Photos from Algonquin Rally: Rights vs. Permission (Send More)

From Republican McHenry County Board Chairman candidate Mike Bueheler:

A bigger rally than in Fox Lake.
“Fake News! CDC-WHO-Gates, Fauci Lie.
Open Now!”
“If the government can suspend your rights anytime it deems a crisis, you don’t have rights, you have permission.
“We demand Illinois opens now. Open Illinois Now, Facebook Open Illinois Immediately”

The Daily Herald reported that about a hundred attended, while four held a counter-demonstration across the road.


Photos from Algonquin Rally: Rights vs. Permission (Send More) — 54 Comments

  1. Why are the protesters waving Trump flags?

    He sold out.

    That’s why Fauci rides high and Trump endorses Operation Warp Speed: MANDATORY VAXXING!

  2. There is no such thing as a world where no one dies of infectious disease.

    Governments will destroy their societies attempting to enforce one.

    I like what the Malaysian premier said about America being a Jewish dictatorship.

    Look who owns Trump.

    Look who runs McHenry Co.

    Look who runs IL.

  3. We need illegal aliens, Angel?


    I don’t think so.

    Btw, are you related to this psycho?

    An illegal alien has been charged in Volusia County, Florida, after allegedly spitting on hundreds of dollars worth of fresh fruit in a grocery store in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

    Lisette Santis, a 40-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, was charged with reckless tampering of a product risking injury or death after allegedly spitting on fruit in a local Walmart.

  4. Who are the idiots and morons that brought politics? The guy organizing it said, “NO POLITICAL SIGNS!” (And he’s a big political rally guy!)

    People are STILL dumb as a box of hammers.

  5. Which ones, the ignorant folks at the rally, or the anonymous mob here?

    At least the rally people, those who were unmasked, had the courage of their convictions.

    The masked ones?

    Why masks if it’s fake?

  6. Perhaps they figured out that the 101-year old man who died in McHenry County had a significant co-mordity.

  7. Cal, I look at this as evidence- and science-based.

    I drive past two large house/yard parties on Greenwood Rd Saturday and large close crowds in Lake Geneva yesterday.

    Officially or not, restrictions are being eased as summer comes.

    We’ll see what that brings.

    In the mostly binary and politicized view of this, has a nuanced approach been considered?

    If 90% of the population is at little risk of mortality, can we go about our business, so long as we maintain strict separation from the vulnerable?

    Can we open the economy while spending a lot more to protect the vulnerable, with targeted health care, full pay for ill care workers and increased pay for care workers so none are going to work ill?

    Can you trust people not to infect the vulnerable?

    Are you willing to sacrifice 200,000 or more people to try this?

  8. Yeah Cal… the person who said Satan created vaccines and the person who says “FAKE NEWS” has it all figured out.

  9. Satan Labs, Inc, compounding vaccines, birth control, and skepticism to place your soul at risk.

  10. These pictures should be put at the entrance to every local hospital and these people should be turned away for any COVID-19 related problems.

    Let them die.

  11. Oh, that’s too kind of you to wish death upon them.

    Asking for the economy to open back up does not mean that these people want to see others die.

    It means that they want to be given a choice in how they protect themselves.

    It’s the same way that you take normal risks every day. There are risks and rewards in all choices.

    Those who don’t seem to like this tend to assume that the politicians truly have your best interests in mind with the fear mongering.

    That’s probably not the case.

  12. And those people who use the “YOU DON’T HAVE A RIGHT TO MAKE ME GET SICK!” excuse don’t have to do anything at all.

    They can stay locked in their basements for eternity, if they wish.

    The welfare handouts will probably run out though, eventually.

    Is that what you really are afraid of?

  13. Some Guy Can’t Read –

    I didn’t wish death on them or anyone.

    I said they should be refused care at the hospital if they show any symptoms of COVID-19 and they can die.

    That’s not wishing death on them, dumb a**.

  14. Sheba said:

    “The number of Coronavirus dead went from 60,000 U.S. deaths to 37,000.”

    Both those numbers are wrong. Last Friday morning, on MSNBC, I heard Joe Biden TWICE tell Joe Scarburrow on Morning Joe, two different times, that 600,000 Americans lost their lives to the Virus.

    Who ya gonna believe? Our next president come next November, the CDC, the fake news or what?

  15. Some Guy –

    Maybe I missed it but who is arguing that “these people want to see others die?”

    I don’t see that anywhere on here but maybe I missed it.

