Thoughts on Liberty

From Woodstock’s Richard Rostron:

Harsh alternatives to question of a citizen’s responsibility: Defend Liberty or Surrender

Wednesday, I posed the following question to others on Facebook:

“What is the most important responsibility of an American citizen?”

I had a pretty good idea of what I believe is the best answer to this question, but I wanted to see what other God-loving American Patriots think.

There were variations in the answers, but I think they generally all come down to the same thing:


Harsh alternatives to yesterday’s question: Defend Liberty or Surrender

I put it this way: DEFEND LIBERTY!!!, which is really the same thing.

It’s the same thing because America is the place where a government first embraced liberty as the most essential principle of its existence – its reason for being.

Ronald Reagan was absolutely correct when he said,

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

If America loses liberty while, somehow, China gained it, our job would be to fight with China to return liberty to America.

It’s all about liberty.

It’s not that America has perfectly applied liberty.

She hasn’t.

She’s taken shortcuts and diversions, some that came perilously close to cliffs hanging over deep ravines, but she has always come back to that principle of liberty.

Cemetery Ridge, Gettysburg, photo by Richard Rostron.

The answers to the question included references to prayer and relying on God. I believe prayer and reliance on God are essential, but I also think God may expect us to do more than just pray.

Numerous people answered, “Vote.”

Some were more specific: “Don’t vote democratic.”

Voting is a battleground.

It’s a place where we have a chance to stem the socialist, Marxist flood that the Left and their lapdog media are helping to spread across the country.

If we are sufficiently successful voting, other means of defending liberty may not be required. But defending liberty we must.

We have been blessed to live in this country where liberty has been so pervasive that it is almost completely taken for granted today.

I asked a young girl recently, a girl who supports the BLM group, votes Democrat (I’m sure) and is essentially a Leftist, whether she knows it or not – I asked her, “What about liberty?”

“I really don’t do much anyhow.”

That was her answer.

She thinks that liberty only means anything in her life if she decides to turn off the television and come out of her house.

She obviously doesn’t understand liberty.

And so, I think that, just as voting is a crucial firewall we should employ in an attempt to hold back the anti-American forces within our borders, explaining the meaning of liberty to our young, who have not learned this in schools where they should have learned it, is an essential tool to employ in defense of America and of liberty.

If these, and other such measures fail, what then?

We send our young men and women off to war in defense of liberty abroad.

Don’t we have a responsibility to maintain liberty here?

It’s our job to guard the flank – the homeland where the heart of liberty beats and must continue to beat.

We expect those young men and women in uniform to risk their lives for America – for liberty.

How can we ask less of ourselves?

When it comes down to it, voting, informing on the principles of liberty and other such methods must succeed.

The alternatives are too terrible to contemplate.

Those alternatives include:

1. Surrender or

2. Taking up arms in defense of liberty.

If the Left keeps pushing us in this direction, a time WILL come when we all have to make a choice between one or the other of these alternatives.

Here are some of the answers I received from yesterday’s question:

To love God and country.

Raising their children right to love their country, respect themselves and others, defend our country from evil foriegn and domestic.


Educate the youth on History, teach morals and ethics.

Defend against tyrannical takeover.

Defend the constitution and it’s principles.

To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy GOD.

Don’t vote democratic.


To protect and uphold the Constitution!

To protect and provide for their families and themselves.

Uphold the liberties of others that cannot.


To defend the Rights of the people.

Protect the future of its children.

To stay vigilant and hopefully prevent the rise of a tyrannical government.

Self sufficiency.


“…It needs to be the effectual…fervent PRAYERS of righteous Men/Women to the GOD in Heaven. That we would ALL humble ourselves, Pray and turn from our wicked ways….so GOD will hear our prayers from Heaven, forgive our Sins and Heal our land!!!!”

God not only hears our prayers, but He answers them as well!!! 

Question and watch government.


A McHenry County early voter got this “I Voted Today!” sticker.


Thoughts on Liberty — 21 Comments

  1. Cal Skinner, please wake up.

    Unless the enemies are openly identified for what they truly are and what they actually do, you are shadow boxing.

    The Wall Street/Goldman Sachs bailoutees, media liars, Militant queers, crooked judges, academic frauds, Israel firsters, Open Borders loons, BLM thugs, Antifa commies, etc., etc., love your naïveté and misplaced faith in rigged in a rigged democracy.

  2. Speaking Truth to power, using First Amendment rights, is important to defend liberty and attack tyranny.

    That is why I financially support online journalists and organizations that fearlessly speak truth, such as Jason Bermas and Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.

    I find most people want nothing to do with controversial subjects, afraid of offending someone, or being labeled a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

    When will the MSM expose the connections between Epstein/Maxwell/Wexner to the Mossad?

    This alone should cause protests in the streets, but never a peep from Trump or ANY politician…COWARDS!

  3. Voting against Trump and the GOP might be the best thing you can do to preserve liberty.

  4. Also exposing the truth that we are ALL slaves to the Federal Reserve, an international banking cartel!

    Never taught that in school, only how to fill out an IRS form!

