotlight – you can reach him through the board chairman’s office, I’m sure – he’s so full of it he surely can spare some for your garden.

  6. Does the county produce FOIA responses in color .png files?

    Or are they typically black and white .pdf copies?

  7. Joe is about the good of McHenry County.

    If you listen to the NWH video?

    He claimed he loves Illinois and loves McHenry County.

    As far as I am concerned?

    This man, could/should run for Governor.

    End of story.

  8. “Spotlight” just crossed the line.

    His comment is libelous. Joe has based his campaigns on the issue and whoever “Spotlight” is just made a libelous statement.

    OK Kenneally start your investigation by subpoenaing “Spotlight”‘s IP address.

    Joe is a McHenry Constitutional officer and it is your job to protect him legally.

    Priest’s comment is absolutely correct. Time to put on the ‘legal’ gloves.

    Next up?

    Stay tuned.

  9. @Spotlight; My guess is you are just trying to get a rise out of me. You made me chuckle. I wonder if that counts?

    To be clear, I did not hire my wife, nor has she been hired anywhere at the county. Let me go on to say, just to beat the “Illinois Integrity Fund” to the punch, I also have not married anyone who works with me at the office, nor do I have any plans to.

    I did play the part of Santa Claus at the Holiday party and I have heard that Sasquatch was seen wandering the halls of the admin building, but no confirmed sighting.

    To recap, No slush fund, no cronies, no New Mexico vacation, and now, no wife at work. Yes to Santa, maybe on Sasquatch.

    I think we are all caught up now. Happy Monday Blog people!

  10. What Tirio did is he resigned from the McHenry County Go PAC before some damning articles hit the press, then put his wife in instead. So, he’s against patronage hiring, until he’s for it. He’s against nepotism unless it helps him.

  11. Keep trying Spotlight, maybe eventually you come up with something that has a smidgen of truth to it.

    What you have proven, is that you support this style of unethical smear campaign.

    That screams volumes about your character.

    Nothing you say can be believed either.

  12. I miss voting three or four times in an Illinois election, for people I really like, as I would do for Tirio.

  13. The County refused to provide me with color copies of the ID badges of Jack Franks’ patronage workers.

  14. @Mutton –
    Did Tirio’s wife take over his position or did she not? Yes or No?
    Did Tirio help his wife get a job or did he not? Yes or No?

    Can Joe Tirio answer this question?

  15. Is she being paid anything for the ‘job’? Yes or No?

    You do not ‘hire’ a person for a volunteer gig – use of that word specifically implies payment.


  16. Cal, I don’t recall ever getting color documents (or .png files) from a FOIA request either.

    So, barring a FOIA request, how did a County financial document, in the form of a color image (.png file), end up pasted onto an opposition web site with private registration?

    If I were the County Auditor, I’d want to know how that document was lifted out of County records.

    I’m sure the County has documented Internal Control Policies and Procedures regarding the storage and safe-keeping of County records/documents.

    I cannot conceive of a scenario where someone has the access and ability to peruse and copy records for their own (or others) use and have that activity NOT violate Internal Control Policies.

  17. Defamation suit is a good way to get discovery as to who is behind this defamatory action.

    Rather than waste money on campaign contributions (to any person), I feel backing a defamation suit against the organisms involved in this case (and many others in this County and State) is a more productive use of a non-tax deductible political contribution.

    Next suit: forgery and perjury litigation against a certain ballot signature petition team.

    Let me know when hat is passed.

  18. If Internal Control Policies were violated at County auditor office, there is no way to avoid SELECTIVE enforcement of law and code, unless private citizens take it upon themselves (at their own expense of time and money) to press a civil suit against those bad actors.

    As with recent cases of forgery and perjury, it is clear that the law is selectively enforced when the bad actor team is politically powerful.

    I would be glad to contribute to a legal fund to lodge such causes of action. Bet ther are others who share my sentiment.

    (Brilliant observation, Coffey, that the .png document distribution can be discovered by FOIA or by tracing back internal access at County level).

  19. JohnWhine, not necessarily. McLellan has that info and probably is helping the Dems because I’m sure she and Jack don’t want Joe in that position.

    Look at the comments by Joe.

    He did not hire his wife.

    Gotta give it to Joe for having a sense of humor.

    Much like Rein, Wheeler and Brettman, they’re rolling with the punches and having a good laugh at it all.

    Here is his comment from above:

    Joe Tirio on 03/12/2018 at 11:17 am said:
    “@Spotlight; My guess is you are just trying to get a rise out of me. You made me chuckle. I wonder if that counts?

    To be clear, I did not hire my wife, nor has she been hired anywhere at the county. Let me go on to say, just to beat the “Illinois Integrity Fund” to the punch, I also have not married anyone who works with me at the office, nor do I have any plans to.

    I did play the part of Santa Claus at the Holiday party and I have heard that Sasquatch was seen wandering the halls of the admin building, but no confirmed sighting.

    To recap, No slush fund, no cronies, no New Mexico vacation, and now, no wife at work. Yes to Santa, maybe on Sasquatch.

    I think we are all caught up now. Happy Monday Blog people!”

  20. Bob ‘Booby’ Miller is supporting Tirio’s opponent.

    Isn’t that dishy!

  21. @ Swordfish, Well makes sense Bob Miller would support Joe’s opponent.

    He and Dalton are both ethically challenged and think ‘other people’s money’ is for their use and entertainment.

    McClusterfnck is also a friend of Bob Miller.

    Thick as thieves.

  22. Joe is not a good man…,but a GREAT Ethical Man. Who loves his community and claimed it and proved it by not taking his pension for this position.

    Democrats are afraid of him. Plain and simple.

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