    I get they want to be given a choice in how to protect themselves but I disagree with comparing this to taking the same risks you take in every day life.

    I think of the risk as being more comparable to drinking and driving.

    You aren’t just putting yourself and those who get in the car with you, but you are putting other people at risk (other drivers on the road, nurses, doctors, police officers, all of their their families, etc.).

    These people shouting next to each other have BACs 3 times the legal limit.

    The female with the BMI of 40 has a BAC of .260.

    Things are not going to work out well for her when she gets it.

    And she’s definitely getting before a vaccine comes out.

    I hope hospitals have the good sense turn her away when she eventually needs their help.

    The guys standing with a sign by himself has a BAC of .120

  16. Someone’s angry.

    Sorry that I was confused when you said “These pictures should be put at the entrance to every local hospital and these people should be turned away for any COVID-19 related problems.

    “Let them die.”

    Doesn’t sound like you wish death on them at all.

    It’s a shame that these days, covid-19 is the only thing that’s killing everyone.

    Maybe they really should take it as seriously as you do.

    Oh, were you one of those purple-haired, “body positive”, liberal women, that was first in line to buy a gun, only to find out that your lifetime of gun grabbing made it a lot harder than you thought it would be?

    Must be hard living with so much fear of what’s happening around you.

    Did you also stock up on a cart full of toilet paper?

  17. Wow. I really struck a nerve.

    You know the difference between the drunk driving problem and a covid-19 pandemic?

    One of them is actually a real problem.

  18. These words were tweeted last week from a RedState editorial which resonates with the truth:

    “Our reopening will not be an act of ‘permission’ from the ruling class. It will be like everything else important in this nation’s history….It will be an act of will by the people themselves. It will be resisted by the elitists…and we’ll do it anyway.”

    The full editorial published last Thursday afternoon is here:

  19. I think that Oh is related to the angry (lonely looking, dog lady) New Jersey teacher that was screaming at the kids playing football. She hopes that they die as well.

  20. I don’t want anyone to die.

    I love freedom so much that I think doctors and nurses should be free to refuse to treat people who knowingly put them at risk.

    Do you disagree with me that doctors and nurses should be forced to treat these protestors who put the doctors and nurses and their families at risk?

    It’s called, FREEDOM, Some Guy!

    Or maybe you just don’t know what that word really means.

  21. Here is a practical problem:

    Meatpacking plants have closed because hundreds of employees are getting sick.

    These folks need to work.

    They work for the money, not for the love of cutting up dead animals for the rest of us.

    I want them to work.

    The president ordered them to reopen.

    That sounds nice, but does nothing.

    Now no one shows up, so that does not solve the problem.

    How about instead of spending billions for after-the-fact problem solving, they look to solutions as the problems arise?

    The meatpacking plants can reopen with employees distancing by working at alternate work stations.

    Open a second shift, or third shift, with shift premium pay to make up the production.

    Pay the additional cost via price increases, or if you must have the government throw money at corporate bailouts, send some to the processors to cover the additional costs.

    And stop raiding the plants for undocumented workers.

    The work is hard, and we cannot operate a food chain without immigrant labor.

    I have not worked a meat packing job, but I did work at Claussen in Woodstock in 1976 or 1977 when they were raided by INS.

    In that time of recession and unemployment, they could not get many local people to work there.

    A few of us college kids, but almost all the rest from the city, arriving in vans every day for $4.50/hr to stand in one place for eight hours, putting cukes in jars.

    15 minute morning and afternoon break, half hour lunch.

    Blue hairnets and smocks, yellow gloves.

  22. Oh, That is a false equivalency.

    They have that freedom, they are not forced to do anything. .

    They can quit their jobs.

    Thank god they don’t.

  23. Oh, They took a Hippocratic Oath.

    This means that they have an obligation to help people even if they are ideologically opposed.

    That’s the whole point.

    Even if they did not, they are still bound by medical board laws.

    This isn’t even about freedom.

    You clearly don’t love it at all and you’re trying to create a straw man argument for everything.

  24. Matrin’s post: “And stop raiding the plants for undocumented workers. The work is hard, and we cannot operate a food chain without immigrant labor. I have not worked a meat packing job, but I did work at Claussen in Woodstock in 1976 or 1977 when they were raided by INS. In that time of recession and unemployment, they could not get many local people to work there. A few of us college kids, but almost all the rest from the city, arriving in vans every day for $4.50/hr to stand in one place for eight hours, putting cukes in jars. 15 minute morning and afternoon break, half hour lunch. Blue hairnets and smocks, yellow gloves.”