  5. And who and why would you be voting for, Oh on?

    I am no Trump fan, absolutely not voting for Biden, and Jesse Ventura ain’t running.

    Trump’s done some good things, but he puts Israel first before America, because the Christian Zionists will vote for him, as well as receive millions of dollars in campaign contributions from Sheldon Adelson and other Israel first billionaires.

    Christians I know think Trump is great to move the embassy to Jerusalem, even if they killed, shot in cold blood, over 150 Palestinian protesters.

    For what?

    So Trump gets his face put on a coin?

  6. Since I can’t vote for The Body, I’ll be stuck voting for Biden, Durbin, & Underwood.

  7. And I forgot to mention another voice in the wilderness crying out for justice I financially support, Ms. Kim Iversen.

    In my opinion, Kim is the most beautiful and equally talented and brave journalist on YouTube.

    Her recent trip to Palestine should be shown to all churches for an eye opening view of how the Israelis treat the People of Palestine.

    Was it Socrates who said something like “ you can identify who rules over you because they can not be criticized.” ?

    Kim, Jason, Amazing Polly, James Corbett, The Last American Vagabond, Richy from Boston are a few online bloggers that are NOT AFRAID to discuss Liberty! God bless America!

  8. Oh on, umm you only answered half my question…why would you vote for Biden, Durbin and Underwood if you desire Liberty?

    If you don’t mind, thanks!

  9. Gary Christ, you are the man!

    Israel…… First! The only thing Biden and Trump agree on.

    The Fourth of July is when we hear poppycock about our rights and freedoms.

    These patriotic speeches no longer apply to white Americans .

    White Americans have been dispossessed of their rights, their self respect, and their country.

  10. GOP is destroying our democracy through gerrymandering and voter suppression.

  11. Voter suppression says oh on. Another individual brainwashed by Democrats and their handmaiden mostly left wing media.

    The only documented voter suppression was in Baltimore during the Obama/Biden regime and AG Holder refused to prosecute the thugs who were threatening voters approaching a polling place with bats.

    Regarding Biden – He is an empty vessel. A trojan horse and a dufus with dementia. If somehow he gets elected, he will be a puppet managed by his handlers and told what to say from a teleprompter.

  12. You would vote for Ventura over Biden?

    So what are your thoughts on the 9/11 attacks, Oh?

  13. Oh, are you really blaming the GOP for gerrymandering?


    Voting for Biden is the opposite of voting for liberty, and Durbin and Duckworth are equally Leftist pawns.

    How do open borders support liberty when the continuation of open borders means an insurmountable influx of people in the country who don’t support our laws or constitution, where the principle of liberty is enshrined with the expectation of our protection.

    Biden, Durbin and Duckworth all support policies that enlarge the government.

    An enlarged government is the opposite of liberty for anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the laughable notion that, as long as they’re on the Left, we can trust them to set the unprecedented example of people who are not corrupted by power.

    All three have already shown that old adage about power and corruption applies to them.

  14. The old saying “give me liberty or give me death”

    God Save America!

  15. Oh, as for ‘voter suppression,’ I’m not in favor of making it easier for people to vote.

    Voting is too important to be encouraged by people who don’t take it seriously, who don’t expressly support the process, and who don’t look beyond voting for the person who will give the greatest handout (from the taxpayers’ pockets).

    Voting should be inconvenient.

    It should require some kind of effort.

    With effort, voters will be inspired to make sure their votes count and are well cast.


    Of course.

    That’s why you’re all for passing out ballots to anyone, citizen or otherwise.

    Your party depends on the uniformed, selfishly motivated voters.

  16. I don’t understand this anti-Israeli sentiment expressed here.

    President Trump hasn’t put Israel first; he’s simply stood by the support we’ve long offered to the only true Democracy in the Middle East.

    It’s a matter of honor that America has steadfastly defended this tiny nation surrounded by others who fire rockets, attack, malign and threaten her with utter destruction leading to the death of all Israeli citizens.

    I’m proud of our support for Israel and applaud President Trump as the only American president to actually keep the electorally-annual promise to move our embassy to Jerusalem.

  17. HonestAbe1

    Thank you for sharing that.

    It’s every bit as insightful and prescient as you suggested:

    “Today, the answer is more clear and more frightening than ever before: Nothing in an open society means anything, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, if it submits to the tyranny to which Jefferson pledged hostility, because no thoughts or actions are truly protected if their very existence is cancelled at the outset by tyranny over the mind.”

    I do so pledge “eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”

    And I encourage others to join me here.

  18. Richard, please check out Kim Iversen’s latest videos of her trip to the West Bank and explain why you are proud to support the unquestionably most racist country in the world.

    Then check out The Last American Vagabond and his interview with another journalist who documented the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians.

    Check out Talmud vs. Christianity, the USS Liberty and the numerous links between 9/11 and Israel.

    The pro Israel propaganda in the US is deep and wide and needs to be exposed for who they really are.

    Epstein and Maxwell worked for Israeli Mossad to blackmail politicians, proud of what Richard?

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