Another State Senate Democrat Calls for Madigan’s Ouster, Crickets from McHenry County Dems

From WMAQ-T:

Heather Steans, a 12-year veteran of the state senate from Lake Forest [now Chicago], said the case against ComEd undermines the public trust, and therefore, she said, Madigan should resign his Speaker’s post.

In a statement she released, Steans said the admission earlier this month by ComEd paints “a sordid picture of bribery, influence peddling and insider-dealing at the highest levels.”

“I think there is a culture that needs to be changed [in Springfield] and that start’s with leadership,” Steans said

Still no McHenry County Democrats willing to take the same step.

McHenry County has prominent local Democrats:

This photo of Jack Franks with Barack Obama and Melissa Bean from State Representative Jack Franks’s web site.

McHenry County Board Chairman Jack Franks, who voted for Madigan to be House Speaker nine times.

Nancy Pelosi and Kristina Zahorik

Democratic Party Chair’s Association Chair Kristina Zahorik.

Suzanne Ness

McHenry County Board member Suzanne Ness, who is running for State Rep.

Michael Vijuk

McHenry County Board member Michael Vijuk.

Carlos Acosta

McHenry County Board member Carlos Acosta.

Kelli Wegener
Paula Yensen

McHenry County Board member Paula Yensen.

So far, the Northwest Herald does not think it newsworthy to ask these Democrats think Mike Madigan should resign as House Speaker and head of the Democratic Party.


Another State Senate Democrat Calls for Madigan’s Ouster, Crickets from McHenry County Dems — 11 Comments

  1. Little Ms. Kelli is the most repulsive of that rogues’ gallery.

    She actually makes Acosta and Vijuk look good, which is really saying something.

    If I were marooned on a deserted South Sea island with her, then the population of the isle would VERY QUICKLY be cut 50%.

    It would be self-defense Grade A.

  2. Silence is complicity.

    I’m sure the McHenry County DEMOCRATS
    have some “connections” to the Evil Leprechaun which they would rather not have exposed,
    even with the Leftist media in their corner.

  3. Heather Steans was born, in Lake Forest, IL.

    Her state senate district is based, on the north side of Chicago, not Lake Forest, IL. 🤔😂🤣😛

  4. Where do they get these assorted jackass and dip shits?

    Throw in Patty O’Kenneally and McHenry County government is just pathetic.

  5. Heather “No Careen” Steans isn’t playing games like these McHenry County chumps who all have delusions of grandeur.

    Not to praise Heather Steans too heavily, but any politician who calls out corruption in their own party deserves at least a little bit of respect for doing that.

    Society would benefit from more people who are willing to take a stand even when there is a political cost for them to do so.

    Thank you Heather. 🙂

  6. Until Madigan’s name is in an indictment he is not going anywhere and no one from this county has the balls to say anything otherwise.

    Jack won’t let them.

    maybe Madigan’s money flows through with Jack’s approval.

  7. More will crawl out of the woodwork eventually.

    Maybe not before the election but eventually the woke left will even come for Madigan.

    What better figure to represent the system in Illinois?

    Right now the liberals and leftists are playing nice because the have a common enemy with Trump.

    We will see more of this split when Biden names his vp and even more if he wins.

    All of this will trickle down to the state level politics at some point.

  8. It’s easy, for State Senator Heather Steans, to oppose Madigan-she doesn’t work with him! 😮

  9. Melissa Bean was last seen panhandling in Grayslake, July 4, 2020. I gave her an Eisenhower dollar coin, to which she scrunched up her gin blossomed nose.

    Didn’t even say thanks!

    A true Democrat for you!

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