    Martin, fair point.

    Pretty sure though that legal citizens will be taking any job that they can get after this because the unemployment situation is clearly not the same.

    It’s also a violation of federal laws to knowingly hire illegal aliens.

    So it seems that we have people asking to ignore immigration labor laws while simultaneously asking for others to abide by imaginary laws (mask and quarantine requirements).

    As an illegal alien might say: “No comprende”.

    There is some mounting evidence that the meat companies are abusing the circumstances in order to obtain hardship bailout money.

    We may know over time.

  25. Comments wishing death and withheld treatment on those exercise have some real issues.

    No doubt anger induced by heavy anti depressant and over meds.

    But will be interesting to see that their position really the Government can say it is not your body or your choice.

    Remember this when Roe v Wade is overturned.

    The managing of teeth for these progressive rats will be deafening.

  26. Comments wishing death and withheld treatment on those exercise their rights have some real issues.

    No doubt anger induced by heavy anti depressant and over meds. B

    ut will be interesting to see that their position really the Government can say it is not your body or your choice.

    Remember this when Roe v Wade is overturned.

    The managing of teeth for these progressive rats will be deafening.

  27. Froggy,

    Some people have so much hate; real hate, not that made up “hate has no home here” hate, that they really want people to die if they are ideologically opposed.

    It’s that hard for them to cope with things that they legitimately cannot handle that other people do not share their beliefs.

    It makes them feel like they are living a total lie because truth really hurts.

    Tolerance is a one way street for some, and certainly there is no love in spire of the feelgood stuff that they use to mask what’s really on the inside.

    “All in Illinois” and “We are McHenry!” gives them that false sense of security that they aren’t alone.

  28. When you hold a sign that says “God makes Immunity, Satan makes vaccines” you lose all credibility to even the people who think things should reopen.

  29. I tend to agree with you Chris, though it’s also fair to oppose some mandatory vaccinations.

    At the very least, if pharma didn’t have so much got gain financially from these proposed vaccinations, it might not seem to be quite as suspect.

    Same goes for Billy boy’s proposed vax tracking system.

  30. Oh on thinks they know what freedom means while they are scared of fake planned demics while they hide in their basement over a tyrant’s lies. That is NOT freedom. That is order following. Anyone remember how that worked out in 1930’s Germany? No one is ANY danger of “catching” ANYTHING! You are brainwashed and hopelessly following the new world order. (Hint: If you let anyone tell you what to do – YOU ARE NOT FREE!)

  31. It was during that recession that a constituent complained the Clausen would not hire people who did not speak Spanish.

  32. Cindy – If the government tells me I can’t rape, steal, or murder then I AM NOT FREE!

    For the umpteenth time. No one wants those protesters to die. I don’t want them to endanger the rest of us. If they want to protest, I want them to do so safely. I don’t want them spreading the Rona. However, if they show signs of symptoms then I think they should be left to fend for themselves. They can treat themselves, pray, whatever.. I don’t care. If they die, they die.

  33. Here we go again with the perverted interpretation of freedom.

    No clue at all where our system of common law comes from.

    No consideration even for actual rights or law.

    Not a single one of those protesters is going to die from covid-19, no matter what you might believe.

    Well, maybe not the case for one or two of the really large ones.

    The Guv’s comorbidity might put him at greater risk than most, but we already knew that.

    Still waiting for you to provide a good reason why everyone needs to participate in something that you can voluntarily do on your own if you are in fear.

    Nobody is making you go outside.

    You’ll be perfectly safe on your own, away from people who don’t want to be around you anyway.

  34. Marxists be like: “If I’m going insane from this, YOU HAVE TO AS WELL!”

    “At least I get free stuff… And legal weed!”

  35. OMG Oh on is so unbelievably stupid! What kind of a retort is that? You aren’t even staying in the arena with your change of venue there! No one said anything about “WHAT NOT TO DO”! are you that dumb on purpose or are you kidding me? Besides, GOD tells you not to do bad things. Why are you bringing in the government to tell you what NOT to do? This is the dumbest conversation I have ever had in here. Freedom is doing WHAT YOU WANT TO DO! NO infringement of your rights! NOT doing things that are against God’s law in the first place! What the Hell are you talking about?????????????? No wonder you believe in a fake disease. You are dumb as a box of rocks and you just proved it beyond the shadow of any doubt with that statement about the government not letting you rape and murder. GET THE NET!

  36. Some Guy – if you still, after weeks of living in our new reality, do not understand how those protesters are exposing all of us, and if simultaneously really believe, that it’s tenable to live inside for an entire year, then I can’t help you.

    You think I wish death on those people.

    I don’t.

    You think I want all people to live inside 24/7.

    I don’t.

    You think that those protesters are causing no harm to anyone, other than themselves.

    I think this virus spreads exponentially and since we all need to be out in public, we have a responsibility to be out in public safely.

    Also, you can go here to tell some commenters about what you think about their views on life.

    Cindy – When the resident idiot calls you stupid, it’s a high complement.

    Thank you.

  37. “Cindy – When the resident idiot calls you stupid, it’s a high complement.”

    Oh – finally something I can agree with you about.

  38. Oh, I’ve got nothing to say in that other thread.

    I also don’t agree with some of the things that are being said, but I am not a resident of Crystal Lake so I don’t know exactly why it’s being said.

    However, it does seem like you have an interest in getting what you can out of the system while it’s in a state of collapse.

    Whether it’s financial, or you’re truly acting out of fear, I do not know.

    Perhaps both.

    But let’s just say that not everyone agrees with you and consider that maybe, just maybe, you are going to eventually find out that you’ve been lied to at least a little bit by some nefarious Democrat politicians that are exploiting the situation for as much financial gain and power as is possible.

    That said, what works for Crook County probably doesn’t work for the rest of the state.

    Even Mchenry County.

    Regarding living inside, in fear, and collecting welfare; You want nobody to have any option but the option that you’ve chosen.

    That’s the problem.

    Stop beating around the bush.

  39. Why is it the “nefarious Democrat politicians” and “Crook County” who is exploiting this for financial gain when the guy in the White House is a Republican?

    The Republican has his own administration and that Republican has offered guidelines and milestones but those milestones and guidelines have not been met here.

    Also, there are Republican governors in Maryland, Ohio, Mississippi, Arizona (just to name a few) who are doign the same things.

    The Dem governor is simply following the guidelines set forth by the Republican president and doing the same things that many Republican governors are also doing.

    But go on…. try to pin this on Democrats.

    Clearly you are a partisan hack trying to make this into a Red Team v Blue Team argument by blaming those “nefarious Democrat politicians.”

    That makes as much sense as anything you are saying.

    In the meantime, read up on the White House’s guidelines for reopening the states.

    Read up on the White House’s guidelines on social distancing.

    And read up on what other politicians are doing who are not Democrats. Then come back and talk. K? Thanks.

  40. Oh, it’s a Democrat run state.

    I don’t know why that’s hard to understand.

    It’s a Democrat governor, and a Democrat mayor in Chicago.

    The house is nearly 3/4 Democrat.

    The senate is nearly 3/4 Democrat.

    This is not a matter of me being a “partisan hack”.

    It’s a matter of fact.

    The US Government and the president is not closing the state.

    It’s JB Pritzker.

    It’s the majority-Democrat government begging for money to bail it out.

    The CDC recommendations are just recommendations.

    I don’t understand why you find it OK to place blame on the White House and do not hold your own state reps accountable.

    Nowhere did I say that I approve of Trump’s actions either.

    The Democrats involved are nefarious.

    Pritzker outright shames those who are opposing his illegal orders, with no care at all for actual written law or the constitution.

    Kwame Raoul is trying to put a stop to freedom of religious practice and declares that Pritzker has unlimited authority to lock down the state forever.

    Mayor Lightfoot is potentially illegally threatening to arrest those who defy her orders.

    The majority Democrats refuse to meet to actually do their job because they are using the stay-at-home order as an excuse to keep the state on lockdown.

    These are nefarious Democrats.

    I’m not saying that all Democrats are nefarious.

    These are just evil people who are the enemy of the citizens.

    Furthermore, I don’t care what other states are doing for the point of our discussion her.

    I have family and friends in some of those states and I also oppose what is happening there.

    It’s clear that you are absolutely incapable of having a discussion based upon logic and are only reacting based upon your feelings and fears.

    You STILL cannot admit that you want to force everyone to make the same choice that you’ve made on the matter.

    I’ve told you over and over again that nobody wants to force you to go out into the scary world.

    People should have a choice in the matter.

    There is zero evidence that healthy people are at risk even to this day.

    Honest questions: How much money are you making on welfare right now and why do you fight so hard to protect that?

    Do you have a right to stop people from going back to work?

  41. Folks, it’s official. Oh on is just a troll. Never answers anything. Harps about nothing, changes the subject and throws a mean red-herring. They are only here to stir the pot. All subterfuge just like the planned demic HOAX!

  42. You know who loses credibility?

    Vaccine manufacturers when they go to the government and get federal laws passed to prevent them from being sued for damages.

    You know who loses credibility?

    The government when they tell you six feet of social distancing for two months then tell you it can go 20 feet.

    Or the government when they tell you not wear a mask, then to wear a mask

    Or that there is no proof of community transmission, when there is proof of community transmission.

    Or the government when they let you buy booze but not worship.

    Or the government when they try to push tamiflu and Donald Rumsfeld makes five million dollars in stock gains even though the drug isn’t even effective for bird flu but they said it was.

    People in high places do plenty to destroy their own credibility.

    There’d be a lot less people worried about Satanists in the government if there weren’t so many Satanists in the government.

    When we have proof of them going to Epstein Island to do you know what and starting wars based off false pretenses, the idea that these are benevolent characters looking out for us sounds increasingly outlandish.

  43. I don’t like extremists on either side.

    It’s just that too many politicians in this state are venturing off into authoritarian la la land, and none of the Democrats are stepping up to stop it.

    I honestly cannot understand how any good American would find this to be acceptable.

    It’s like so many have just become cowards and have submitted once the barbarian was at the gate.

    It’s positively disgusting that they stand for nothing.

  44. Correcting, at this point I’m not convinced that anyone in politics knows how to handle this and they are afraid to either go against the status quo for risk of being shamed and losing power, or they’re being bought in some way or another.

    Time will tell.

    The Rumsfeld thing is positively sketchy for sure.

    He’s positively an evil man.

    From Chicago, no less.

    Oh will be happy to know that he’s a Republican.

  45. “Honest questions: How much money are you making on welfare right now and why do you fight so hard to protect that?”
    Honest answer to your 2 part question: (1) I am not on welfare (2) I cannot answer the second question because it’s predicated on two false premises.

    “Do you have a right to stop people from going back to work?”
    Do I have a right? No, I personally do not have that right. Does the government have that right? It depends on what you do for a living and what business you are in. It’s beyond established that the government can regulate businesses. There is no simple answer because it depends on what people and what business and how the business is operating.

    “You STILL cannot admit that you want to force everyone to make the same choice that you’ve made on the matter.” I 100% do admit that I want people to follow social distancing guidelines. I don’t think the protestors should be locked up and jailed. I don’t know what can be done other than shaming those people (but you can’t shame someone who is shameless). I do think these protestors should be refused medical treatment for COVID-19 issues. It seems like I just keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and you keep reading into things I have never said or thought. What else do you want to know?

    Cindy – thanks for making it “official.” Do I get a certificate or a medal?

  46. We’re just repeating everything that we’ve already discussed.

    By the way; By welfare, I mean unemployment. You or anyone in your house.

    It’s not intended as a personal insult. I personally know people who are making more in unemployment + stimulus add-ons than when they actually were working. They want things to get back to normal though.

    No evidence still that the social distancing recommendations (not guidelines) have changed anything. People keep using “recommendations” and “guidelines” interchangeably, but these do not mean the same thing. A guideline is a policy. Any politician that’s attempting to enforce it as a strict “guideline” is doing it illegally. This is what I am explaining above.

    I oppose authoritarian government. That’s all.

    Assuming that the state of Illinois or the City of Chicago has legal authority to arrest for not following the social distancing recommendations, I would change my opinion on the matter. As of yet they do not apear to have the power (currently) to do it, and I’ve yet to see that someone has been arrested for it (with exception to something like a trespassing charge).

  47. Answer stands: No one in my house is receiving welfare under your definition of welfare. I am not insulted by the question.

    I’m sure you’ve seen the same stupid FALSE memes I have about “the same government that is releasing people from jail is locking them up for having a party” or however it goes. I doubt the city of Chicago will arrest anyone for not social distancing. The very last thing they want is to fill up the jail with people who are not practicing social distancing recommendations. That would be incredibly stupid and reckless and possibly, illegal. Mayor Lightfoot just wants people to follow the governor’s order. Like you said, I’ve yet to seen that happen. I would be flabbergasted if they actually did that.

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